RPGM - Completed - The Depravity of a Lewd Vampire [v1.00] [Gabunomi Tororokonbu]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a big fan of rpgm game but this one was fun, hot lewd scenes, combat system with a little twist to keep it fresh, suprisingly easy story and character to get into, an overall short but good times !
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Good as a game. Not overly long. No stupid as fuck grind needed to pad it out. Sex stuff is fairly decent. Story for hentai game is remarkably enjoyable. People react when clothes are torn and by far my favorite reaction is shota-kun's pee pee getting hard when he looks at her XD
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. It has a pretty basic, but quite well executed and interesting story.

    Doris is propably the best protagonist of eroge game I've seen. A strong female lead that isn't goody-two-shoes, but isn't asshole either. She manages to be both slutty and badass, with a pretty interesting backstory that's revealed during the game.

    There is a mystery aspect to it, where you have a lot of room for speculation and thought before the answer is revealed.

    Exploration is a mixed bag, where you most of the time just get useless items, but sometimes you get the pieces of the mystery I've mentioned. And when you find a new piece of that puzzle, it feels great.

    Combat is pretty basic, but it isn't frustrating, which is a plus. Overall gameplay has what I'd call a good kind of mediocrity. It isn't good, but it doesn't detract from the good stuff (story and porn).

    Sex scenes are pretty hot. I'm not much into femdom, but I still enjoyed them. Really love the art-style.

    Overall I'd say this is one of the best porn games I've played, mainly due to story and protagonist.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's really good but not perfect - makes a lot of things convenient without making the actual game too easy. It's both a good H game and RPG game imo.

    Combat is fine, most early game combat is solved by punching things, spells are more expensive and rely on consumables (mana potions). Spells are varied enough that you use a decent selection of them and the game is flexible with skill points (you can redistribute them as you please in the main town to experiment). Weaponisation was kind of bad in my experience though, the status weapons (bleed/burn) seemed pretty bad compared to straight attack damage/stun chance.

    H scenes are all female domination based (protagonist is a succubus-vampire) but some have varying levels of control. The H gallery is available immediately and no encounters are one time only and thus not missable (with exception of final boss but you'd have to try pretty hard to miss it) with nothing non-combat based being too convoluted to unlock either.

    Playtime for me was 8 hours but I took my time doing collectables and stuff (don't worry about it it's just consumables, game is pretty generous with money and equipment/items). No need to grind but there are places in town to spend gold to gain experience or increase magic power.

    I really enjoyed it
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a classical RPGM game. You go around, do turn based fights, pick up loot.
    Let’s go straight to the porn stuff. There is an ability that let you fuck whoever you are fighting. The fight end and the H scene starts. They illustrations overall good, and have a discrete number of variants to show the progression of the intercourse. There is quite the dialogue too.

    Personally I prefer game with sex that goes with the plot, but this game make immediately clear that you are going to fuck everything. Not a bad thing, if you are not interested in the development of relations, this game is kinda good.

    There is a general plot, and the fact that more details about it are discovered while exploring give that sense of progression. As I said thought, the sex part is mostly separated from the plot. You mostly fuck the random enemies of the map.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    so many good review ...
    I'm gonna make some people angry but this game is not so good ...

    if you hope for real vampire stuff , don't play it
    there is no blood , no bite , no draining a innocent victime until it's a dry corps ...

    same if you hope for some femdom like said in the tag , there is none
    this is not real femdom , it's slutty femdom , like " I force you to fuck me like a slut "

    this game is a perfect exemple of bad use of rpg maker
    too many map to explore only to find useless object , fucking labyrinth everywhere
    there is fairy who can show you the path in exchange for cookies , but you still have to find those fairy in the labyrinth

    I think the desert zone is the worst the fairy don't even indicate you the path to find vaila ( your main objective ) , only the one to find the exit of the zone
    and this area is the one with the most annoying labyrinth I've seen

    the H scene are .. meh ... the art is good , but the rest is a little boring , it's pretty vanilla sex and only focusing on the girl , never on the male character

    the dialogue are not very well made , there is not one text box per character , every character speak in the same text box so sometime it's difficult to know who is talking

    as for the story it's basic but good enough

    so if you want a basic sex game with good art and not so annoying gameplay mechanic , go for it , but is you hate labyrinth rpg maker map and you want REAL vampire or femdom stuff , this is not a good game for you
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This excellent game.
    System battle not hard to learn.
    Story very easy to understand even for someone bad english.
    H-CG so beuty.

    bad is this game is: no animation,no hard mode and no voice

    but even that i will give it 5 star 0w0
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is just incredible. from art to the way the story develops (if you know what I mean). I could never find a game like this, with a female protagonist who wants to create her harem to be more ... healthy.
    sorry for my english, i am not fluent
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    X Death

    I love this game, i always hate a female mc with pure heart and i play to broke her, but this... this is amazing, she's the one who create harem herself. experienced, defeated by enemy means defeat, not get raped and bing boobs. even without voice this game still good. i hope i can find game like this.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Whoah what a good game. The gameplay is very addictive, no boring quest and MC is very lewd and cool. Really love how the gameplay is very consistent with MC personality. Love how the interaction between her and her friend. Art CG also very good and lewd

    overall 10/10

    Sadly the game is too short and created on RPGM VX.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Total playtime ~ 6hrs.

    TBH this game gets everything right!

    Even though it's mainly focused on battle it didn't felt grindy not for a single second.

    Let's start with the main concept :
    Combat: The charm mechanic is implemented flawlessly IMO both as way to give you the lewds and also to make some maps easier to deal with especially in the begining.The three armors and some skills ( particularly frog swamp or whatever it's called) are broken AF but even tho they are OP the boss battles are still fun.
    MAPS: Finally a game with neither extremely cancerous maps that have you wonder around for hours just to find a hidden passage in a whatever location, nor braindead maps like just walk straight for 10 block. The more complicated maps have faeries that help you out.(thank you faeries you can have all the walnut cookies in the world.)
    DORIS: The main Protagonist.(She feels more like a succubus rather than a vampire).Feels good to finally have a different archetype for the female protagonist all those dumb as a brick,super naive female protagonist kinda get boring after a while.
    ART It's definitely on the great side for me, but it's also a matter of personal preference it feels kinda oldish but not like 90s old

    Overall it's a fun game and if the description made u interested in the game give it a go you won't be disappointed because it's one of those rare gem of a game you stumble upon once in a while.

    Have Fun!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game! I thoroughly enjoyed this one! The artwork and visuals were really good, but the kicker for this game was the reverse rape mechanic. After playing so many games where the sexual content is locked behind losing playing a game where you can seduce your way to victory is incredibly refreshing. Furthermore, there's no rape on loss, so sex initiates exclusively when you think it should. Part of what sells the sex is how into it Doris (The main character) is. She gets excited for any opportunity for sex that comes her way, and there a devious sweetness in the fact that many of the enemies you seduce think they're taking advantage of Doris, when in reality, Doris is sucking them dry.

    Some people complain about some of the fetishes that appear in this game and I'll admit not everything in this game was to my liking, but also none of the scenes were so bad that they turned me off from the game entirely, so I'll just go ahead and make a list of the scenes you might want to avoid:
    • Swamp Ogres (the blue ones) [Watersports] The watersports only occurs when you seduce them by themselves, not when they're with the green hair elf chick.
    • Chimera [Watersports]
    • Giant (The two-headed one)[Light urination]
    • Paladin & Priest [Nonconsensual (more so than usual)]
    • The King of Darkness [Urination]
    • Drunkards [Sleep molestation/rape] This isn't a combat scene, it occurs when Doris loses the drinking competition with the drunks in the bar. This will only happen if you have blessed wine in your inventory.

    The storyline is nice and has a fair bit of intrigue as to the past of the main character, as well as the fate of a magical Maguffin chalice that all the major parties in the game are searching for. The reward for discovering everything is finding the chalice for yourself. A nice thing is that the game is constructed in such a way that you can revisit anything you miss throughout the game fairly easily, so you don't have to worry about missing content. However, the game doesn't give much indication of what you need to do to find the chalice, meaning that finding this item requires a lot of shots in the dark. Personally once I found it I found it's effects underwhelming, so I didn't really think it was worth all the trouble it took to find.

    There's multiple endings for this game, but once again there's no indication of what affects the endings, so what difference your choices make is a mystery. This doesn't diminish the quality of the game though, as the fun is in the journey not the conclusion.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has one of the most alive worlds i saw in a rpgm, and i've played a lot, not to mention, the game has lots of RPG classic stuf with the skills , and H skill progression, very fun to play , excellent game!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great and i'm in love with it.

    Gameplay: Unlike regular JRPG games, where you have to lose to see the scene, This game has a Charm mechanic instead. It allows you to suck enemy's life and gain HP in return (like a true vampire) and then seeing the scene. So it's a win-win condition and time saving because you can kill them in one hit by using Charm. About the game, it's a "walking and solving puzzle" (like every games), so i have nothing to say. Enemies are medium, not too hard or too easy to kill, just need a little grind and you will be fine. If you got lost, find fairies, they will guide you out.

    Map: Every maps are unique and well designed. Although some of them are like a maze, but at least they aren't copied and pasted like other games. Some maps even have short cut mechanic. Like wow, they actually put their effort into this.

    CG: Most of them are reverse rape (MC rape other... ). They aren't animated but that's fine and The MC is hot. It's new and way better than typical MRPG where a cute MC get raped. Although i wish there were more because aren't many scenes. I wish there could be some punish scenes for MC because i feel like she was... so perfect. But it's fine, everyone got their own fetish and i love this game. Plus point, it has a skip option for you and also warn you when enemy has similar CG.

    About the multiple endings?????? I still don't know how to get other ending because everything were so connected and the game didn't give any clues. Well also i'm too lazy to play NG+, One time is enough but i still recommend you to try it.

    Finally, This game is a shining star, it's enjoyable, addicting and unique. Looking for something during quarantine ? Try this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great scenes, nice gameplay, great mc.
    Lots of bukkake, fem dom and drying up people after they have given all their 'life essence'.
    Lovely thing, great game that has popped up to liven up the quarantine.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing Version: [v1.00]

    I have to say, this is one of the best TRUE hentai RPG maker games that are indeed a RPG game ( I know, very specific, but if you are for a while, you probably know why of that) on this site, it has everything a generic RPG should have and it tries to do it's on thing, even if a minimum way.

    I love the MC and the thematic of this game, reverse rape is for sure one of the best things for a hentai in general, why you ask? Cause by default, many reverse rape games makes you have to win the battles for the hentai scenes, instead of losing for it, and we khow very well that many times you will just lose on purpose to get hentai...with completely destroys the purporse of getting stronger in many situations. i'm really glad that this game do this the way they should be.

    The only bad things i have to share about this game is:

    - Not many hentai scenes (however the variety of them are good enough). Also none the scenes are animeted, that's a shame, it would compensate more for the low quantity of them.

    -The game is a walk in the park for the most time, i literally did a "no sleep challenge" on my very first playthrough.

    - The game is short if you just go straight to the main objetive, there are side stuff to do, but it's not something that really will make a difference for you in the game.

    About multiple endings: I dunno if they are true, but for the impression of the one i got, it's not worth playing the entire game again just to see the other endings, also the game doesn't tell you at any moment if it have multiple endings.

    Final Rating: I will still give this game a 5 stars, a break from the mindless raping stupid cows deserves some praise.
    Likes: Daioh
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is ON. POINT. Nice break from the usual corruption and rape repetitive game. Instead this game chooses to be the female protagonist reverse rape style (really more towards charming / hypno) approach to combat CGs.

    P.S. Mary is hot fire.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A real gem!

    The writing is charming, the pacing is smooth (in and out of combat), the world is carefully crafted, and there are things to do besides the main storyline. Nothing feels unfinished or half-assed about this game! The art is clean and well-made, if a little mainstream, and the base assets have been used skilfully - no pointlessly huge copypaste maps populated by random clutter only. There are plenty of lovely details and touches everywhere, even and especially the UI, where most games just opt for the basic RPGM fare. The different armours are a very nice touch.

    My only complaint is the lack of free movement (cardinal directions only). This makes navigation a little wonky, but it could be a style choice. Some options were also missing (Autodash is forced On, Recall is contextual?). Other than that, this is a shining example of RPG Maker games at their best!