Collection - VN - Others - Completed - The Ditzy Demons Are in Love With Me [Final + Fandisc] [Smile]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Let's get on point:

    [ Story ]

    It has no real plot, rather than random situations in which characters could show themself in some ways. Humour was on point though.

    [ Characters ]

    As this game's name stands, there are demons with somewhat broken quirks, or just ditzy demons. No sign of a healthy relationships indeed (why should I expect). Main hero is dumb and submissive, not a typical hentai MC, but anime harem one instead. "Typical japanese schoolboy". This VN has no NTR, but I managed to get similar depressive feeling while playing this, which is why I hate such MCs. It's not that about blueballing even, but about general atmosphere. Back to the girls, they are kinda diverse but mostly I haven't really felt this way. Idk.

    [ Graphics ]

    Gerenally speaking, art is good, but not excellent nor animated. This is your AVERAGE hentai visual novel.

    [ Gameplay ]

    You won't have choices, don't worry =) which sucks. Just in the middle of the game you'll be presented with ultimate decision of to which girl you would pick. And yeah, cum inside or oustide is not considered a choice by me, but sometimes there it is in the game, sometimes it's not. I just should have mentioned. Or not.

    [ Sound ]

    Voice acting is great. BGM sucks as usual. Nothing surprisingly new.

    [ Overall ]

    3/5 I would not recommend personally, but if you are reading this, better see for yourself. For me it was a waste of time, but in fact it should be decent.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    First of I´d like to say that i played a lot of these types of games. Especially Incest themed H games like Hara Kano, Imouto Paradise etc ... I`ve spent a lot time on finding out which points in these kind of games are bothering me and which I truely enjoy. But more later...

    The Ditzy Demons is like every other classic Harem H Game where you can choose your fiancee among some truely beautiful girls. After a looong intro .. you finally understand the true nature of these girls ... aaaand who saw it coming fuck them.

    which brings me to the first and basically only negative point... the intro. It feels very long with basically no interaction. Just straight up VN ... BUT and now comes the big but... when looking at other similar HGames, i would say it just has a middle long intro, there are by far longer intros. So I can take this flaw because seconds later I get compensation through the beatiful art.

    Which brings me to my Reasons for a 5 Star rating . First of the Art ist straight up great to look at and for every H Game fan like me a treat for the eyes. Same goes for the H-Scenes, truely a nice piece of artwork.
    But the biggest credits goes to the Translators of Sekai Project which made this game great as it is. The girls and the texts are ecchi and kind of repeative like in other H Games .. but it doesn`t gets boring, the translators gave these characters a soul and didnt wrote generic like texts to fill up playtime.

    All these things together bring me to a 5 star conclussion. A very pleasant game to play and with some hours of fun in it. Sure it IS an H GAME, you have to like these types of games. But when you like them... you should definitely not miss The Ditzy Demons out.