VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Engagement [v2.5.1] [Captain Kitty]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    not a fan or ntr but that is not the reason for the poor review the characters them self's are the reason the mc's gf is crazy i did the meeting with the other girl cause shes so cowardly her first meeting would have her raped and then your gf considers outright cheating on you now i can look past the ntr but what is that mindset both of them basically need the mc to be with them all the time one is crazy the other weak willed or something then the other guys and so on its just a headache to play might upgrade the review later if they polish the game later
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I dunno why it is getting low stars. I personally like the game. Maybe people just hate NTR. Anyhow, the renders are beautiful, the story isn't perfect but it is what it is and I think it succeeds in doing what it aims for. The story is kinda wonky but then again, it is a porn game, so don't put your expectations that high.

    Out of the two main routes, i.e, love route, and Ntr route, I feel like NTR route gets more attention due to it having better quality content IMO.

    Regardless, don't let the low stars fool you, If you like NTR games, this has potential. It is not perfect but it's good enough for now. The love route needs more attention though.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Based on chapter 2 v1.20
    The CG on this game is good, I quite like the look of some of the characters. I have a problem with the story, Emily is nice and takes things slow on the good route, yet fucks 2 guys at the same time if you are playing the NTR route. This doesn't make sense. I get the feeling that if you are playing the NTR route you are going to end up with a BBC harem of all the girls. This is just lazy story telling and is taking a hint from American porn which is cuckolding not true NTR. Emily is actually raped twice and enjoys it which is stupid story telling. All the better scenes are also on the NTR route which if you are trying to gain patrons for your project is actually excluding a vast majority of your audience.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, it is a good game, gives player multiple choices. And all the trigger is very diligently, (I am a IT devloper , I think I can say that). The render is good, the story is nice , and more imoportant, it has potential to be a great game. We should give more supportive than negative.

    Then for all the haters(who gives low rate), some game focus on gaming skill, some game focuse on entertainment and relax. Just like someone like Alpha , someone like Beta. So if you don't like this game, just don't play. No one force you.

    Finally, it's kind of chasing TV series. Following a game process, and see how it biuld up, one day finished. This is the best part. Just encourage game devs, not just this game, but all of them.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Review based on Ch. 2 v1.2.0

    I love NTR as long as it is done with the right build up and belivable scenarios, however none of those can be attributed to this game. Everything just moves to quickly and is just too unbelivable, like if the girls at least tried to fight against it, if just a little bit then the scenarios might become a bit more belivable, or if they built it up some more. I get it somebody just want to skip over the story and get right to the fucking, but it totally destroys this game. Also to note so is the updates small in actual content so I would recommend waiting at least 2 updates for each time.

    But I will give them this, the character models and overall cgi work is quite nice and the sex scenes are hot, so if only for checking out the sex content (not that much so far) then I would recommend to give it a try.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't like NTR, but I did try to play both routes to see what's up with them.. My girlfriend really forgot to wear panties to her date? Maybe she forgot how to tie her shoes? Oh, who am I kidding, she's wearing stilettos.
    The point here is that it is beyond stupid, ridiculous and lacking of logic on behalf of our girlfriend. It is clearly a forced scenario so that we can get the NTR ball rolling.

    Something in his voice? You can't reject him? (Suzie) Weak character is weak to everything and everyone. She is a genuine sexual harassment victim in this game, yet she is too weak to function in any human capacity. A character forced to be weak so that she can engage in NTR with either the MC or the competition.

    The two main heroines are just straight up terrible with nothing good going for them. One is a spoiled princess that is already ready to cheat on the MC, for no other reason than her own insecurity. The dev has stated that she is paranoid and that this will be explored further, I'm not holding my breath that this character will amount to anything worthwhile, however.

    Somehow, having a shower before sex is wrong... Yet if we want to have sex before the shower, she wants to shower before sex... Honestly? Just dump this girl. Let Alex have her, go with Suzie.. Or anyone else.
    One of the decisions you have to make in the game is to either have sex before you shower or after. Normally I wouldn't care, but if the MC feels he needs to freshen up, he probably does. So I choose to shower. The incredibly annoying girlfriend decides that if I want to look presentable as we're going to have sex, the shower was clearly more important than her. So she leaves. I reload and choose the other option.
    Now she wants to Fing shower... Jesus. Alright, cool, do that. 45 minutes later or something, the MC wonders where terrible has gone to. He finds her on his bed, she's been done for 15 minutes and complains (jokingly, which in this case with this character just makes me want to throw her out even more) that "keeping a lady waiting for even 1 minute is wrong". Sure. Whatever you say.

    The conflict with George seems incredibly forced. Just for plot reasons to give him an angle with Emily and Suzie to humiliate/force conflict with the MC.

    The conversation between George and Alex seems off. It seems that since George can't explain why he knows, he just throws some garbage line out there. This isn't Varys or Littlefinger with a network of spies. This is poor writing of a forced conflict and a guy who just happens to know because the plot demands that he knows.

    Also cutting to the MC every single transition lying on his bed is incredibly jarring.

    The renders are quite nice though. That's about the only good thing I found in this game.

    I'd continue but I just don't think that the writing warrants any more than this.. Looking from some of the images it seems that Alex will get cucked by more than the MC, even on the NTR paths.

    The game is incredibly shallow in writing, it's heading on the path to generic town. One way ticket. Usually at least one of the two camps would walk away feeling somewhat satisfied. While it is early days I somehow doubt that this game will leave many people satisfied with how it turned out.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Lol, what the hell is this? The renders are quite nice, but the "story" jumps from one nonsensical scene to the next, with next to no context. On top of that, the characters are all poorly written, bland and lacking of a single likable bone in their bodies. But it's still early, so maybe the devs can turn this ship around (and get someone who actually knows how to write). I'll update this review when the next version is released. I truly hope it improves.
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 327695

    I tried to ignore everything that was written in this thread.

    But I didn't expect this.

    This is going to be a loooong review and I'll be as objective as possible.

    Contains Spoiler.

    1. Characters
    - Emily
    - Suzie
    - MC
    2. Scenes & Build up
    3. Render quality


    Emily... EMILY!.
    Alex: "I still have feelings for you". A few scenes later: Emily: "Why did Alex try to kiss me?" Hmm, yea I have no idea why.

    You tell Emily that you're going to have dinner with Suzie due to an contract.
    Emily: "He doesn't care about me."

    If you choose to take a shower when you're home with Emily. She is like: "I see that a shower is more important than me.", " ~ Have a good night with your shower." :oops:

    But If you don't take a shower, she's going to take one and that is totally okay. Smh

    You know.. NTR only works if you like a person.

    Suzie is Emily in asian.
    Suzie: "I feel so lonely, no one cares about me."

    Cliche over 9000. "Why am I like this", "What am I doing".. I get it.. I mean he touched your shoulder, Suzie.. who wouldn't go nympho when someone touches your shoulder.

    If you don't "Check" on Suzie, she will confront you in the lobby with the words "Where were you when I needed help" - Well, how about you tell me that you needed help?

    Everytime a sexual predator does something to Suzie, she thinks: "What is he doing" - "Why didn't MC do anything, I'm so scared!" *sigh*

    The MC is the typical desperate cuck MC that we all know and want to waterboard.

    Oh, I have to share a room with my co-worker. Why? I don't know because there was no believable build up at all.
    Oh my girl Emily calls.. What's the best I can do?
    Better lie about it and say you're alone without any fucking reason. :whistle:

    Desperate MC: "What a big butt and a pair of huge tits" - "I really want to touch that butt once." Then he asks himself if it is okay for him to look at her ass. If you choose "yes" - Hell yeah, I'm pretty sure she loves to be looked by men"
    Uh, I thought you, the MC had a problem with looking at her.

    He's always talking about how girls smell.. Well, if that's your thing. Who am I to judge.

    Scenes & build up:

    There is just no build up at all.

    One moment they're in the bar - then they're at home.

    Suzie runs to the toilet and a creep follows her. Next scene they're in the hotel room.

    The worst of all was at Woodys party.
    They're playing a game.. suddenly Suzie is in another room with a laptop and is wearing a completely different outfit.
    And then she's back at the party.

    At the end of the party if his plan fails.. Woody says: "Shit the plan failed." annnd it skips to another day.

    When the MC dreams about the "Black Emily", he wakes up and still stands in the middle of the room, where he appeared after he got into the house.

    It's not hard to make a single render where he is on the bed.

    There is no end and no beginning. There are just random scenes with no context.

    There are just so many errors.. Everywhere.. From stuff like:
    "The garage still hasn't fixed my car".. but uh.. didn't you just follow Woody & Suzie with a car (Because they were driving in a car and I don't belive the MC followed the car by foot.)

    "The girl looks exactly like Emily" - Except her skin is darker and her boobs are smaller. I think the word you need is "similar".

    When Suzies gets asked about music. She says some chinese stuff.
    Emily: "What's that?"
    Suzie "It's a Chinese song."
    Woody: "Why don't we ask about East Asia? - "So Suzies doesn't feel left out."
    But didn't Emily just ask her about it?

    Jim bries says "The deal is over"
    Suzie: "We won't bother you."
    Suzie "Tonight [...} to discuss the last details of the contract so you can decide to work for us."
    I thought the deal was over and she didn't want to bother him.

    It would be simpler to just list the entire script-text here.

    Render Quality:

    I have seen worse but almost every render needs to be longer in the oven and come on.. you're using the same render (expression) for dozens of lines. If you do, make sure it looks good. Sometimes you even see one render for the entire time he's talking to someone else (who you won't see) and it's the same smiling expression everytime.

    And it won't help if you throw a bucket of Blur/Noise reduction over it. It looks weird.

    Also he didn't use any enviroment maps. Windows were black. There was no outside. He just put some Radial Gradients on the windows to simulate light. I get it.. but why use Blue and Yellow light together? Blue is for Night.. But why the yellow one?

    And I don't want anymore.

    Unsympathic and extremely stupid characters & an incoherent story.
    Same render used for dozens of lines.
    The only pro is that I haven't seen any of these (female) character models before.

    I don't judge his gramma or his typos, because I'm not native speaker myself.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit 10/2/19 - It's the future and this game is a total failure. Yes - it has gotten worse then when I reviewed it before.

    I wish I could give it a 0 rating. Don't wast your time. The dev spends more time ranting at others in the forums then he does working on the game. No matter how many times he tries to change the plot or defend his poor design decisions a turd of a game is still a turd of a game.

    This has to be the most passionless game I've ever played. Too bad as the plot is fairly unique, the girls are very hot and the renders are adequate. Plus it features some NTR, which is scarce.

    The plot is actually pretty good - but the story writing itself is awful.

    I know the dev is not a native English speaker - but holy cow, this is like reading an instruction manual on how to put together a lawn mower.

    The spelling and grammer (what there is of it) is technically correct for the most part ...however...

    ...English is a very poetic, beautiful and expressive language - I don't expect The Bard when I play a porn game but please, I do expect some adjectives, adverbs and a bit of passion.

    The stilted, technical style of the writing actually makes the pretty models and visual scenes absolutely emotionless. I could have spent a few hours watching paint dry and gotten a more erotic experience.

    I hope the dev understands this part and finds someone who knows how to write to redo this mess. His work otherwise is pretty good. It would be worth it to hire a professional writer as it could be a very hot gaming experience - no need to reprogram or make new renders - just rewrite the text and add some eroticism to it.

    I will revisit in the future and hope that things get better, if they do I'll up my star count.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I like a good NTR game as much as the next guy.

    This is NOT a good NTR game. Chapter 1 was fine, but ever since they turned into Chapter 2 things just got way worse.

    The biggest flaws are the fact that the story makes very little sense, and in order to get the NTR scenes you need to pick very specific choices to see it. It's really not fun, and the scenario is nonsense.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Render technical quality - 5/5 .. He knows how to render well on a technical level.

    Sexual content 0/5 - nothing in this game is a visual turn on. it's strange, the render quality is good, but there's no buildup, no story, no climax, nothing. It's interseting because I've never played such a lifeless, soulless virtual novel before. The game is as dull and empty like emilies and suzie's wooden expressions, they have no expressions actually.

    Character expressions - 0/5 - There are barely any facial expressions, this hurts the scenes immensely. It's all just wooden manakin faces that cross into uncanny valley territory. He's got to add facial expressions.

    Characters 0/5 - characters have no development, so you have no attachment to any of them. their lifeless facial expressions make them feel like wooden manakins.

    Is the male protagonist there or isn't he? You play as the main protagonist, but most of the time you're seeing what these people do without even being there. It just doesn't work.

    story 0/5 - the story is non-existent. It's basically "hey want to hang out or stay home?" ... If you go out the characters have wooden conversations about generic stuff that isn't erotic.

    I did everything I could to ignore the women so it could lead to NTR, but the NTR never happened. Chances are ignoring the women may have inadvertently caused me to be alpha, if so then the make of the game seems to know about how to get women in real life, lol! It's rare to play a game that actually implements real life pickup concepts, so that caught me off guard.

    Anyways, this game is terrible, i've never played a game so lifeless and devoid of any feelings or sexual content.

    You should try the game and you'll probably see what I mean. It's an interesting experience. Pay attention to how lifeless the characters are, it's like they're all dead inside.

    I like ntr and cuck content and I couldn't find any of the sex scenes in the game. I neglected the women completely, but that may have been why i didn't trigger any ntr, but see that's odd because my character didn't even sex any of them either. The writing is just bad, real bad.

    i'm pretty fair so i'll try the agme again one of these days and update the review. i try to be real fair, but man this game is just terrible.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The reason i don´t like this game is because i don´t understand some things in the script.
    1. I didn´t found a way to avoid NTR of both the girlfriend and Suzie or a way to get NTR with both of them. Since they seem very different plot i don´t get why these two are conected in the walktrought and not in the main plot.
    Why if you let someone take advantage of Suzie your gf will stay faithfull but if you protect Suzie the gf will fuck your friend. -__-
    2. Your girlfriend doesn´t seem to love you so much. When she suspect something wrong in your relatinship she goes to fuck with another guy. And your friend girlfriend is a lot slutty too. If you help her to avoid situations where another man is trying to take advantage of her she lets you grope her and make out with her. I don´t think these things are enough to make things so fast with these two girls.
    3. I don´t get what´s the point on the mission we have on the chapter 1. If we protect Suzie we will fail and we will be fired and if we let the client grope Suzie we get the contract but we will be fired anyways. If Suzie had told this to your friend i´d understood why you are fired but she kepts the secret.

    So i think dev are putting interesting situations in the game but the lacking of sense on the script makes it feel nonsense.

    It´s like:
    why is this two characters having sex?
    - It´s a porn game don´t ask why.
    Why this man is groping that girl?
    -It´s a porn game don´t ask why.
    Why my girlfriend is cheating on me or my friend´s girlfriend on him?
    - It´s a porn game don´t ask why.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    if you're looking for a game with a story and some choices that affect the mc's future this is not one of those. choices do not mather in this game cause it's soul purpose is to please those who love ntr. nothing against them but it would be better if the choices were removed turned into a kinetic novel and be done with it. story is absurd and the way the women act is like nothing you've ever seen,even a sci-fi would be more beliveble then this game : you take a shower and for that your fiancee thinks you're neglecting her so guess what : she decides to cheat on you...i think i said enough with that
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This game's story doesn't feel right. It's just tendencious. I don't have issues with NTR or cuckold themes in VNs but here everything seems to go towards cheating no matter what choises you make. In overall you don't get the feel of having influence on events and that is something I don't like.
    The visual side of the game is good, models are detailed and I didn't notice any obvious clones.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    randos belgados

    [update: last ver]
    TLDR: theyre not fucking girls, but androids. (robot without expression)

    the good:
    Asian (Chinese)

    the neutral:
    NTR / cuckload. not my cup of tea.

    the bad:
    No story in it. Just some scenes leads to cheating / NTR one after another. If this game are fan service for NTR lover, at least make a real story about it. not expecting a good story, but at least there's story although it's boring / cliché.

    seems like dev never watching porn, he doesnt even know how to create a nice angel and expression. he wasted those beautiful renders. smh
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @Ch. 2 v1.0.5]

    Art's nice, models are appealing.

    Writing needs work. Fluency is alright, but the narrative pacing is halting and weird and the NTR progression is hosed. I personally feel that the POV flopping around giving glimpses of the girls' inner monologues diminishes the already weak tension.

    None of the porn content outright squicked me, but bits of it were outright dull.

    TLDR: not hopeless but does need work.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of NTR the Netorare type so if I can't avoid it I'm not playing the game the developer doesn't say it's avoidable but the description does give the impression that it is though after playing chapter 1 and 2 I get the impression that you are going get it either way I was able to avoid it all in both chapters but the story kept on implying that NTR was taking place or is going to take place.

    More than half the content is in NTR I look at the image files to find out because I can't bring myself to play that path so if that's one of your fetishes you may like this game a lot more than me due to their being a lot more content for you.

    The renders are good, the storyline is ok at best and the dialogue is broken at some parts in the game has you reading the same sentence multiple times to try and figure out what is actually being said.
  18. 1.00 star(s)



    1- NTR lovers rejoice...i guess.


    1- Dev makes a false advertisement on the overview of the game. He claims that the MC can have both girls at once depending on your choices, but the beginning of chapter 2 clearly contradicts that statement.
    If the MC chooses Suzie, Emily gets pushed to Alex even more..., If you choose Emily in the 1st Chapter and try to course correct in the 2nd Chapter chosing Suzie...later on she goes out with another dude.

    2-Story is weak, and makes absolute no sense. While Hypergamy is certainly a real and very documented fact in female psyche, it does NOT work in the way described here. There are other games that better reflect this aspect of female mind.

    3- Renders are average Daz Models, and if you play a lot of indie adult titles, you'll notice a fair bit of re-used models here.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    -i love ntr games
    - it has beauty asian characters.
    it is hard to get immersed into the story, well it is still in early development though
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The dev really tries his best and made a good start so far. It's enjoyable and brings a bit of "fresh wind" in this genre. Ok, this game is in a very early state of development, but the plot is quite realistic and the characters are really well done. I like it and that's why I give a full house of stars here.