VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Engagement [v2.5.1] [Captain Kitty]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    NTR Games are not known for good stories but this one takes the cake with not one realistic character in the whole lot.

    If you make a game with human characters you should at least have had a human interaction outside of NTR hentai.

    Right this makes absolutely no sense.

    The characters are stock and crop-up in quite a few recent "games".

    Nothing to see here.
  2. 1.00 star(s)



    -Nice Renders/Models (For the women)
    -Acceptable Animations - Some are pretty spotty though.


    -Terrible Dialogue - I assume it's a translation issue but man getting someone that actually speaks english to help with dialogue can't be that hard.
    -Terrible Characters - Everyone is a trope happy caricature of how a real person behaves
    -Choices Don't Matter - I understand it's an early version but what's the point of interrupts at multiple opportunities if they all lead to the same thing "Get out!". One of my biggest pet peeves in some games is they give this illusion of choice but always lead to the same thing.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't know where to begin, it's weird but not good weird.

    Regardless of choices you will end up sharing a room with another girl who happens to speak while you are on the phone with your girlfriend. Rather than explain what's going on the guy blatantly lies while acting suspicious as all hell so she instantly assumes something is going on.

    Remember, i've done everything to avoid the other girl at this point so nothing at all should have been going on.

    Meanwhile the girl you are on the business trip with was born an invertebrate, no spine whatsoever. First she gets groped by some guy she's supposed to be talking business with all the while internal monologue says the MC should be helping her, more on this in a minute, secondly she goes to a bar alone (I agreed to stay in to speak to my girlfriend) and she gets hit on while drooling over how strong, forceful and masculine he is. We then go to dinner with aforementioned gropy guy who again proceeds to blatantly grope away while she once again wonders why MC isn't helping her. Then we go for drinks with gropy guy who happens to use a date rape drug .... what in the flying fist fuck am I reading?

    That woman is by far the worst character i've ever seen in any form of media. Weak, feeble and pathetic. I tried to keep my mouth shut so I don;t get labeled an SJW but for fucks sake she is the living embodiment of every single trope about women from the perspective of someone who's never met one. I hate SJW's so it pisses me off to no end when I see something that makes me sound like one of them.

    Despite doing everything I possibly could to avoid that pathetic spineless wonder I end up in the situation where my girlfriend thinks i'm cheating on her because the MC is lying little shit ball and not a very good one.

    So, what do I take away from what i've seen so far?

    One girl is fucking terrible, the MC is a prick all the other guys here are potential rapists and nobody is any good at their job.

    I gave it 2 because the renders are half decent.

    I hate shitting on peoples work but they already took a shit on my mood so fairs fair.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Kevin Ash

    This game has a great story. Although i am a big fan of NTR, I enjoy the fact that it is avoidable and not being forced on to you, like in other games. Game feels a little short but it drawn me in for the next chapter :)