VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Entrepreneur [Complete Edition] [MisterMaya]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The models are really good. The plot is compelling enough to justify building relationships with the characters. It's not very long, but honestly I prefer that to a game where the dev seems to kinda run out of ideas but still has so many storylines to wrap up. Sex scenes are pretty brief and sparse and don't have any sound, which is a bit of a negative for me, but it's hard to complain with how good the models look. And of course, when the dev's favorite girl is also my favorite girl it makes the game more fun.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good VN game with a decent story, and pretty good graphics.
    1) Graphics was pretty standard (Leaning on the better tiers) for a 2021 VN game that was took around 2 years to finish. Rendering is pretty good, and all the scenes are animated, unlike some other VN scenes made with stop motion.
    2)Here is where the con comes in, the story. The story is decent and good, but it doesn't exactly hook you into the story completely. As the story progresses, I feel like the choices you make in the game with each character doesn't even matter, because there isn't really an ending. It felt really unfinished and unpolished near the end, you don't even know who you end up with, or even choose to end up with. So pursuing which option will increase love points with whatever character you want to pursue with is useless.
    Even so, this is a game I would recommend to try out and see for yourself.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    + Excellent renders
    + Awesome animations
    + Great background music
    + Recognizable characters of the girls, they are all loveable without a doubt
    + I laughed many times (eg. many references to the prejudices of France/USA etc., haha)

    = The story starts as a top but unfortunately its quality gradually drops

    - A typo here and there, an unreflected choice, uncorrelated text. Nothing major, but a pity.
    - Lack of differentiation between the paths of each LI.
    - The full conclusion would have deserved more elaboration, perhaps the whole 4th episode felt unnecessarily rushed.

    Overall though, an awesome piece of work, anyone who enjoys romance and a deeper relationship with the individual characters should enjoy this AVN.
  4. 4.00 star(s)



    The Entrepreneur, to me, feels like the alternate version of Bare Witness. Both have short chapters, but while BW has more refined relationship progresses and more sex scenes, this game is the opposite.

    To be honest, I like TE's story more than BW's. It's more realistic and less goofy (I'm talking about the whole mafia ordeal thingy). In BW, you're under WITSEC, but the Marshal Service that provides protection for you and your dad is really incompetent, not realistic. But in TE, your fight against Michael (the main antagonist) is almost even. Just two desperate entrepreneurs trying to survive in the business by any means, hence the title of this game.

    "If you like the story that much, why did you give this game four stars instead of five?"

    Well, here's the thing. TE's relationship progresses are a mess. Not a complete mess but it's still a mess anyway. Let's just say you're on the manwhore path trying to have sex and relationship with everyone, if you manage to complete it until the end, there will be no repercussion. I tried it before in the last minutes just to test it and I was right, the ending you'll get is actually based on points you got with each women. If one of the LIs has more points than others, you'll get the ending with that particular woman (gotta thanks Brandy for this one because they made the mod). So even if you said "I love you" and fucked Valentine, Alexa, and Lucy, you won't have any repercussion from two of them and whoever gets more point, she will be the girlfriend/wife of the MC in the end. Luckily I'm not into harem, but still... that should become an important consideration for your next game.

    The endings are also... a little bit dry, I guess? I don't know how to describe them properly, but I wish they were longer and more detailed.

    I got another question. When you made this game, were you trying to make it as a heavily story-oriented game with sex in it or a game with lots of sex and decent story? because truth to be told, I don't see either of them. Sure this game's story is decent, but is it engaging? to be honest, not really. There are many AVNs out there that have a few of sex scenes too, but their story and their branching is really insane and interesting compared to TE, way above its league. The Entrepreneur also doesn't have enough sex scenes, which is very disappointing. Laura, one of the LIs is the heaviest victim here because she only has one scene for the entire four episodes.

    tl;dr four stars because this is your first short project and thanks for making the girls beautiful. But sadly a star is also gone because the true purpose of this game is relatively ambiguous. I wanted to give it three stars but I didn't want to be evil so four stars indeed.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this AVN to be very complete, with excellent renders, significant branching choices, and a compelling story that kept me engaged. The characters were well-developed, each girl having a unique role and personal struggle. The game was relatively short, taking me about ten hours to finish, but it was time well spent. The lewd scenes were well-executed, not overwhelming, and added to the narrative without detracting from it. Despite some minor flaws, such as a focus on the criminal boss and a few weak endings, the overall experience was highly enjoyable and one of the best-finished AVNs I've encountered. I highly recommend it, especially for its beautiful renders, meaningful story, and spectacular animations.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very complete in comparison with the majority of AVN's, for me it has everything, the renders are very good, every girl has a important spot in the story with good enough branching between them to make the choices matter, the story is fairly unpredictable which makes it fun to read, and you can tell very well the difference in personality of each girl and the personal struggles of each one, the game is not huge in content (took me like 10 hours to finish) , but for me it definitely was worth the time spent playing it, it's one of the best finished AVN's out there.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    You will smile, laugh, cry, shout for joy, and probably cry some more. Very rarely do I go through a story without break, but this is one of them. Renders are beautiful. Story is meaningful. Animations are spectacular. Support this creator if you can....he's one that definitely puts out quality content!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and sweet with a compelling plot and even more compelling LIs that look great. The lewd scenes are also done well and there is a good amount of them to not feel overwhelming but not lacking either.

    Urge everyone to give this a shot since it checks all of my boxes and I had a very good time playing, never being turned off by anything in specific and it does a good job in every department.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    This is a decent game. Most of the things - story, writing, animations are OK. But it didn’t grab my attention all that much. Girls are pretty and expressions are mostly great.

    Good Things

    • Girls are pretty
    • Expressions are nice and subtle
    • Writing is OK
    • Renders are OK

    Bad points

    • A bit too much focus on criminal boss and not enough on lewd elements
    • Animations are mostly very simplistic
    • Not enough focus on eroticism
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok cant believe i missed this game, the story was good, the models were really good as well. I am giving this 5 stars because it was something a bit different, i enjoyed the story and it was not tarnished by too much sex scenes just enough to add to it and not be the focus of it.

    Thank you so much for an enjoyable game
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Would be a 5 star rating if it had a reunion a the end of the game(maybe in the bar). Somewhat believable story and lovely ladys to romance.
    It's my first rating ever so hope it helps. I just found out i have to type more than 200 charakters so yeah i recommend it. 4,5/5 stars
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    So, I've just wrapped up this VN, and decided to go ahead and leave a review.

    If you want to skip the length, just know that I'm giving this 4 stars... almost entirely off of the story itself (and it's winding path depending on how you play with the others) and the graphics/renders. I take away a star for a weak ending. Details included if you read the spoiler; it's near the end of the review.

    Now that you have the rating (plus it's in the upper-right corner; you really can't miss it), I'll give you my complete take. I'll spoiler it off to prevent it from making the already long reviews page annoyingly long. Enjoy!

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  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The Entrepreneur is a unique AVN. Story is captivating and an interesting one among the others. It has the most ''mature'' approach to the character development, story-building and relationships among similiar AVN's.

    My problem with this game is, since It's AVN, lewd scenes are far less than expected. I can see the devs intentions and why he decided that but still I think there should be a different approach to this subject.

    Even though I gave 3/5 stars; This game is great and unique story-wise. This is in my must-play games. Try it and see it for yourself.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent effort from a first time Dev. Girls are gorgeous, story is decent, lewds leave a lot to be desired. Worth a play I say.

    The Good

    Renders are great from the start and just get better as the game goes on. You can tell who the Devs favorite model is, as she gets used multiple times, but for the most part the girls are gorgeous and varied.
    Story is pretty heavily influenced by some other popular AVNs but is still well executed, and the writing is solid.
    Music and background sounds are pretty well done.
    MC is pretty passive, but at least is not annoying or a super creepy perv. Would have been nice if his hair wasn't clipping in almost every scene, but I've seen worse.

    The Not so Good

    Hope you are not playing for the porn because there isn't much to enjoy here.
    A real shame, as the girls are very attractive, but there are far too few sex scenes, and they are not very well executed.
    Needs sexy sounds in the lewd scenes.
    Needs more angles and more renders and positions. Lewd animations range from terrible to decent by the end of the game, but they are not long enough.
    Some of the main girls only have one real sex scene.
    Bunch of random girls, but that's better than nothing I suppose.
    Biggest flaw by far, is the endings.
    There aren't real endings. A few silent slides for each ending, and no sexy time at all.
    You can tell it was a rush job and the Dev just wanted to be done with the game, but it would still be nice if we got some kind of proper endings at some point.

    Game has some issues, but it is not super long, and the beautiful ladies and decent story make it worth a look.
    Hopefully the Dev can step up his lewd skills for his next game. (y)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Just completed the game. In my opinion It's a 7.5 /10. I liked the story (I would say it's focused more on romance and drama... so forget about Harem mode xD), I also liked music, animations and renders. However, there is something off, I feel like the relationships with the girls are not that well written, sometimes It all happens too fast and sometimes nothing happens (somewhat random). Then the most important choice in chapter 4 is scripted, of course, for the sake of the plot (that time when you have to play it cool). Sex scenes happen randomly as well, sometimes it feels off (funny at times, but remember... in a drama it feels a litle out of place). Also, about sex scenes, mmmm there was something off as well and I don't mean Animations (those were good), it's the "how to get to a sex scene satisfactorily" (anticipation)... that writing part needs a bit of improvement.

    Overall it was a very good AVN and hey I liked those cat renders hahah (he was the funniest ).
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better VNs out there.

    • Story plot is not unique but it was well executed and fairly logical
    • The writing is above average and not filled with errors
    • You cannot date every character at the same time the entire time
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    • Nice to see a game where player actions actually impact future choice
    • Good character models
    • Even though its "only" 4 chapters, each chapter has substantial content
    • Bonus points for this actually being completed AND in a reasonable time frame. You would be hard pressed to find a better VN that was finished in two years flat
    For the cons. There are a couple renders missing towards the end for one of the characters, but its pretty much a single scene. One of the LI seems to have an impossible path ending with them, I haven't used a walkthrough but you should not need a walkthrough if you do a common sense run for a specific character
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR 4,5/5. Amazing renders, animations. Thrilling and interesting story. Beautiful and likeable LIs and humor... Plus minor bugs.

    First I must say that this was very exciting to watch unfold. I completely dived myself into the story and enjoyed it a lot.

    The renders and animations are the best I have ever seen, at least, among the best render-wise and the best animations wise... The facial movements and other scenes were so natural and really added to the immersion of story.

    Alexa best girl :) She was so cute, funny and with loveable personality. But that does not mean other girls weren´t close. This story would not be was it is without Valentine, Lucy and Laura... Hell, even Vincent, Tony, and Michael...

    Another great factory I love about this AVN is music... There is a lot of differents songs and all are very tasteful and fitting into the scene.

    Lastly, hence the 4,5 rating as definitive from me, is the inconsistency of few things. I do not care for misspelings and gramatical errors, those I saw, but they never much break the immersion... The problem was with few missings renders in "crucial" moment :). And relationships nonsenses, like Lucy in kitchen and Valentine after stream, even though I pursuited only Alexa and her romance, no one other...
    So this was a bit anticlimatic and dissapointing, but now that I am writing this and have finished both Main story, and Christmas special, I do not care about it that much...

    What I care about is this AVN in general, I have immensfully enjoyed it and can happily recommend it to you all.

    Also, thanks MisterMaya :) (for not making Alexa sit in Christmas special...)

    PS. JK. The 4th wall break was great and funny AF :)----------- Thank you.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This is one of the VNs of all time. The male-written romance novel... A handful of appropriately aged females with minor insecurities, you show up, give them some male validation, and they reward you with love. You can look on any erotic novel website online and find something far better.

    It's the type of book that if I saw it in a bookstore it would be 0/5 and go straight into the trash. Very very poorly written and a waste of time to read. But because it's got pictures I guess we can lower the standards and give it 2/5.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    PR Mitter

    So, let's talk about the game.
    I love the dev for his hard work, he really tried his best.
    Now to shed some light on his work I have some point to make.
    First, the models were really well made but not really beautiful. They are like true to life bit not very beautiful like many other VNs have.

    Secondly there were really a lot of unnecessary animations, like car moving, walking etx etc and also unnecessary background information and incident of unknown people. All of these works could have been directed at more sex scene or improved longer sex scenes then that hard work would have been justified. The sex scenes were not great even though the render quality was great. Close up ones sucked even worse. some of the shots felt like fucking a doll. No stretching pussy while fucking, seemed like fucking a dead hole.
    The story was very good btw.❤❤
    I think the dev has great future in this business if he could just make those adjustments. I mean seriously man, the models had so much detailed work on them. I really liked that. Now if the models were beautiful and hot as Treasure of Nadia, Freeloading Family then I would rate it a 5 stars and rank in my 5 most favorite VN even though this doesn't have incest or Harem. And I am a sucker for those 2 genres.

    3.5 ⭐ for me.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Done on steam
    - Character relationships with the 4 main girls are very well done,
    - Short interlude with other girls are also nice even if somehow not needed for the story
    - lot of effort in the "ambiance". many details not needed but that are nice
    - Story is well paced.
    - graphics are very goods, animation are good but not the best possible ( in fact some of them are good, some of them are less good).

    Et puis, cool de voir un français :)