I don't even know where to start with this.
The good parts, renders are nice.
Character models are great.
Some of the dialogue didn't give me second hand shame.
Story has potential.
As for the bad.
Pretty much everything else and most of the dialogue had me wincing with second hand shame.
MC is looking for a house, meets one of the girls living there and instantly starts talking about her divorce. Really personal questions even close friends would think twice about asking. Stuff that was absolutely none of his business and in any real life scenario would probably have seen the woman walk back out again after watching all those red flags waving.
One of the girls is a social media influencer. She's taking photo's for her job and she asks him to give her space and he starts with the pissy attitude ... 10 minutes after telling the first girl he's mature.
Sees a girls panties in the bathroom. She gets all shy about it, he talks about it to clear the air and repeatedly mentions the panties making the conversation quite awkward.
Convinces them to let him live there like thus "I was studying law, partying and acting like a dick".
Woman - "I don't think you are mature enough to live with us".
MC - "I am, trust me" .....
That worked ..... for reasons I cannot fathom.
I tried to like it but everytime the MC speaks i'm wondering how no one has punched him in the mouth.
And the absolute worst part, the friends quiz. If you are going to have people asking trivia in your game then 3 questions max or it starts to get tedious .... this shit went on for ages. About 10 questions too many.
He also calls an exterminator and leaves them the keys to the bar.
I can't decide if the MC starts off as a complete moron of gradually gets dumber but he is, without a shadow of a doubt, the dumbest MC i've witnessed in a game in recent memory.
I feel like no matter how good everything else gets, how awesome the female cast is and how good the plot gets. The MC is always going to be the weak link and hold it back.