Game is good but grindy... really too much clicking. Have to click 4 times but ti's bad enough that you have to click but than you actually have to click to pick it up than another click to close the pointless dialogue saying you picked it up. So that is for each item 3 clicks.. 4 items in a day 12 clicks in the stupid storage room itself.
I agree ... Pointless clicking should be minimized. I am communicating with the dev, and he came up with the idea to let golum bring the items from the store room (in a later phase of the game). I love this idea.
Opening doors also should be easier: Click - and door opens. No extra confirmation needed!
Shop should be accessable with a short cut button. Directly to the sell/buy window.
To send Int to the kitchen, 5 clicks are needed. After first week there should be a shortcut (1 click).
Since I love this game so much (finishing 3rd playthrough soon), obsolete clicks is pain in the ass!
1. Too much clicking.
2. Cost of everything is too high so a lot of needless grind
Impo grind is ok (assumed clicking is radically reduced).
Prizes for clothing are ok, with the exeption of the commoners clothes may be: They might be old rugs, cost almost nothing. (Galadriels stolen pants cost 40).
3. clothing all looks the same I can't tell if I am asking Galadriel to wear new clothing or not until I click and she says I am already wearing this. Top, Bottom, and Boots look identical until she is actually wearing them.
Not the same but very similar. Clothes which the ladies are wearing already shouldn't be in stock of the shop. I guess they will not loose them, so no reason to buy the same again. And these clothes also shouldn't be in the item window, when asking a girl if she wants to wear this or that. The aswer "I am wearing this already" should be totally obsolete then. Gandalf shouldn't make himself a blind fool.