VN - Ren'Py - The Family Sin [v0.2] [Dr Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked the game. Renders: 8/10 (I think the animations could improve a bit more). I really enjoy the story, but since the game is still in its early versions, we still have to see how the developer will develop it. I just hope they improve the MC's thoughts because sometimes some dialogues are unnecessary.

    The game's timeline has improved a lot, so I will keep an eye out for new versions. Good luck, Dev.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good build up for a first release. I expect some good content for the future.

    Let's hope the Dev gets some good idea along the way of corruption for its characters. Let's wait and see hoping it not ganna be abandonned :)
  3. 3.00 star(s)



    Not bad but not great. An average AVN at this point.

    Scene transitions are harsh and jarring, breaking the flow of the narrative. This just shows the developer's inexperience, so can improve.

    The story itself is leaning to cliche, but is decent enough. I can't really comment on the models as I have difficulty telling any differences in renders over 480p on my phone or 720p on a PC (bad eyes).

    The text could use a proof reader, but at least it isn't unreadable English.

    Time, experience, and hard work will improve this or future work of this developer.

    Best wishes and good luck.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I would say this first release is fairly mid. I wouldn't say bad, but it's obvious this is another ESL dev who learned the basics of using Daz and decided to make a VN.

    First off, I like the use of hypnosis in the story. It's not outright mind control, but I was given at least something of an induction and the vague hint of actual hypnosis rather than just using special mind control powers, so I appreciate that. That this dev isn't actually a great writer is where that part falls short.

    So far, the story is similar to many other incest games. The art is ok, although there's often an issue where the girls look completely expressionless. The younger sister looks too young for my taste. I'm really not into loli, so I would advise the dev to make her look a bit older in the future. The older sister and the mom are fine. The MC looks like every other generic 18 year old MC. As an aside, and this doesn't really impact my rating of the game, but it's increasingly hard for me to identify with these young MCs who really are exactly half my age. Maybe that's why I'm crankier and less easy to please, I dunno.

    Overall, this is a very average game that's at least comprehensible, but it's not going to blow anyone away. I'll keep playing it for now, but there definitely need to be some improvements.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Well I guess I will be the first to review this. The store is not original much and kind of follows as you would expect. Below is my pros and cons

    - Models are original and not bad
    - Renders are fair but nothing great

    - The story is all over the place. First Lily and Katie are out at the store next seen she is at home. The time line is not good. Makes it hard to follow anything as It jumps around so much.
    - The dialog verses what the MC thinks sometimes does not go hand in hand.
    - Weak MC although he does not pout.
    - (personal preference) Do not like the mother model as the breasts are way to big and so are the older sisters.