1/5 as of now. Game has very little content despite a lengthy development by a full team (There are many solo developers that outpace them at putting out content), is plagued by bugs and it's team seems to be engaging in questionable aspects in regards to it's development.
The good:
-UI is quite different from usual HTML games. It's refreshing to see people actually implementing some js instead of going with SugarCube template.
-Team is quite quick and responsive when it comes to reporting bugs.
The bad:
-Bugs. There are a lot of them and often are rooted in simple stuff as the team forgetting to put the files for newer scenes, spelling or extension mistakes and bad copy-pastes from other passages.
The team doesn't seem to test anything before each release, as reflected on how many bugfixes (Usually 2/3) are released in the very next days after each minor version release.
-Bad coding practices that lead into the previous point, many of the bugs you can encounter are the product of very basic outsights, such as forgetting to include the files of the scene or copy pasted conditions from another passage that don't work.
-Extreme and lengthy grind tied to small minigames (Pacman with no AI at all instead relying on random movements for every foe, stardew valley fishing copy and several gacha games like slots or spinning wheels) that get repetitive after a couple of plays.
-Content is capped at milestones and for now is quite bare bones. This is specially egregious since you can see in the code there are many scenes already written that could vastly expand the game even if the story is not there yet to catch up.
The Horrible:
-User experience has been consciously designed to promote shilling off in order to avoid the grind. This is a clear choice given the following:
- Console access is blocked through "normal" means, preventing players from editing variables like they would usually do in an HTML game.
- Resource pay out from minigames is extremely low, forcing players to spend long periods of time in order to gather enough materials for a small unlock that amounts to less than 5 minutes of content before going back into the grind.
- Relationship building is even more tedious and slow than resource gathering.
- The team went throught the effort of obfuscating the code in order to prevent people from altering their planned flow.
- Bonus content locked behind paywalls starting at 20 bucks reaching up to 100 dollars per month.
-Dubious practices from the team, engaging in fake reviewing in the past in order to boost the appeal of their game and upset the extremely negative rating.
-Lack of will to engage in regards to criticism, usually disregarding it or simply ignoring it.
-Based on the amount of bugs and bad practices regarding the code minigames are very likely to be based or plainly copied from other games or github projects without any crediting to the original template.
It has potential, but I don't believe this game is truly worth in it's current state.
A drastic change of direction, although welcomed, seems very unlikely.