Ren'Py - The Golden Boy [v0.6.2] [Serious Punch]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of erotica and enjoying the boob physics and beautiful all around T & A seems like good amount of content with second play of the other route and look like maybe some new scenes. Very erotic expressions, which is becoming important in a lot of these things - the MC mighty lance could be toned down but quite enjoyable and fapable.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    First things first, remove the sandbox tag this isnt a sandbox game.

    Now that this is out of the way, we have a game where you are playing as a "retarded Ta'veren", which means that the MC somehow bends the gravitational forces of fate, dragging himself to every single bimbo bitch in this game forced inside peculiar and bizzare story lines that make no sense other than getting his dick wet. The story is extremely bad, there is no actual quality check of the writing, no character feels real, in this fictial world that is. You could replace all the dialogues with just the MC slipping on a banana peel and queing the H-scene right after. The H-scenes themselves are your generic 3DCG 2-3 seconds tops on repeat scene of 2 barbie dolls slaming on each other with only 1 maybe 2 at best angles.

    The biggest shock of all was the zombie-woman who had stage 3 leukemia asking the MC to fix her sink and other menial tasks, that shit was scary, likely the developer understood that and provided us with a skip button, either way the zombie-woman eventual gets a bit of sun-tan and we can somewhat forget of her ongoing fight with cancer.

    Honestly I dont understand how people give this game more than 1 star, it extremely poor writing and the scenes arent all that worth to get, much less because the story isnt that inviting. The length as of 0.6.2 is 2-3 hours tops.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a solid game, the story is simple that I think that is actually a positive aspect. Too many games try to have overcomplicated stories and end up forgetting about the real reason why people play these types of games, which is the sexual content.
    Both the renders and animations are really good and the women are very hot.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Another VN where the women have oversized boobs and butts which make them look like caricatures and unrealistic. The women are a dime a dozen. The Dev should know that a Milf doesn't have to be middle aged with beach ball boobs, the only requirement is that they are someone's mother. Age and physique doesn't play into it.

    The MC is supposed to be 20 - yeah, right. He looks maybe 13 at best. Trying to pass him off as 20 is insulting. The dev either needs to make him look 20 or skip claiming he is and leave the age a mystery.

    The writing is iffy but visually it just looks like a bad cliche.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    man I love milfs, and with this game i'm served, gorgeous renders and models, good animations i'm not a fan of oversize dick on the mc but I can pass on that, I hope we will get more and more update because this game is very good and got huge potential
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game. I hope it does not get abandoned like the other good ones and also has more updates. beautiful character, great rendering techniques, nice design, good story and in general everything is good. Keep it up.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Writing: 6/10
    Imagery: 8/10
    Gameplay: 5/10
    Kinks: 7/10
    Overall: 6/10

    The drama of trying to fuck your mom.

    Family issues is the name of the game, so be prepared for drama, tears, and hot ladies.

    The biggest issue I had with the game is it, in the current state, is a bit of a buggy mess. You'll constantly run into Renpy bug screens, the game might try to restart on you, so my fapping fun at the times things got sexy was often interrupted. Damn shame. Especially since the gallery is the worst buggy mess of the bunch.

    Because the women are pretty hot, the models were nice to look at and fuck with, and of course I was lured by the promise of sleep sex. Not much to that sadly, just the usual sleep molestation and jerking off on some too. You do eventually get to fuck a couple of the ladies, but the mom is still off the table as of now.

    Needs some major bug patching to be really fun, which would bring it up to a "good" but in its current state; "average".
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Epic! Simply epic. Hot models, I love big bewbs, cool MC, fun story that knows how to get spicy. Hot scenes. It is genius. Top game on this site, at least for me. Right up my alley.
    Keep up the good work, Dev!
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6372273

    Since I discovered the forum last year, I have installed and played an average of 20 Ren'Py games and this game in my humble opinion is the best.
    Positive Points: MILF + GILF (involvement with the mother I've seen a lot, but involvement with the grandmother is the first time I've seen it).
    Negative Points: Characters and sex scenes from version 0.3 are not present in version 0.6.0.
    Congratulations to developer Serious Punch for bringing us this masterpiece. It certainly deserves our support on Patreon so that it continues to develop new chapters of this story.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is great. It has a lot of fetishes that hit the spot. I was glad to see a GILF in the story which is something you don't see a lot. The story is ok...

    4 stars all the way. Look forward to more.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Dude, Love the GILF and MLF in this game, please add more interaction with the grandma, this is by far the best model i've seen latelly.
    Add anal and more scenes, gonna add this to my favorite list this is looking great and play great!!

    Looking forward to the next updates.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The simplistic writing is devoid of any real character or humor.
    The plot barely exists and has been done better in a great many other games.

    The only thing it really has going for it is an abundance of busty broads, but if for some reason that ain't your thing you'll find yourself disappointed in the lack of variety.

    It's not quite bottom of the barrel but I can't really recommend it unless you've somehow exhausted all other options and are JONESING to play SOMETHING.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Thicc Lord

    Some of the best renders I have ever seen in a Ren'Py game, the animations are smooth and realistic and the story is interesting enough that you don't feel you have to speed-click through everything.

    5 star game, can't wait to see what SP does next.

    It's pretty "slice-of-life" and for me, I love that. It doesn't go crazy with introducing 30 characters and it's grounded enough in reality that it's believable and you can relate to the MC.

    As I said above, these are phenomenal. Right up my street with the things I love in terms of the quality and the character designs. Great lighting, camera angles, it feels professional.

    As with most games that are still in production, it's not hours of gameplay. However, considering the update schedule, I think this is far better in terms of content than we normally see with solo-dev games.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Review at the time for v0.5.0

    Pretty good game. I'd say there's roughly 4 to 5 hours of content available.

    I am not a fan of sandbox so while it's true this game shouldn't be sandbox considering how linear the story is, I'd like to dispell some of the rage directed towards Golden Boy from those comments. There are literally only a handful of instances where you have to select where the character goes and it takes all of 10 seconds to figure out where to go and be there. It's a complete non-factor so if you're not a fan of sandbox don't worry, it's barely a part of the game. You probably spent more time reading this paragraph than you are going to be navigating where to go in this game.

    I think that the renders are really good for most part. All the girls are pretty, at worst the Grandma starts off a little too pale but that actually gets addressed quickly and her skin is given a bit more color.

    The only warning I guess I'd give is if you're looking for a story rich game, this is not it. The story is very simple and shallow.

    For the people who want to just dive into constant sexual tension with big titties and fat asses and a couple pretty ass faces, this is a game for you.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game from the start because of how straightforward it was. so much so, i was already readying myself to make a five star review here since a game that seemingly gives so much freedom to the player is quite rare in F95. of course, it seems that it was too good to be true indeed

    what i meant by "how straightforward this game is", is that it directly allows the player to choose what kind of relationship they want with the girls. it straight up just asks you if you want Love points and Lust points and that's a pro. i personally don't think it has to be that easy but if i can smoothly go through the path i want, i won't be one to argue with the good thing

    but i should have known that it was just a coincidence how this was matching what i wanted perfectly; after all, i always go for the Mom in those games, which is the first one to be introduced here(and the one with least H-Scenes LMAO). naturally, i'd see the game for what it really is when it'd come to what's in it besides the girl I want, which is, just like in 90% of F95 poorly-designed games, girls you're forced to have a relationship with. this is absurd considering that there in fact several moments where the game does allow you to refuse a girl or get away from her, but for some reason this is also inconsistent. even if you're not interested in one specific girl, the game still forces your character to have a relationship with her, no matter what "choices" you chose. ironically enough for someone who had the only girl i was interested in as the first introduced in focused, she was the one neglected the most, which means i was forced to spend my entire time in this game in characters i didn't care about while the one I did was pushed away. that's quite frustrating

    the game is pretty beautiful visually and the characters's writing is just fine, i believe it will improve drastically if they simply give the players more freedom with real choices and then i'll most certainly give my 5-star score
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The Golden Boy is a bad game, not a terrible one but not really worth it when there are so many better games out there. The story is non-sensical and told in a very poor manner. Decisions are mostly limited to what path (love/lust) you take with each girl, the rest of the choices don't seem to matter at all. And there is no gameplay outside of that.

    Render quality and character models are mediocre, and animations are present but rather poor in execution, being very basic. There is no sound as such either. At least I found no bugs, which is nice.

    But, all in all, this one is a game I don't consider worth the time.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Yet another sandbox game that IN NO WAY warrants being one..... This is a completely linear game even with a sandbox, all the sandbox does is to waste a little of your time and break the flow of the game. Other than that everything about this game screams meh, the renders are meh, the writing is meh, and the girls are meh. This game is neither good nor bad, but the useless sandbox pushes it to more negative then positive for me. would have been 3 stars had to minus 1 for the sandbox.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Game Story = 6/10
    Render = 10/10
    Main Character Render = 8/10
    Main Character Personality = 2/10
    Female Characters Render = 10/10
    Sex Scenes = 9.5/10

    Okay, I ended up downloading the game without many expectations that it would be good, but I was surprised. The game is really good, one of the best 3D games I've ever played. The graphics are so beautiful that I barely paid attention to the story. I had to replay it twice because the graphics were impeccable. I enjoyed all the female characters in the game, especially Laura and Kate; they're all great. I did find the MC's relationships with some characters a bit forced, but of course, it's an 18+ game, and the story isn't that important. The game's animation is relatively good, but one thing I didn't like was the MC; he's a beta and a wimp. He's shy and spineless.

    That's all I had to say. The game is really good, and I'll eagerly await the next update. Unfortunately, I don't have money at the moment to support it on Patreon, but I'll wait patiently. Take care.

    Ok, i like
    Likes: Eriya
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Updates with barely any content.

    Tags are misleading: most are missing, and it doesn't include shota. I mean, the renders are bad and sometimes that can result in characters not depicting the age that they're meant to be, but there's no way that character is an adult, let alone in his 20s.

    Besides the lackluster updates, while barely having any content, the dev started remaking it, so now supporters are just paying for the dev to rebuild a rushed straight-to-patreon game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    honestly this game has alot of potential, the charcters are good in the sense that they feel uniqe and diffrent from each other (my favorite is the mature one)
    the story is simple but good (after all not every game must have life-changing lesson in it and on the other hand it is intersting to the point i will feel immarsed in it)