First of all I don't know why you are laughing when I was just relying what i read on there patreon second there is nothing fake about me so before you say be real to someone make sure you either read the whole message or keep your comments to yourself but me personally I know what burnouts feel or look like since I'm going through it myself and don't even bother messaging again because after this this account will be deleted since you wanna be real about it this me being real about it I necessarily don't think the developer of this game is actually giving up he or she is going through burnout cause there the only one who actually working on the game so that's my two cent on the subject
1. Work on your comprehension skills. There hasn't been any post on Patreon from the dev since February 14, yet the dev claimed here that he was "cooking" the game up and it was to be released on April. When asked about it he has chosen silence. Had the dev simply stated that he was busy or needs to put his efforts elsewhere like family, or career and would work on the game on his spare time, we would've marked it "Onhold", The game was marked following his 3 months of silence here and on Patreon. So, what you read means jack.
2. Nobody said anything about you being fake. I was just telling you to "be real" because you seem to living in a fantasy where the dev is still active and posting on Patreon, which he's not. So, again, brush up on your comprehension skills.
3. Nowhere did I accuse you of being fake. Although it is interesting how your mind went straight there, because now that I think about it, a 2.5 year old account with only 3 comments is quite suspicious. Especially when 2 of those 3 comments came in the last 3 days.
4. Keep your two cents to yourself, you need it more than I do. Will help in paying the therapist you so clearly require. You've got issues buddy.
5. If one experiences burnout just after one release (and 2 months), then perhaps there wasn't very large quantity of fuel in the tank to begin with.
Have a good day