VN - Ren'Py - The Higher Society Illustrated [v0.23] [xxerikxx]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    until now we saw the father having sex with many girls, he had sex with his daughters with his wife in rivers,basements, toilets,bedrooms,hotels.
    what else is left? to have sex in sinks, on a cupboard, on a sofa, maybe even on a horse,why not on a mule?
    do you expect to see a serious story? I don't think so,it's a comedy game with a middle-aged man who has sex all the time, nothing else.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Married actor Richie McBadass joins a secret society and trips head first into a pool of young, submissive pussy. He's middle aged with a rising career, MMA experience, and a remarkably understanding hot wife. It's pure, unadulterated, ridiculous male power fantasy and it's well done enough that it's still compelling and fun.

    Girls have decent designs and personality. Fairly decent plot. If you like powerful male being poweful fantasy stories, this is a good one. Deducted one star for somewhat lackluster animations and sparse gameplay, but still worth the download.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game started well,many beautiful young girls with amazing bodies,but the story is a vanilla story for teenagers,a class A male who fucks everything and the other men are all sexually dead.
    If a game wants to be called erotic for over 18s, it must have many men and many women to flirt with. After the third episode, the game showed that it has a boring story of a middle-aged man who fucks everything, his wife are completely stupid who tolerate infidelity her without taking revenge on him,and this offends women who are not stupid but very smart.
    many incest games realized that the one man for all women scenario is for fools and started adding other active men to their game.
    In general, a game that is a candidate for the vanilla Oscar.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    It's Meh. Nothing really special apart from the story which is out of the ordinary. The dialogues and the renders are average and the gameplay is pretty weak. I feel it lacks direction and dev is tentative in his approach to the whole setup.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a rare gem. The story flows well and there are multiple choices that can lead to different scenes and situations down the road. All the characters are likable and the MC is a well accomplished, not your usual teenage boy living with his momma. Scenes are good and plentiful.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The strongest point of this game is the concept/story, sure more interesting than most other games, though it doesn't quite live up to it's full potential.
    Girls are cute, if a bit boring. Renders are good average. I didn't like much the MC and as usual in such games, girls fall way too easy for him.
    Teasing works better than the sex scenes here. Game is quite long, lot's of choices though I don't know if these have any longterm influence or just affect current scene.
    If you like corruption games, this is definitely recommended.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    Wow, the story of this game is simply amazing, it held me a lot, too bad it ended.

    But if you came to check it out in the comments to see if it's worth downloading, make sure it is, I thought it would be just another normal game, but I was too surprised by this, it's been a while since I played such a good visual novel game, The writing this game is very well thought out the girls are beautiful and Mc's relationship with his wife and daughter is very cool I hope to see more family moments.

    It's Mc helping his girl in the fashion industry hehe I'm happy to say this for the game's story and not just the +18 scenes. Looking forward to the next updates!!!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game! Why? First, MC is not a pushover and he also isn't a 15 year old boy! Instead we play a caring father who is also a succesfull actor who enjoys life and its benefits. I wrote caring father as he is not an asshole but what I like is, he prefers to be dominant in the game, stands with both feet on the ground and knows what he wants. Right from the start you have the opportunity to be the master of your own cute 18 year blonde sub who doesn't mind at all! Lets bring it all together: We have a cute likable blonde sub to train, a teenage daughter who is starting to explore her sexuality and is interested in the sexual "actions" of her father and finally we have our sexy understanding wife who is very willing reagarding BDSM experiments in our own BDSM basement at home?! YES! By the way, sex scenes in this game range from normal vanilla sex, to male dominant, to kinky BDSM sex options (paddle anyone?) This game hits all my checkboxes from a male domination view! Therefore I rate 5 stars and Im continue to follow this dev. Thanks dev!
  9. 3.00 star(s)



    This is a mixed bag. On one hand, the dev is not afraid to craft a story that doesn't fall squarely into some preconceived genre conversions. It explores certain themes like BDSM, coming of age, religious polygamous cult-like societies, predatory film industry, and high society sex clubs in a somewhat grounded and mature way. On the other hand, the writing and pacing suffers greatly from drab and mundane everyday events and conversations.

    The game is LONG. I've churned through about 90% of the current release and skipped the rest. It's long, but it's also incredibly monotonous and rather boring. There is just not much excitement in between all the day to day activities.

    Hearing the internal monologues of certain NPCs has a negative impact on the story, imo. Gregory's character is one that suffers from any lack of suspense because we are reading his straightforward sexual predator thought process. He could have been an ominous and mysterious character who the players could suspect was up to no good,but had no definite proof of. Instead, we know exactly what he is doing which makes the MC and the other characters debating his trustworthiness rather farcical.

    The visuals are passable. The sex scenes are on the short side. Not fappable, imo.

    The coding is pretty limited. Maybe 1 out of 10 choices will set a flag to be used later. All other choices are flavor text or scene selection choices that will not be tracked by the game. Most of the flags that do get set don't usually do much either. It alters a few dialogues here and there. There was only one choice that really meant anything so far. So this is mostly a linear VN, in case that is a significant issue for you. I try not to be too harsh on linearity since it is a design decision to keep the developmental bloat in check, but it does lead to a worse final product in most cases.

    While the game presents some interesting scenarios, it is ultimately mired by the repetitive and monotonous day to day progression.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Taboo Lord

    I finished v0.6 and I'm very impressed with this game. Sometimes I prefer to skip unseen dialogue when I'm anticipating a gameplay that seems to follow the more popular cookie cutter, just-wants-to-have-sex-with-everything type of plot. However, because there are many choices that (seem to) affect potential outcomes as well as captivating characters, this game really drew me in with its content as well as moral decisions and their potential effect. It's the sign of a good game when you're disappointed that you have to wait another week, month, etc. for the next release and this game does that in spades.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A very well done game! It hits all the strong points for building anxiety for the MC being a caring individual (if you ant him to be). You have a bewitching sub to train, a daughter who is just starting to explore her sexuality and wants to do it with you. A sexy, permissive wife who likes to take it up the ass. I mean, really, what else could you ask for? Also, there's a Harvey Weinstein kind of guy that you immediately hate, a best friend bof your daughter to save from a wack job religious cult, and a sweet aspiring atress who wants to jump you! My only complaint is that this is still early in development and there isn't much sexual content yet (you get to bang your wife and your sub). The renders are not stellar, but are above average. The lewd scenes are well paced with dialogue fitting the theme that kinda gets your motor runnig. All in all a well put together VN!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Fair warning, I am not a fan of incest so I should have never played this game, but because it seemed like she was the step-daughter, I decided to brave the waters.

    So the good... There is a lot to like here. The renders are good and the content is frequent and well done. The story also seems to be pretty well thought out and if nothing else, the dev goes all in on the concept and it seems to work.

    I always struggle with games like this with girls that look just a little too young, but for the most part, the girls do look at least 18 but it is borderline. Also, I struggled with the guy being married. I think I would have liked this a lot more if the MC was single as I had a hard time buying the wife being so compliant. I am not saying this isn't possible... maybe it is... but it just goes back to my comfort level and I just was not comfortable.

    To be fair, there were plenty of warnings there for me and I should have guessed what it was going to be like, so I can't really slam the game as a result. So, if you are like me and some of this stuff makes you uncomfortable, then try something else. If you are into this stuff, the dev seems committed and it is well written and well thought out so you should give it a try.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant game - very compelling story and all the characters are wonderfully fleshed out and believable - posssibly best of all is the fact that the choices you make have real impact and unlike some others I have played I found myself pondering my choices in quite some detail before making them. Really looking forward to more instalments.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Well written story so far. Women looking good. Believable looking MC for his role in the story. Devs have many different paths to utilize in story. The pace of the game is right on time. See-saw animations are a distraction.

    4.5 out of 5 for 0.4.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    I didn't like the title, I expected average girly VIP gossip, but luckily I was wrong.
    The story hooked me right away, not to much text and everything important and interesting. No reason to skip, to be honest in 95% of games i skip skip skip all the time because to much boring text but this game has an awesome storyline. I wish more games have such a good story!!! And on top the sex is kinky awsome, everything between vanilla dominant and very rough! The player has the choice, well made game with awesome girl characters!

    - Story AAA
    - Renders
    - Character development
    - Pretty girls
    - very kinky and you have a choice between nice and understanding, rough or very rough asshole
    - good choices

    - animations could be more and better
    but the game is new and I hope for future updates
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well made characters. Storyline is interesting. The relationship between MC and his wife is ... a little unbelievable, the author hasn't really sold that to me yet, but it's not a huge deal. Very few typos, English is solid, not much in the way of immersion-breaking issues. 5/5
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Good amount of content, i thought it would be way less in terms of character and story build up. I like the most scenarios that evolve during the conversations. In terms of sexual scenes, im always a sucker for long drawn out diferent positions and more thant just 2 moving scenes back and forth. I appreciate most of all the intensity of the female side. Its not over the top and reasonable still i like to see woman cum more often than not, instead of 1 scene move to Man orgasm. The more pleasure for woman the better.
    Keep it up i hope you get more attention. You deserve it with this project.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Review v0.2:

    This is a game with a story that is not exactly new or original in itself, but it seems quite rare as a Ren'py game.

    I'll give a short overview:
    The MC, a movie actor, get's involved with a secret society where they train sex slaves. The MC is quickly assigned a young new slave to be trained. The MC is happily married, his wife is reasonably on board with the situation. His daughter, who is more or less the same age as the slave, also develops feelings for daddy. At work, the MC is shooting a movie with a young actress who is playing his daughter, there seem to be some feelings developing there as well.

    What I like about this game:
    - Relatively limited amount of love interests, all of whom are pretty well developed characters. They are not sock puppets but have their own feelings, ideas and goals which may or may not always align with the MC.
    - Even though the subject seems a bit outlandish, the story is realistically written.
    - The story telling strikes a really good balance between the story parts and the erotic parts, so that the story parts are enhancing the sexual tension between the characters.
    - The BDSM part of the story, which is, perhaps surprisingly, not the majority of the story and so far involving only 1 of the 4 love interests, is more BD and less SM. Although I am not an expert on this topic, I feel this is really well done as well.
    - The renders and character models, are, although not ground breakingly gorgeous, doing their job in supporting the story very well.

    In short, in terms of story, this game is one of the best, in my opinion. The renders perhaps do not make this game extraordinary but they don't distract either, so I'll give it 4.5 points, rounded off to 5.

    It's worth to notice that the dev has a rather "innovative" policy with this game. The text-only version (which I did not play) is being updated regularly, while the illustrated one is released for Patreons only. This may put some players off, but I am happy that I played this one up to this point and I will await the final release or other periodical releases when leaked or released by the dev.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I really feel like this game is getting too much of a bad press for all the wrong reasons.

    The content is great. The story is lewd, kinky and mysterious. The characters and art are beautiful.

    Worth supporting if you ask me.

    Certainly not worth bitching about pirated copies of the latest versions being available super promptly.

    IMHO etc.

    I wish the dev all the very best.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The good:
    - the writing is pretty good most of the time
    The bad:
    - story (quite nonsensical even for porn games standards)
    - art/models
    - renders (discount Dating my daughter quality, it would be maybe passable 5 years ago)
    - "animations" 3-5 frames, i have seen worse only once twice on this site
    - music - i have no idea why he used this garbage when there is a ton of non-copyrighted music out there, this is beyond bad
    - so far every female character other than your wife looks like 14 years old teenager, that's around 70-80% of the game
    - from what i've seen in the comments - only checked 1st and last page (5th at the time of writing it), the dev is kind of an asshole towards any critique or comment, while it's not part of the game it still managed to diminish my "enjoyment"

    It would be 2/5, but all the characters other than wife look like little girls, which is a major turnoff for me. If you are ok with it, expect 2/5 or 3/5.