Ren'Py - The Home of Pleasure [v0.2] [Whispering Eye Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    I thoroughly enjoyed this game! The storyline got me hooked, especially because the characters were so interesting. All the girls stood out; they were so beautiful.

    The visuals in the game are impressive. Although the animations are limited, it doesn't make the overall experience any worse.

    Renderings: 9/10
    Characters: 10/10
    Storyline: 8/10

    Overall, The Home of Pleasure is an incredible game!
    Rating: 9/10
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is a pretty standard incest story and its pretty vanilla, there is a bit of relationship build-up which is nice, one girl you can get to fuck pretty fase (Bo) not sure about the other side girls since i turned most of them down.

    Bo was the only one i saw any real sex scene with and it was pretty nice, shes one of two virgins and even though her deflower scene wasent perfect since no blood in her virgin scene but atleast it showed some pain doing dialogs so it got some of it right, the scenes them selfs very pretty good.
    On a side-note, why on earth make MC use a condom when its the girls first time? makes 0 sense and even more idiotic when MC then fucks her raw the very next morning.....

    There is one more virgin but not sure how that will go since shes been using a hairbrush as a dildo so she shouldent really have a hymen after that but we will see, you also get the option to buy her a dildo which i personaly dont like with the virgin girls, but atleast you have the option not to buy it so thats nice, had it been a wand/vibrator i would have bought one right away though but guess dev dident put much thought into the dildo/virgin thing which most would hate if into virgins, its also one of the reasons i cant give it 5 stars.

    Theres not much content yet with most girls when it comes to family members, the goth you do a little with but no sex yet and for the other two sisters there arent anything at all yet, so i would proberly wait a few more updates before giving this another try.

    Oh and MC is very nice, hes not the standard childish thing you see in so many games and he dosent constantly think to him self about seeing tits and shit so hes really nice to play and feels mature which is a rare thing now a days.

    The girls look alright, i wouldent call the hot babes or anything more like normal i guess? but i do like the builds of the girls since theres a bit of diversity from very small to somewhat bigger sizes in tits, so thats very good.

    Animations are not the best ive seen but they are still pretty good.

    As for choices it seems to work great, so far ive been able to turn down anyone i dont want and that includes family members so no one seems to be forced at all which is a huge plus.

    I hope if the dev starts doing stuff like sharing or anal and so on that it will be optional since i dont like either personaly, at the moment you can turn of lesbian so lets hope kinks and fetishes will be up to the player as well if it gets those things.

    Music is standard background stuff, with a few moans sounds doing sex stuff.

    Overall a pretty good game even if its mostly vanilla, atleast i liked it and i hope it stays with current build types since theres already way to many games with big tits which is boring and ugly in my eyes.
  3. 4.00 star(s)



    This VN looks very promising. Still author throws a lot of characters at MC within the first chapter and it feels a bit convoluted sometimes. Though the story archs mostly make sense. The writing is not overcomplicate, mature and it has quite good lewd descriptive writing.

    Allthough I would wish for more lewd scenes like the ones between Sophie and MC. Especially the relation between MC and Sophie is very intriguing and I hope the author gets to explore this path to its full potential!

    This VN has audio but only generic music (I turned off) as also "lewd" loops of squeaking anime dolls (also turned off!) what ruined the "mood".

    I hope dev explores more kinks that are somewhat teased already like incest, anal, sharing, toys and milf!

    I could see this to become a 5 star in the near future.

    What struck me awkward was the premise of how Beth, Bo and MC, all actually familiar with social media, delayed the reason for why Beth came to see MC and all not knowing who the other were ... very strange to assume they didnt know eachother but clearly knew the pictures from social media. That was not realy clear to me what the author tried here and it felt like a awefull artifical drag.

    Graphics: 4/5
    Plot: 4/5
    Writing: 4/5
    Lewd: 3/5
    (Audio: yes)

    Final verdict: More please! I can see a rising 5-Star
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I can't express how tired I am of the formulaic "landlady/triple tenant" cliched story structure which is why I'm glad I gave this one a try. The writing really is strong enough that the above is something I can forget/forgive. The characters are engaging and feel nice to interact with, the models are pretty and I'm invested in that dastardly cinema villain. Really interested in how the dev moves forward with this.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    + Most characters were likable.
    + Sex scenes have animations, but they are a bit poor and need improvements, especially adding more pictures/frames per second & improving the physics should be the #1 priority for them. And having some not too close third person animation angles is a good thing as well
    + The game has a lot of content for a game released only a month ago. I hope DEV will continue to add a good amount of content with every update while improving the game.
    + The game is VN with some rare Sandbox elements, and that's good, DEV shouldn't go into full-blown sandbox mode, it would only make the game annoying and tedious.
    + The art style looks decent, and the women/girls look good aside from in some scenes they look a bit unattractive.

    - The game lacks a main purpose/story, even tho it's fine now it might make the game bit boring in the long run.
    - IU/HUD can use some improvements/changes, especially phone on the HUD, making it smaller and hideable with hide HUD button (H or middle mouse mostly) would be good.
    - Adding ingame tips/walkthrough to show which choices are giving what kind of points, leading you which path, etc, would be great or at least a little alert on the screen showing relationship point gains or loses, etc, because currently you are either have to go blind or constantly check from phone relationship screen after making a choice, and that's quite annoying.
    - It's been told MC was going GYM a lot, and it would be nice to see him get a better body along our journey, but he tried to impress a girl and her his upper body, so he can't go GYM for two weeks... BRUH. Still hope DEV will make him progress with the GYM and he will gain some muscle, and get bigger shoulders, arms, chest, etc.
    - Adding more music could be good, the amount of music the game has is not enough, and cycles too much.
    - We can use some girls with different styles like with more curves, big firm tits, curvy asses, etc, because currently, nearly every girl has the same body, even the one with the most curves still don't look curvy at all, doesn't has big tits, ass, etc, and it's bit boring, they all look nearly same.
    - Even tho render quality is mostly decent some details look a bit bad or low quality like Boo's hair in some scenes.
    - There are some typos here, and there, like the one in Boo's first talking scene with the MC there was ''tomrrow'' , etc, kind of typos.
    - Well the game is new, but some bugs are kind of blocking you from main features like gallery bug preventing you to see it, making sure at least main features not blocked, and doing at least test on main features before releases could be good idea.
    - There are some very annoying characters pointless to exist like Paul, seriously there is literally no point of having someone like him in the game.
    - Bo's first time was a bit disappointing, and nonsense, especially considering she lost her virginity to a plastic wrap, and after losing her virginity MC & her had raw sex... I mean seriously? Pretty bad choice to be honest, let's hope DEV won't make the same mistake again, it's really not that hard to add a dialogue about the after-day pill, and make it raw, since it's their first time it would only make sense.

    Normally I would give 3 stars for a game like this, but since it's a new game and has room to improve I will be giving 4 stars instead, hope DEV will improve the game, and I can keep the star rating or even raise, who knows?
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is everything I love in this type of game, customizable relations, some free roam aspects, and nice horny sluts. Would recommend, might have to fund this project if it keeps its quality and keeps my jeans high and tight.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v 0.1:

    So I don't normally review early releases like this due to lack of content in most cases, but this one is definitely an exception.

    Animations/Artwork - 5/5

    The renders are great, the animations (yes, there is already content nd animations) are fantastic, just a great looking game.

    Story/Dialogue - 5/5

    So far the story is actually good. Dialogue is well-written (too many games and VNs either have English as their second language (no shade there, I get it), or don't proofread), so a lovely surprise.

    Gamplay/UI - 5/5

    So I am a harem genre fan and not so much a fan of having to choose a love interest. This game actually mixes these elements well, in that you really have to pay attention to get who you want. But rest assured, this IS a harem game. And incest. Big win.

    All in all, for its first release, this game is a fantastic start. Now to pray the dev never abandons the project. xD

    Radical Dreamer
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this VN. Amazing first release and hours of content for a 0.1. The renders and animations were both good and the girls were all great I especially loved Sophie. It had music and sound effects which is always a nice bonus. Not sure why this is tagged as a sandbox, had a couple of small free roams to unlock rewards but mostly plays like a standard VN. Definitely give it a go if you're harem/incest lover. Really looking forward to the next update.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Best first release I’ve ever seen, so gonna give it 5 for now so that it gets the attention it deserves. Is it perfect? No, but I see a lot of great potential here. Sophie is incredibly hot, and the creator does seem genuinely intent on a fairly realistic approach to a harem game, so it’s not just new women being thrown at MC constantly. Keep your eye on this one.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Review as of Version v0.1

    This is not a sandbox but free roam

    First of all if you are not okay with incest either stay away or come back later after more updates. As of right now 3 characters are related to the MC. Which feels a bit much to me. Spoiler about 1 of the characters Especially when the big reveal is that she is your sister as well

    While the story not bad it's just average it grabbed me for most of the game. However last 25% I was starting to feel bored. Partly cause the pacing feels a bit fast at times.

    Game has decent animations and renders.

    Negatives for me.

    Normally I dont need a walkthrough or use URM but it feels a bit too easily to miss points and lock yourself out of certain things without it being obvious.

    There is a minigame to make 1 of the characters orgasm which took me out of it and feels like a big waste of time.

    There is an audio bug towards the end where it keep looping kissing sounds and I hate to mute the game , which annoyed the hell out of me . As I had it got the last 20 -30 minutes of my playtime.

    Overall : let this one cook for a bit not bad but not good either, I think next few updates could determine if this is drop or not for alot of players
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good and for a first release, quite long. I also think the balance between slow teasing and action is okay. Even if you have to search a bit when freeroaming, it's not a struggle to find the rewards.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Harem/ incest game
    recommend the game if anyone is into Harem/ incest/ romance games.

    Renders: decent for release, feels like the sex scene was rushed after bo put your dick in.

    so far forced lesbians but it was in the past, (which is okay with me).
    Future fetishes are optional.

    story: this an okay story not good or bad. it's the same thing every day feels like (work, hang out with girls, sleep, and repeat until the sex scene)
    about 2 girls you live with (can change relations to the family if want) and get a text about a girl named Beth about your father passing away and end up finding out about Beth's is your sister/ roommate
    * find out two girls staying with you had sexual encounters for a few years without MC knowing, Sophie was in love with Grace but broke off because she didn't feel the same

    seems a family guy and a caring person, but that's about it. nothing else sticks out yet.

    1. Sophie's: is your sister/ tenant:
    she is an interesting person very open-minded and fun to hang around, it shows in her description that she's bi. So I'm guessing lesbians also be tagged in the future (Hopefully we have choices if avoidable or part story forced)

    2. Grace: (sister/ tenant):
    She's like an adult/ motherly type of person who loves to read and is smart (bookworm)

    3. (Mom/ landlady) does not appear in the game (yet?)

    4. Beth: A random girl texts MC about his father dying and meets up to meet, she had a rough childhood, and seems like a decent character, caring and gets drunk way too easily :ROFLMAO:

    5. bo:
    (Beth's best friend growing up):
    you run into her while walking on the sidewalk and then again at MC work (movie Theater), you can either romance her or friend. She is kind and hyper but also shy at the same time. Also had a hard childhood
    plus: my first sex scene with a condom, I believe on my run (virgin)

    6. Kate (works out and physical touch gym): right off the bat she likes you and is willing to be a personal trainer and end up getting a handjob/ blow job at the end is done correctly

    7. Jessica:
    (is already married to someone/an old friend ): starts her path, and Sophie/Grace will ask in interested in her. you end up at an awkward date/meet-up with her and her husband. You end up finding out that he's immature and doesn't want you and her to talk.

    8. Lilith:
    Is Sophie's friend also a lesbian goth, seems like a good person who understands everyone/ not have much screen time

    are pretty good and seem to matter most of the time.
    note: Dev said you can choose if want girls to be with anyone else or keep them to yourself (Players decide what they want.)
    had used Universal_Choice_Descriptor so I know what choices were to what.

    music: okay nothing really special about it but at least no music at all like some games.

    UI: needs some work, phone app relationships ("characters" don't say much or help)
    there's a slight free roam (sandbox) but isn't bad, hope the dev doesn't overdo it or keep it as is.
    note: I'm not a fan of sandbox/free roams making players waste time, but I don't mind this game because it is simple.

    overall I give it a 3.5/5 for the first release (will change when future updates out)
    will let more updates be released before determining the support game moving on.

    sorry for the bad grammar, half asleep
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I mean, this is pretty good so far for a start. The women are cute, you have options and the story is interesting. Harem and pregnancy? You bet I'm gonna be playing a game of Pokemon with all of the LIs.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    VERSION: 0.1
    SUMMARY: Solid start, with decent potential

    1. Good looking models
    2. Decent quality renders and animations
    3. Sounds are nice
    4. Writing is decent and structured well.
    5. Story is predictable but fine.
    6. Several love interests
    1. Some wording may need to be tweaked a bit, depending on the type of relationship you create at the start. Noticed this in first day or two.
    2. UI needs work, having access to character stats is critical when the player has no idea what their actions impacts are. All this does is cause more replay or roll back to get the result the player wants. Playing the game again is fine, but when the player wants a particular outcome stats are critical so...
    3. I felt it a little jarring when it came to deciding if you interested in a particular character, mainly because the way the story flowed it felt like some characters were no longer available. Case and point, Beth actively supports your relationship with Bo, but gives no indication if she is interested in the MC. Only much later a hint gets dropped. This is my own personal "" moment, it may not apply to others, but it felt a little bit confusing due to the way the game story unfolds.
    4. Option to kiss Beth needs affection points that I am unable to attain despite reloading the game or starting again and trying different options.
    • Again, stats are needed so the player knows the result of actions. Without this we can just keep doing it over again and that pisses me off to no end.
    • As per above regarding confusion on love interests, this game is a harem, so play is like you believe you will score with all the LIs.I believe this was the intention, yet you may miss out on exclusive content (what the dev implies), which means more than one playthrough will be needed. I just hope that most of the content is available for the harem path, having to sift through combinations of LIs to get all the scenes will annoy the shit out of me.
    • Overall I am hopeful, as well as hopeful that the game does become more kinky and introduce many options for the MC.