Collection - VN - Others - The House in Fata Morgana [v1.3 + Fandisc] [Novectacle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a top 5 VN of all time. It is genuinely amazing.

    it's a mystery/thriller/tragedy, with horror more coming from the horrible things that happen to people rather than actual scares. despite the horrific tragedies, it's a story that shows the true beauty of humanity.

    it also has a gorgeous artstyle, and truly amazing OST, it's the whole package. can't recommend this one enough
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR, very good and very long, and by very long I do mean very long. Not a story for the impatient.

    I actually dropped this one the first time I tried to read it about twenty minutes in because the first part was taking so long for anything to happen, and I just could not get interested in the characters frolicking about their business. But after a few months I decided to give it another shot. I then proceeded to go to bed at around 5am and miss all my classes the next day so I could finish it with another late night.

    Taking into consideration where we are, there is some sexual content, but it's not explicit and not very titillating otherwise. There are story reasons for both, and the story is the real draw anyway. The entire context and format of the story unfolding in front of you changes at least three times to my memory, and never once was it enough to shake my interest. The characters are dynamic and multi-layered, the drama is triumphant and heartbreaking, and the presentation is phenomenal in both audio and visual.

    It is quite simply among the best, and I cannot recommend it enough.

    I haven't read Requiem for Innocence so I can't comment on it, but from what I've heard it is also excellent, if very different.