VN - Ren'Py - The Insatiable Mortal [v0.2.0 Ch.2] [Sunyata]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    [v0.2.0 Ch.2]
    A pin-up dispenser. The writing just ruins it. There is barely a coherent plot progression. And what is there is overshadowed by the constant pretentious and nonsensical "philosophical" musings and fourth wall breaks. Honestly, it's an insanely boring read.

    The AI art style in chapter 1 is good, but the way the sexy art is presented is 90% imagined scenarios that goes on inside the schizophrenic MC's head as he converses with "Yin" and "Yang." They present sexy poses and ass shots of various characters and tell the MC to imagine how hot it would be.

    If you can get through that, chapter 2 supposedly presents a less nonsensical approach to the story, but now, all sex scenes are random pics in a completely different art style, probably because the original chosen style is quite bad at depicting sex scenes.

    Basically, instead of the AI art being used as a tool to visualize a well constructed story, the dev has used a randomly constructed narrative in order to present his AI pin-up art.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    As far as AI image based games go this is one of the best. But the AI style has a very low ceiling for potential. Of course all the images look great but that basically all there is here. It might as well be a comic because it's just a collection of images with text.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    yes yes, AI looks amazing when you make still pictures of woman, sitting or standing.
    huge tits and asses gallore. it all looks nice.

    but as soon as, you try to make them so anything other that that. I turns into a weirdly warped "demon"

    so now in "episode 2" it swaps styles though out the game. makeing it look even worse.

    AI has so much potential. But it just isn't there yet.

    anyone could have made the pictures that look good in this one,
    it is a simple command and 3 -4 lines of text.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The Game is great and looking forward for more chapters to conclude story .
    I really like the character Elara i have only just recently started liking elf/elven characters and she really does look amazing also the others are great also but i must say she is my favorite. Great start to your game and very much looking forward to its continuation.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a fantastic looking game. The problem with AI art in games is generally the dev relies on too few images to tell the story. You end up looking at a nice looking pic while a wall of text goes by. This game largely avoids too few images but the problem isn't too few images but images largely independent of the story are flashing by. The art is great in this game but when the characters are kissing in the story but the image is just another glamor pic of a beautiful character it doesn't really help the story. The reason film and TV succeeded so well is that for the first time you could show the story without narrating it. To do that you need enough consecutive shots of the characters in the scene. Showing a lot of pics unrelated to the action doesn't really work that well. It's like a comic book where the action has little to do with the story. There is nothing wrong with sexy pics but when they are supposed to be part of the story I find it immersion breaking that they are something else.
    The story is something different but honestly if I want a good story I'll go read a book. I haven't played a porn game yet that had an actually good story. There are plenty of decent games where the story is obviously a path to sexy times. That's all it should try to do. If a dev can do that without making it stupid or awful I count it a success. Getting too wordy in a porn game is pretty much a waste of time unless you are really good at writing and most devs rank near the bottom for imagination based on the thousands of god awful crap games on F95. This game isn't obnoxious in that sense but I found myself clicking to move it on. If the dev added more related scenes this game would rank a solid four and maybe even five if there was any action with the beautiful characters. Right now I think it's a good game but I haven't seen any action besides a long train of sexy pics. Maybe three stars is more realistic but there is obviously effort being put in so I gave a four in the end.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    AI art certainly has come quite a ways since it's inception. The settings and characters are lovely, beautiful much of the time, and occasionally dipping into the dark and violent yet still retaining some of that beauty. Consistency is always an issue, of course, but here it's mostly clothing that has difficulty being consistent. As long as you're not picky about straps and buckles, it's easy enough to ignore.

    The philosophical approach to storytelling is a refreshing change of pace among porn, and there's no obvious failings there either. Although given the 'grey area' that much of philosophy examines, more choice in the actions taken would be nice. After all, good and evil are enhanced by the tightrope that is neutral. But I can understand keeping things a bit more simple, especially since this is a first release.

    As for sexual content, it has variety and hints at more. Unfortunately, I suspect commitment to any of the hints may remain out of reach. The two women the MC lives with frequently reference sibling relationships, but also there are multiple times where the writer flees into the realm of 'not blood related'. Step- or adopted is never specified, just the 'not related' is declared. And also, the tease of pregnancy is there, but in the early stages the MC is cursed to die if he ever 'shares his life essence with another', ie, gets anyone pregnant. It's unfortunate that these fetishes can't be committed to, even what images are shown are just the MC's imagination running wild.

    Still, I may circle back to this in time, if only to see how the philosophical musings are going. Four stars for a really solid effort.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    O.K. ... I gave it a go and lost a couple of hours that I'll never get back.
    This is best described as a collection of erotic fantasy A.I. drawings, loosely connected by an excessively verbose narrative which the decent spelling and grammar cannot elevate beyond its fundamental mediocrity.
    I struggle to give this two stars, but there are even worse offerings available, so this manages to scrape into the higher level.
    If the art is more important to you than narrative coherence, this may be worth your while. Otherwise, don't bother!