RPGM - Completed - The Interdimensional Princess Arrives! [v1.00] [Slime Special]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Played this because I thought the heroine was hot.

    Well, she is. And everyone in the game is a horny dog for her. And there's even in-lore explanation for why. Cool. lmao

    The gameplay... ah. It exists for the sole purpose of existing. The game is divided into two gameplay segments. One is walking around, but you can press enter to launch a forward attack that sweeps a 3x2 tile in front of you. Enemies take a LOT of button presses to die this way. Well, who cares, as long as it's not the 900th RPG maker loop.
    Well, speaking of the 900th RPG maker loop...
    the next part of the game is the 900th RPG maker loop. Goddamit. You hit things until they die. But such battles only happen for bosses. And there are like what? Only 4-5 of these battles throughout the entire game. There's no battlefuck even, so it's a total snooze button. Gaaaah.
    ...this game would be better off a VN that an RPG maker game.

    Next, story.
    ...it's interesting. In the bad way. It's still better than the usual RPG maker slop, but gah damn can I not take it seriously. It's a reverse isekai where the titular princess must defeat the evil rapey cult and get back to her own homeland! But oh, here's this cute boy who's literally the only not-pervert in the entire game, and it just so happens she eventually grows feelings for him.
    I'm not opposed to this kind of plot, I kiiiinda just wish this had a bit more substance behind it.
    yes im too lazy to state actual corrections deal with it :sunglasses:

    Either the translator is the biggest interracial fetishist in existence, or the dialogue is actually written that way. My personal headcanon is a bit of both.
    ...seriously, there are so many "busty blonde princess" and "slutty white girl" adjacent wordings thrown in there. And guess what? I'm all for it. It's genuinely hot. Most of the time at least. the true ending was an absolute character break for amy though wtf (you'll see what I mean when you read through that dialogue)

    For pregnancy and risk of pregnancy fetishists, there's a lot of well framed dialogue here. No pregnancy ending though :c

    this game's actual rating would be a 3.5 imho. giving it 4 because i'm chill like that; it's... not an amazing game, but far better than most rpg maker trash out there.
    the H is actually incredibly hot and the dialogue is worth reading. If you're into the kind of stuff this game offers anyway.

    ...oh, yeah. i'm not done yapping yet.
    there's four other characters you need to know about if you want to listen to more of my ramblings
    the first. eleanor. the redhead knightess.
    wow she's useless. gets fucked silly, brainwashed, freed from said brainwashing, and repeat every major "arc". lmao.
    that said, i suppose she *is* kinda hot, so eh.
    louise. the wizard. she... she's a person. one of the persons of all time. i genuinely dont even know what to say about her lmao. she has a thing going on where she gains magic power from semen if you're into that i guess....?she's supposed to be the smart character (who's mostly used as an expo dump). i'm not the biggest fan of her scenes because she's the loli bait and i skip through that kind of stuff.

    kakeru. the player stand-in for people desperate enough to think of him as the player stand-in. kakeru's genuinely just a kind and good guy and... that's his personality. i'm not against that at all. so many people want edgelords for protags then call these good boy protags weak willed... i never got that. his main problem is he's a very one dimensional character. i guess that's why you're supposed to self insert as him. he's probably the second weakest character in the entire story, in a cast of hentai characters. damn. my kind of kind-and-good-guy player stand-in is someone like Yamato Naoe, but that's asking too much from this game

    the weakest being kinuha. kakeru's childhood friend who shows up for 1 scene, disappears until she becomes relevant in the final arc when kakeru gets kidnapped. travels with the gang and gets raped by her father. genuinely wow tbh. she's kiiinda cute but i'm one of those idiots who think short hair isn't sexy, blah blah. the game would have been -fine- without her inclusion. hashtag kinuha is over party

    the best character in the game is the translator because he lets you turn the game into a visual novel by going hax mode on. yes he put himself into the game in kakeru's house. what an absolute gigachad. if you read his notes, he fixed a ton of bugs in the game that cause it to become unplayable. that's dedication, even for a mediocre game like this. and this is probably the second time i'm saying this, but grammatical spacing aside (and overuse of ellipse questions, specifically `...?`), he's done great with the general h dialogue, if you're into the kind of dialogue this game mainly offers (interracial/humiliation/risk of pregnancy)

    so yeah, thanks for reading my 3 am ramblings, if you think my review sucks so be it idc lmao

    i should probably drink water.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Sir Charles McTea

    To be extremely blunt, this should never have been anything besides a visual novel.

    I appreciate that an attempt was made to make this an action RPG, but even that is half-assed. Spam Enter / Z to attack, lose 10 HP if you directly touch the enemies. And you start with hundreds of HP. And it doesn't take long for this to go over 1,000. But the enemy still only does 10.
    In other words, just go ungabunga until they die because there's no penalty for not trying.
    And then for the bosses, it switches back to a done-to-death RPGM fight anyway...
    If that wasn't lazy enough, the endings are based on a "friendship" mechanic where you almost literally just throw money at them until it's maxed. And it doesn't even work right. Lena wants power stones, but her score gets reset to 0 after every chapter. You also need to give each character 100 of their favorite item, but you can only carry 99 for some moronic reason.
    To add further signs of the dev not giving a shit, they couldn't be bothered to take the few minutes you need to make the music loop properly.

    Story... exists. It's another case of both the protagonist and all her allies being very dumb in order to make the forced H scenes even remotely believable.

    Speaking of the H, more than half of it cannot be avoided. They are also just slideshows with voiceover, and the construction work part-time job was also the only thing I hadn't seen dozens of times before.

    It's painfully obvious the still art images and voice actresses are where all the effort and budget went for this dumpster fire.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Illidan No Women 10000

    Hello! It's me, Illidan! Today i will review this hgame. To be honest, it was made very lazily. Like... NPCs all face only one direction, dialogues are bland, they don't even move! I don't even mention that heroine loses her virginity in the first scene. It's unavoidable and like... Ffs, i like virgin true runs. Not something like that. Anyway, i will rate this hgame by these categories : Translation, story, gameplay, hscenes

    Let's start!

    Translation 4/5 - I dIdn't find a lot of mistakes... Tho, i do question some certain words. Maybe it's due to how poorly and lazily this hgame written. Idkn...

    Story 1/5 - I will speak as someone, who didn't play prequel. But how the fuck some cult, be able to chase royal princess? I .I don't even talk about forced hscenes, where heroine loses virginity. Further story isn't really interesting... I played for like 1 hour and 30 minutes, to be completely fed up with it

    Gameplay 1/5 - Gameplay, which was made for the sake of.... Existing? You simply spam action button during battles and kill enemies. That's all you need to do. Sometimes you just heal fully from menu, with heal skill... Btw, it's impossible to do virgin run for heroine. I also want to say, that game is soulless. NPCs stay on one place, except for hostile ones. Poor directioning, which makes you confused, how to progress further in the story. Unless ofc, you see a marker above location entrance. I don't even talk about bugs and how enemies walk inside walls

    Hscenes 3/5 - I won't say anything good about art. I find it bland. Same for main heroine. Like someone said in one of the posts, subheroines looks better that main one. But there is quite a number of hscenes for 400mb hgame

    Conclusion 1.5/5 - I can't give better rating for this soulless and boring hgame. I regretted spending time on this garbage. It's better to download full save or CGs and watch them. I won't recommend this hgame.