Mod Ren'Py The Intoxicating Flavor [v0.11.4] Multi-Mod [MurrayMods]


Nov 28, 2022
Im having the same problem and I did start a new game
Based on the error image I would say you're running the Android version. I developed the Mod only for Windows/Linux and didn't port it to Android (don't know how). On Windows it works fine, I just tested it (again). The error shows that the variable 'ModGreen' does not exist. The missing variable is, indeed, part of the Mod and is defined in the Options.rpy file.
Here, let me show you. This is the part in Options.rpy where the variable is defined:


If the porter did not include the modified Options.rpy file in its port, the game will work but the parts where the ModGreen variable is mentioned will not. In other words, you're going to get that error everywhere.
I wish I could give you a solution but, unfortunately, it's not in my hands.


New Member
Apr 28, 2020
Based on the error image I would say you're running the Android version. I developed the Mod only for Windows/Linux and didn't port it to Android (don't know how). On Windows it works fine, I just tested it (again). The error shows that the variable 'ModGreen' does not exist. The missing variable is, indeed, part of the Mod and is defined in the Options.rpy file.
Here, let me show you. This is the part in Options.rpy where the variable is defined:

View attachment 3053022

If the porter did not include the modified Options.rpy file in its port, the game will work but the parts where the ModGreen variable is mentioned will not. In other words, you're going to get that error everywhere.
I wish I could give you a solution but, unfortunately, it's not in my hands.
I'm running on mac


Nov 28, 2022
I'm running on mac
Same diference.

Tell you what. What do you think if you add the missing line yourself? You have to find the Game folder within your TIF installation. Then edit Options.rpy file using Notepad (I don't know what text editors are used on Mac) and add the next line:

ModGreen = "{color=#0f0}"

Around line 200. Don't forget to add 4 spaces before the M. Then Save the file and done! TIF 0.10.3 with Mod is running again. Simple.
Best of luck.
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Reactions: Leo-67


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
As soon as I open the game this error is there
I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.

File "game/chapter11.rpy", line 1010: end of line expected.
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
"Real [l]" "Thank you…""

play sound "door_open.mp3"
scene 0090_11

"♫Door opens♪"
o "I'm home!"
g "Оh! Looks like the second princess is here."

play sound "door_close.mp3"
scene 0090_12

l "♫Comes closer♪"

scene 0090_13

o "♫Exhales♪ Phew… I finally made it…"

scene 0090_14

o "???"
"Real [l]" "So, what do you think of your princess?"
g "Hmm… She's changed even less than you have. Even her hairstyles are very alike."

scene 0090_15

o "What do you want? What are you staring at?"

scene 0090_16

l "…"

scene 0090_17

l "Nothing! ♫Goes away♪"
g "Ehm… You two are so friendly. It shows that you're loving sisters."
"Real [l]" "♫Sighs♪ The truth is, before all this, Sis and I didn't get along very well. We fought all the time. And even without the fighting, we didn't like to spend much time together. You've probably noticed yourself how different we are."
g "Hmm…"

scene 0090_18

"Real [l]" "I think most sisters are like that - fighting all the time. Besides… a few months before all this, my behavior changed a lot."
g "Why?"
"Real [l]" "Don't you have any idea?"
g "Ehm… No."
"Real [l]" "You'll see soon…"

scene 0090_19

o "Where's Mom?"
l "I don't know. She's not here yet. Probably at work."

scene 0090_20

o "♫Sighs♪ Well, of course… As usual."
g "Ha… She doesn't seem to be on good terms with your mother either."
"Real [l]" "No, actually, she always loved Mom. Just got mad sometimes because she wasn't home much. I guess that's what family life is about, being angry and fighting with someone even though you love them."
g "Hmm…"

scene 0090_21

o "♫Leaves♪"
l "I wouldn't go to the kitchen if I were you."
o "Yeah? And why is that?"
l "Father's in there."

scene 0090_22

o "♫Stops♪"
l "He's been drinking."
o "♫Swallows♪"

scene 0090_23

o "So what? I don't care! I'm not afraid of him, okay?!"
l "If you say so…"

scene 0090_24

o "♫Storms away♪"
l "…"
g "I must say, I don't like the way this is going."
"Real [l]" "And you're right not to like it…"

play sound "door_open1.mp3"
scene 0090_25
with fade

"♫Door opening♪"

scene 0090_26

t "…"
g "Hmm… Is that your father? I was expecting something more…"
"Real [l]" "Something more formidable? Or more pathetic?"
g "Umm… Pathetic, I guess. The way he treated you, I was expecting some kind of loser, and he looks…"
"Real [l]" "Good? Don't forget he's only in his thirties and he has money. It's not that hard to look good with money."
g "Hmm… What's his name?"
"Real [l]" "My father? Umm… [af]. Hmm… Gee, I almost forgot his name."

scene 0090_27

o "♫Passing by♪"

scene 0090_28

af "What? Is it too hard to say hello to your own father?!"

scene 0090_29

o "Good evening…"
af "♫Mocking her♪ Good evening…"
af "Turning your noses up at me! Like I'm worse than that-that bitch!"
o "…"

scene 0090_30

af "Where is she?! Why is there no dinner when I get home?"
o "She's at work like always…"
af "At work, my ass! More like jumping on some cock right now, that slut…"

scene 0090_31

o "♫Breathing angrily♪"
af "What? Is there something you want to say to me?!"

scene 0090_31a

o "…"
af "That's what I thought…"

scene 0090_32

af "♫Pours a drink♪ In the meantime, I'm celebrating - I just made the greatest deal of my life!"
af "♫Laughs♪ Everything is going to change now! You will all obey me! Respect me!"

play sound "bottlesfall.mp3"
scene 0090_33

af "♫Drops the bottle♪ Oh, fuck…"

scene 0090_34

af "Uhh… Honey, can you get me another bottle, please..?"
o "…"
af "What? What are you looking at? You know where it is. Do a good deed. Help your father for once."
o "♫Sighs quietly♪"

scene 0090_35

o "♫Puts it down♪ Here…"
af "Thank you. You're such a good girl!"
o "♫Turning to leave♪"

scene 0090_36

af "♫Grabs her♪ Wait."
o "♫Trying to break free♪ Let me go! I did what you asked me to do!"
af "Come on, quit squirming! I'm not gonna do anything to you!"

scene 0090_37

af "♫Holding her close♪"
af "♫Laughs♪ What's the matter with you..? You think I'm gonna hurt you?"
af "I just want to spend time with my daughter. I have a right to do that, don't I?"
o "…"
g "[l], do we have to watch this? I'm gonna throw up."
"Real [l]" "We do. It's important."
g "Fuck…"

scene 0090_38

af "So, tell me. How are you doing? How's school?"
o "♫Swallows♪ It's… It's fine…"
af "That's good… Don't cause me any trouble, or there will be consequences. Do you understand me?"
o "…"
af "I can't hear you!"

scene 0090_39

o "I understand…"
af "I hope so."

scene 0090_40

af "♫Pushing her hard♪ Now get out of here! You're ruining my celebration with your boring face."
o "♫Moans in pain♪"

scene 0090_41

o "…"

scene 0090_42

af "Wait!"
o "♫Breathing fearfully♪"
af "Get back here!"
o "I don't…"
af "Come here, right now!"

scene 0090_43

o "♫Comes over♪"

scene 0090_44

af "♫Grabs her♪ What is that?!"
o "What? I don't…"
af "What the fuck is in your ear?!"
o "Let me go… It hurts… Mom said it was okay…"
af "♫Angrily♪ Of course she did!"

scene 0090_45

af "Look at you! What is that?! Bare midriff, tight jeans, is that how a 13-year-old should dress?! And now this damn thing in your ear!"
af "You look like a slut! Just like your mother!"

play sound "slap1.mp3"
scene 0090_46

af "???"

scene 0090_47

o "Don't you dare call her that…"
af "You little shit!"

play sound "punch.mp3"
scene 0090_48


play sound "fall_on_ring_01.wav"
scene 0090_49

o "♫Falls down♪"

scene 0090_50

o "♫Moans in pain♪"

scene 0090_51

af "You dare to lay a hand on me, you little brat?! In my own house?!"

scene 0090_52

o "♫Gets up♪ Don't you dare call her that! And it's not your house! You didn't buy it!"
af "♫Growls♪ You little bitch… I should have done something about your upbringing a long time ago! That slut and her permissiveness!"

scene 0090_53

af "It's time to beat her crap out of you!"

scene 0090_54

o "♫Dodging♪"

scene 0090_55

o "♫Grabs a knife♪"

scene 0090_56

o "Don't you dare insult her! You hear me?!"
af "♫Laughs♪ Or what? You gonna kill me?"
o "…"

scene 0090_57

af "♫Coming closer♪ Go on! Hit me! Maybe then, I won't have to see this fucking disappointment."
o "…"

scene 0090_58

af "♫Stops♪ Well, what are you waiting for?"
o "♫Breathing angrily♪"

play sound "knife1.mp3"
scene 0090_59

o "♫Drops the knife♪"
af "♫Chuckles♪ You miserable brat…"

play sound "punch.mp3"
scene 0090_60

af "♫Smack♪"

play sound "fall_on_ring_02.wav"
scene 0090_61

o "♫Hits the wall♪"

scene 0090_62

o "♫Moans♪"
af "I'm so sick of you, you and your whore mother! The way you look at me like I'm nobody…"

scene 0090_63

o "♫Trying to get up♪"
af "You think because she makes more money than I do, because the company is in her name, you can just wipe your feet on me?!"

scene 0090_64

af "♫Kicks her♪ But things will be different now!"

play sound "fall_on_ring_01.wav"
scene 0090_65

o "♫Moans♪"
af "Don't worry. She has the same thing waiting for her when she gets back."

scene 0090_66

af "♫Steps on her neck♪ And I will make you respect me…"
o "♫Gasping for air♪"

scene 0090_67

af "You hear me?! If I have to, I will break you."

scene 0090_68

o "♫Choking♪"

scene 0090_69

af "♫Growls♪ I will break you…"
o "…"

scene 0090_70

af "What the..? What's going on with the lights?"

play sound "impact.wav"
scene 0090_71

"♫Strong impact♪"

play sound "fall_on_ring_01.wav"
scene 0090_72


scene 0090_73

af "♫In pain♪ What… What the fuck..?"

scene 0090_74

l "…"
g "Finally…"
"Real [l]" "Wait a minute! You knew I was coming? And you're not at all surprised that I was using Inanna's Gift?"
g "I already figured out that you were capable of using it."
"Real [l]" "But how?"
g "You weren't in the room, and yet you know exactly what was going on inside. That means you can somehow see things you shouldn't. The only possibility here is that you're using the Gift."
"Real [l]" "Huh! And you call me smart…"

scene 0090_74a

af "[l]? What are you..?"

scene 0090_75

l "{color=#77c5f3}Shut up.{/color}"

scene 0090_76

af "♫Trying to speak♪ M-m-m…"

scene 0090_77

l "♫Runs over♪"

scene 0090_78

l "♫Touches her♪"

scene 0090_79

o "♫Inhales loudly♪ Ah!"
l "♫Exhales♪ Thank God…"

scene 0090_80

o "♫Coughs♪"

scene 0090_81

o "♫Clears her throat♪ [l], what..? What's going on?"
l "Everything's fine. All your wounds will be gone in a few moments."

scene 0090_82

o "But how did you..?"
l "♫Gets up♪ Don't think about it. Just rest."

scene 0090_83

l "♫Inhales deeply♪"

scene 0090_84

l "…"

scene 0090_85

l "♫Comes closer♪"
af "♫Muffled♪ M-m-m..!"

scene 0090_86

l "♫In a calm, cold voice♪ I don't even know what to do with you now. I tried so hard to keep my secret."
g "Oh, shit… I recognize that cold tone."
"Real [l]" "You do?"
g "I don't know what that state is called, but I understand how you were feeling. Or rather, how you weren't. I felt the same way when I killed those people. It looks like there's gonna be bloodshed."

scene 0090_87

l "I can convince her to keep quiet."

scene 0090_88

l "But you… You're a problem."

scene 0090_89


scene 0090_90

"♫Flies up abruptly♪"
af "♫Muffled scream♪ Mmm..! M-m-m..!"
l "What's the matter? You weren't so fidgety when [o] threatened you with this."

scene 0090_91

l "What? Are you more frightened of me?"

scene 0090_92

af "♫Moans♪ Mmm..! M-m-m..!"
l "Looks like you have every reason to be…"

scene 0090_93

l "You know… We never thought of you as nobody, no matter what you've imagined for yourself. Neither [o] nor I have ever despised you… Fear you? Perhaps, but despise? Never."

scene 0090_94

l "But now…"

scene 0090_95

af "♫Moans♪ Mmm!"
l "Now it's all over!"

scene 0090_96

l "I put up with you insulting my mom!"
af "♫Frightened moaning♪"

scene 0090_97

l "I put up with you hitting my sister!"
af "♫Moans♪"

scene 0090_98

l "♫Comes closer♪ But you almost killed your own daughter…"

scene 0090_99

l "♫Pressing♪ …and you must be punished."
af "♫Moans in pain♪ MMM..!"

scene 0090_100

o "♫Getting up♪ [l], what are you doing?! You're gonna kill him!"

scene 0090_101

l "♫Coldly♪ He deserves it."
o "But..!"
l "Don't worry. We'll figure out what to tell Mom and the police. Like, we could say burglars broke into the house."

scene 0090_102

o "That's not what I'm saying! You can't kill someone! It's bad to even think about it!"
l "Why? He almost killed you. I'm just punishing the villain."

scene 0090_103

o "But it's wrong! Just leave him be. Let's call Mom, okay? She'll take care of everything."
l "No, she won't. She's too grateful to him, or she would've left him a long time ago."
o "Still… [l], stop it. I don't know what you're doing or what kind of… magic that is, but it's wrong."
l "…"

scene 0090_104

l "No. He's seen what I'm capable of. It's safer if he dies."
o "But…"
l "It's better to get rid of the problem right away."

scene 0090_105

o "♫Runs up and hugs her♪"
l "[o]?"
o "I don't want you to do that! It's bad!"
l "…"
o "Sis, please…"

play sound "fall_on_ring_01.wav"
scene 0090_106

af "♫Drops♪"

scene 0090_107

o "???"

scene 0090_108

l "\"Sis\"? You've never called me that…"

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py
Sun Nov 12 10:32:42 2023


Nov 28, 2022
Really sorry
As soon as I open the game this error is there
I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.

File "game/chapter11.rpy", line 1010: end of line expected.
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
"Real [l]" "Thank you…""

play sound "door_open.mp3"
scene 0090_11

"♫Door opens♪"
o "I'm home!"
g "Оh! Looks like the second princess is here."

play sound "door_close.mp3"
scene 0090_12

l "♫Comes closer♪"

scene 0090_13

o "♫Exhales♪ Phew… I finally made it…"

scene 0090_14

o "???"
"Real [l]" "So, what do you think of your princess?"
g "Hmm… She's changed even less than you have. Even her hairstyles are very alike."

scene 0090_15

o "What do you want? What are you staring at?"

scene 0090_16

l "…"

scene 0090_17

l "Nothing! ♫Goes away♪"
g "Ehm… You two are so friendly. It shows that you're loving sisters."
"Real [l]" "♫Sighs♪ The truth is, before all this, Sis and I didn't get along very well. We fought all the time. And even without the fighting, we didn't like to spend much time together. You've probably noticed yourself how different we are."
g "Hmm…"

scene 0090_18

"Real [l]" "I think most sisters are like that - fighting all the time. Besides… a few months before all this, my behavior changed a lot."
g "Why?"
"Real [l]" "Don't you have any idea?"
g "Ehm… No."
"Real [l]" "You'll see soon…"

scene 0090_19

o "Where's Mom?"
l "I don't know. She's not here yet. Probably at work."

scene 0090_20

o "♫Sighs♪ Well, of course… As usual."
g "Ha… She doesn't seem to be on good terms with your mother either."
"Real [l]" "No, actually, she always loved Mom. Just got mad sometimes because she wasn't home much. I guess that's what family life is about, being angry and fighting with someone even though you love them."
g "Hmm…"

scene 0090_21

o "♫Leaves♪"
l "I wouldn't go to the kitchen if I were you."
o "Yeah? And why is that?"
l "Father's in there."

scene 0090_22

o "♫Stops♪"
l "He's been drinking."
o "♫Swallows♪"

scene 0090_23

o "So what? I don't care! I'm not afraid of him, okay?!"
l "If you say so…"

scene 0090_24

o "♫Storms away♪"
l "…"
g "I must say, I don't like the way this is going."
"Real [l]" "And you're right not to like it…"

play sound "door_open1.mp3"
scene 0090_25
with fade

"♫Door opening♪"

scene 0090_26

t "…"
g "Hmm… Is that your father? I was expecting something more…"
"Real [l]" "Something more formidable? Or more pathetic?"
g "Umm… Pathetic, I guess. The way he treated you, I was expecting some kind of loser, and he looks…"
"Real [l]" "Good? Don't forget he's only in his thirties and he has money. It's not that hard to look good with money."
g "Hmm… What's his name?"
"Real [l]" "My father? Umm… [af]. Hmm… Gee, I almost forgot his name."

scene 0090_27

o "♫Passing by♪"

scene 0090_28

af "What? Is it too hard to say hello to your own father?!"

scene 0090_29

o "Good evening…"
af "♫Mocking her♪ Good evening…"
af "Turning your noses up at me! Like I'm worse than that-that bitch!"
o "…"

scene 0090_30

af "Where is she?! Why is there no dinner when I get home?"
o "She's at work like always…"
af "At work, my ass! More like jumping on some cock right now, that slut…"

scene 0090_31

o "♫Breathing angrily♪"
af "What? Is there something you want to say to me?!"

scene 0090_31a

o "…"
af "That's what I thought…"

scene 0090_32

af "♫Pours a drink♪ In the meantime, I'm celebrating - I just made the greatest deal of my life!"
af "♫Laughs♪ Everything is going to change now! You will all obey me! Respect me!"

play sound "bottlesfall.mp3"
scene 0090_33

af "♫Drops the bottle♪ Oh, fuck…"

scene 0090_34

af "Uhh… Honey, can you get me another bottle, please..?"
o "…"
af "What? What are you looking at? You know where it is. Do a good deed. Help your father for once."
o "♫Sighs quietly♪"

scene 0090_35

o "♫Puts it down♪ Here…"
af "Thank you. You're such a good girl!"
o "♫Turning to leave♪"

scene 0090_36

af "♫Grabs her♪ Wait."
o "♫Trying to break free♪ Let me go! I did what you asked me to do!"
af "Come on, quit squirming! I'm not gonna do anything to you!"

scene 0090_37

af "♫Holding her close♪"
af "♫Laughs♪ What's the matter with you..? You think I'm gonna hurt you?"
af "I just want to spend time with my daughter. I have a right to do that, don't I?"
o "…"
g "[l], do we have to watch this? I'm gonna throw up."
"Real [l]" "We do. It's important."
g "Fuck…"

scene 0090_38

af "So, tell me. How are you doing? How's school?"
o "♫Swallows♪ It's… It's fine…"
af "That's good… Don't cause me any trouble, or there will be consequences. Do you understand me?"
o "…"
af "I can't hear you!"

scene 0090_39

o "I understand…"
af "I hope so."

scene 0090_40

af "♫Pushing her hard♪ Now get out of here! You're ruining my celebration with your boring face."
o "♫Moans in pain♪"

scene 0090_41

o "…"

scene 0090_42

af "Wait!"
o "♫Breathing fearfully♪"
af "Get back here!"
o "I don't…"
af "Come here, right now!"

scene 0090_43

o "♫Comes over♪"

scene 0090_44

af "♫Grabs her♪ What is that?!"
o "What? I don't…"
af "What the fuck is in your ear?!"
o "Let me go… It hurts… Mom said it was okay…"
af "♫Angrily♪ Of course she did!"

scene 0090_45

af "Look at you! What is that?! Bare midriff, tight jeans, is that how a 13-year-old should dress?! And now this damn thing in your ear!"
af "You look like a slut! Just like your mother!"

play sound "slap1.mp3"
scene 0090_46

af "???"

scene 0090_47

o "Don't you dare call her that…"
af "You little shit!"

play sound "punch.mp3"
scene 0090_48


play sound "fall_on_ring_01.wav"
scene 0090_49

o "♫Falls down♪"

scene 0090_50

o "♫Moans in pain♪"

scene 0090_51

af "You dare to lay a hand on me, you little brat?! In my own house?!"

scene 0090_52

o "♫Gets up♪ Don't you dare call her that! And it's not your house! You didn't buy it!"
af "♫Growls♪ You little bitch… I should have done something about your upbringing a long time ago! That slut and her permissiveness!"

scene 0090_53

af "It's time to beat her crap out of you!"

scene 0090_54

o "♫Dodging♪"

scene 0090_55

o "♫Grabs a knife♪"

scene 0090_56

o "Don't you dare insult her! You hear me?!"
af "♫Laughs♪ Or what? You gonna kill me?"
o "…"

scene 0090_57

af "♫Coming closer♪ Go on! Hit me! Maybe then, I won't have to see this fucking disappointment."
o "…"

scene 0090_58

af "♫Stops♪ Well, what are you waiting for?"
o "♫Breathing angrily♪"

play sound "knife1.mp3"
scene 0090_59

o "♫Drops the knife♪"
af "♫Chuckles♪ You miserable brat…"

play sound "punch.mp3"
scene 0090_60

af "♫Smack♪"

play sound "fall_on_ring_02.wav"
scene 0090_61

o "♫Hits the wall♪"

scene 0090_62

o "♫Moans♪"
af "I'm so sick of you, you and your whore mother! The way you look at me like I'm nobody…"

scene 0090_63

o "♫Trying to get up♪"
af "You think because she makes more money than I do, because the company is in her name, you can just wipe your feet on me?!"

scene 0090_64

af "♫Kicks her♪ But things will be different now!"

play sound "fall_on_ring_01.wav"
scene 0090_65

o "♫Moans♪"
af "Don't worry. She has the same thing waiting for her when she gets back."

scene 0090_66

af "♫Steps on her neck♪ And I will make you respect me…"
o "♫Gasping for air♪"

scene 0090_67

af "You hear me?! If I have to, I will break you."

scene 0090_68

o "♫Choking♪"

scene 0090_69

af "♫Growls♪ I will break you…"
o "…"

scene 0090_70

af "What the..? What's going on with the lights?"

play sound "impact.wav"
scene 0090_71

"♫Strong impact♪"

play sound "fall_on_ring_01.wav"
scene 0090_72


scene 0090_73

af "♫In pain♪ What… What the fuck..?"

scene 0090_74

l "…"
g "Finally…"
"Real [l]" "Wait a minute! You knew I was coming? And you're not at all surprised that I was using Inanna's Gift?"
g "I already figured out that you were capable of using it."
"Real [l]" "But how?"
g "You weren't in the room, and yet you know exactly what was going on inside. That means you can somehow see things you shouldn't. The only possibility here is that you're using the Gift."
"Real [l]" "Huh! And you call me smart…"

scene 0090_74a

af "[l]? What are you..?"

scene 0090_75

l "{color=#77c5f3}Shut up.{/color}"

scene 0090_76

af "♫Trying to speak♪ M-m-m…"

scene 0090_77

l "♫Runs over♪"

scene 0090_78

l "♫Touches her♪"

scene 0090_79

o "♫Inhales loudly♪ Ah!"
l "♫Exhales♪ Thank God…"

scene 0090_80

o "♫Coughs♪"

scene 0090_81

o "♫Clears her throat♪ [l], what..? What's going on?"
l "Everything's fine. All your wounds will be gone in a few moments."

scene 0090_82

o "But how did you..?"
l "♫Gets up♪ Don't think about it. Just rest."

scene 0090_83

l "♫Inhales deeply♪"

scene 0090_84

l "…"

scene 0090_85

l "♫Comes closer♪"
af "♫Muffled♪ M-m-m..!"

scene 0090_86

l "♫In a calm, cold voice♪ I don't even know what to do with you now. I tried so hard to keep my secret."
g "Oh, shit… I recognize that cold tone."
"Real [l]" "You do?"
g "I don't know what that state is called, but I understand how you were feeling. Or rather, how you weren't. I felt the same way when I killed those people. It looks like there's gonna be bloodshed."

scene 0090_87

l "I can convince her to keep quiet."

scene 0090_88

l "But you… You're a problem."

scene 0090_89


scene 0090_90

"♫Flies up abruptly♪"
af "♫Muffled scream♪ Mmm..! M-m-m..!"
l "What's the matter? You weren't so fidgety when [o] threatened you with this."

scene 0090_91

l "What? Are you more frightened of me?"

scene 0090_92

af "♫Moans♪ Mmm..! M-m-m..!"
l "Looks like you have every reason to be…"

scene 0090_93

l "You know… We never thought of you as nobody, no matter what you've imagined for yourself. Neither [o] nor I have ever despised you… Fear you? Perhaps, but despise? Never."

scene 0090_94

l "But now…"

scene 0090_95

af "♫Moans♪ Mmm!"
l "Now it's all over!"

scene 0090_96

l "I put up with you insulting my mom!"
af "♫Frightened moaning♪"

scene 0090_97

l "I put up with you hitting my sister!"
af "♫Moans♪"

scene 0090_98

l "♫Comes closer♪ But you almost killed your own daughter…"

scene 0090_99

l "♫Pressing♪ …and you must be punished."
af "♫Moans in pain♪ MMM..!"

scene 0090_100

o "♫Getting up♪ [l], what are you doing?! You're gonna kill him!"

scene 0090_101

l "♫Coldly♪ He deserves it."
o "But..!"
l "Don't worry. We'll figure out what to tell Mom and the police. Like, we could say burglars broke into the house."

scene 0090_102

o "That's not what I'm saying! You can't kill someone! It's bad to even think about it!"
l "Why? He almost killed you. I'm just punishing the villain."

scene 0090_103

o "But it's wrong! Just leave him be. Let's call Mom, okay? She'll take care of everything."
l "No, she won't. She's too grateful to him, or she would've left him a long time ago."
o "Still… [l], stop it. I don't know what you're doing or what kind of… magic that is, but it's wrong."
l "…"

scene 0090_104

l "No. He's seen what I'm capable of. It's safer if he dies."
o "But…"
l "It's better to get rid of the problem right away."

scene 0090_105

o "♫Runs up and hugs her♪"
l "[o]?"
o "I don't want you to do that! It's bad!"
l "…"
o "Sis, please…"

play sound "fall_on_ring_01.wav"
scene 0090_106

af "♫Drops♪"

scene 0090_107

o "???"

scene 0090_108

l "\"Sis\"? You've never called me that…"

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py
Sun Nov 12 10:32:42 2023
Really sorry, I'm updating the Mod right now.
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New Member
Feb 11, 2022
Not sure if it is this mod or the base game, but if you get this error on startup:

File "game/chapter11.rpy", line 1010: end of line expected.
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
"Real [l]" "Thank you…""

It can be fixed by opening the "game/chapter11.rpy" file in any text editor and removing the last (") on row 1010 (search for "scene 0090_10" and you will find it)

Meaning changing: "Real [l]" "Thank you…"" -> "Real [l]" "Thank you…"


Nov 28, 2022
Not sure if it is this mod or the base game, but if you get this error on startup:

File "game/chapter11.rpy", line 1010: end of line expected.
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
"Real [l]" "Thank you…""

It can be fixed by opening the "game/chapter11.rpy" file in any text editor and removing the last (") on row 1010 (search for "scene 0090_10" and you will find it)

Meaning changing: "Real [l]" "Thank you…"" -> "Real [l]" "Thank you…"
It's an error in the Mod. I'm fixing it right now.
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Reactions: Nighthunter
Jan 28, 2019
A question about the mod: does it force scenes to progress even if you made the "wrong" choices?
For example, I didn't like Maria. I assumed (and having played more, correctly) that they way she treated Alice would be explained, and she would become a more interesting character, but I decided to play "in the moment" rather than based off of what I assumed would come about later.
So, I chose all of the "wrong" options for her.
And we slept together anyway.

I'm curious if the game is set up in a linear way, so most scenes happen, regardless, or if the mod is essentially allowing us to make choices but showing us available scenes either way?

I'd also like to make a request with the mod. I don't know coding, so I don't know if this would be exceptionably easy to implement, or a complete pain in the ass, but.... making it so we know what the choices mean, rather than "click green for best results" would be appreciated. With choices, are we gaining or losing love points? Gaining or losing some personal stat? I've seen mods that highlight optimal options green, but also have in parenthesis something like (Alice love +1) or in red (Alice love -1) or even more importantly messages like (path lost).

The biggest reason I enjoy, and deeply apricate, mods like yours is that I can see where the choices lead, and then make my decision, rather than play a game blindly (playing without a mod and losing a path because you chose one wrong dialog option is infuriating... especially if it seems the correct option), or rather than just choosing green to see scenes, as if I weren't playing for the story.
So, I wanted to ask that, hoping it is a surprisingly small, simple ask.... or to at least get your opinion on the matter.

In any event, thank you for your hard work. The devs put hard work into making the games, but I feel that the modders put in a hell of a lot of work, that sadly can go underappreciated.


Nov 28, 2022
A question about the mod: does it force scenes to progress even if you made the "wrong" choices?
For example, I didn't like Maria. I assumed (and having played more, correctly) that they way she treated Alice would be explained, and she would become a more interesting character, but I decided to play "in the moment" rather than based off of what I assumed would come about later.
So, I chose all of the "wrong" options for her.
And we slept together anyway.

I'm curious if the game is set up in a linear way, so most scenes happen, regardless, or if the mod is essentially allowing us to make choices but showing us available scenes either way?

I'd also like to make a request with the mod. I don't know coding, so I don't know if this would be exceptionably easy to implement, or a complete pain in the ass, but.... making it so we know what the choices mean, rather than "click green for best results" would be appreciated. With choices, are we gaining or losing love points? Gaining or losing some personal stat? I've seen mods that highlight optimal options green, but also have in parenthesis something like (Alice love +1) or in red (Alice love -1) or even more importantly messages like (path lost).

The biggest reason I enjoy, and deeply apricate, mods like yours is that I can see where the choices lead, and then make my decision, rather than play a game blindly (playing without a mod and losing a path because you chose one wrong dialog option is infuriating... especially if it seems the correct option), or rather than just choosing green to see scenes, as if I weren't playing for the story.
So, I wanted to ask that, hoping it is a surprisingly small, simple ask.... or to at least get your opinion on the matter.

In any event, thank you for your hard work. The devs put hard work into making the games, but I feel that the modders put in a hell of a lot of work, that sadly can go underappreciated.
Thank you for your coments and thanks for bringing up this topic. Personally, I don't play without a walkthrough, whether in PDF or Mod.
Obviously there are as many styles of gaming as there are players and games. Developing a Mod is subjective to the criteria, to the modder's way of playing. My Mods have the objective that the player can see all the scenes without having to replay the game.
In the case of TIF, the game is very straightforward. There are no routes to open or close. Therefore, my Mod exists so that the player does not miss any scene or have to go to the gallery to make sure he did not lose anything.
I also have as a criterion not to add too much information or change the code since the game developer did it that way for a reason. For example, I added some option to see two scenes in some cases and not in others. As I said, it depends on how the modder likes to play.
It's all a question of balance. There are players with more knowledge of the code, as is my case, and there are players who do not know nor are interested in knowing what the game is like 'inside'. The Mod has to serve both.
As I said, TIF does not open or close routes, therefore there is no Alice Love +1 to show in a Mod. In other games that have implemented the concept of routes it does not always make sense to show that information in the Mod. For example, No More Money game is really complex, the game has decisions that include variables that accumulate scores, if the scores are enough they trigger events that have decisions that sets flags on or off. At some point, the game asks if 4 or 5 of these flags are on, if so a route opens.
It is impossible to display all this information in the Mod. The best thing, in that case, is to paint green the option that will eventually lead to the desired route being opened.
A modder also (should) learns and evolves. My Mods now have a little more information, for example the green option may say (Leads to open Tris path). In other cases I put a message of (Recommended) or (More content) for those decisions that do not impact routes.
A Mod from one author can also be complemented by another author. For example, in the game The Assistant, not only routes are opened or closed, the relationships between MC and his LIs can be more romantic or more dominant. There is only one question for each LI that guides the relationship in one direction or the other. This question is so hidden that the player never finds out that they made that decision. I am developing an addition to the original Mod, developed by Joker, to warn the player of this condition.
As a last comment, it is my opinion that WTs are necessary, even indispensable. There are games in which a route is inadvertently closed and the player will never be able to open it again. For example, the first decision in Intertwined game opens the route with Alexis and then there are 40 opportunities to close it but no opportunities to reopen it. I spent weeks playing Intertwined without realizing this fact. There are literally variables with the subfix _friends that relegate the MC to the friendzone. So frustrating. So I made a WT in PDF with the only winding routes so that the protagonist can have the best possible results with these LIs.
Some might say that it is cheating, for me it is a question of being able to decide having all the information, I don't believe there is an absolute truth.
Looking forward for your thoughts, comments, opinions.
Best regards,

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Engaged Member
Dec 14, 2018
My compressed unofficial android ports of The Intoxicating Flavour 0.11with IAmAB MurrayMods mod
Usual gestures, save name/delete, seethru textbox, resizeable game and dialogue text.
Scrollable textbox - no more text off the bottom of your screen
Alternative persistent saves/log location
Grant storage permissions on first run!

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