Unreal Engine - The Killing Antidote [v0.5.0.3] [MetalStar Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of (v0.5.0.3)

    If you're going into this expecting any sexual content outside of a hottie wearing skimpy outfits, you're in the wrong place.

    This game was a bunch of fun! Depending on your difficulty your experience can definitely worsen but overall I enjoyed myself playing this game. The story isn't the most world-breaking goodness thing out there; but it does it's job well enough. Can't wait to see where it might go in future updates.

    Also, the game is VERY fair; gives you ample time to gather yourself and never overwhelms you unless its a very scripted thing- what I mean to say is that if you're good enough to aim and click, you wont have any trouble beating the game. There are scarcely hordes of enemies and there is no forced stealth sections.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    1. Шикарная боевка !!
    2. Очень Привлекательная и сасная(Секси) Главная Героиня.(Г.Г.)
    3. Много вариантов одежды.
    4. Есть русский язык xD !! хоть и корявый иногда приходиться переключатся на англ чтоб понять смысл xD
    5. есть возможно кастомайзить Г.Г. шикарно сделал больше бубы ))
    6. приятная фоновая музыка(ну или я псих и слышу того чего нет xD)
    7. Приятно убивать зомби ! руки ,ноги, отсекаются и еще смачно мозги по стенке с дробовика разлетаеться xD!
    8. есть голые зомби найс ! хоть и странно почему и как !!
    9. Интерактивные аксессуары кайф !! например пистолет в кабуре или стрелы в колчане !! кайф (сори за микро спойлер !!)

    1. Есть очень неприятные зомби !! (сильные прям бесят ) даже на нормале 2 тычки и усё !!
    2. Очень много чего не переведено даже на англ !! Например фото !!(да да я знаю что это по пачат ибо еще в разработке но все же)) )
    3. хотелось бы больше всякого пошлого !!я знаю что у китайцев с этим сложно !! но хотеть то я могу )))

    ! для тех кто в танке горел ! есть nude mod в Nexus или других сайтах так что ненужно это в минусы добавлять )))

    Eng translaty:


    1. A gorgeous action movie!!
    2. A very Attractive and sexy (Sexy) Main Character. (G.G.)
    3. Many clothing options.
    4. There is a Russian language xD !! although clumsy, sometimes you have to switch to English to understand the meaning of xD
    5. it is possible to customize G.G. smartly made more booby))
    6. pleasant background music (well, or I'm crazy and I hear something that isn't there xD)
    7. It's nice to kill zombies! arms, legs, are cut off and even the brains are smashed against the wall with a shotgun xD!
    8. There are naked zombie nice! although it 's strange why and how !!
    9. Interactive accessories are a thrill!! for example, a pistol in a caboose or arrows in a quiver!! High (sorry for the micro spoiler!!)


    1. There are very nasty zombies!! (strong ones are just infuriating ) even on a normal 2 pokes and a mustache !!
    2. A lot of things have not been translated even into English!! For example, a photo!!(yes, yes, I know that this is a patch because it is still in development, but still)) )
    3. I would like more vulgar things!!I know that the Chinese have a hard time with this!! but I can want it)))

    ! for those who burned in the tank! there is a nude mod in Nexus or other sites, so it is unnecessary to add it to the cons)))
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game over on Steam, but I'm gonna assume it's not different over here, so it shouldn't affect my review.

    So, this game is awesome, but not for a game here on f95. To be fair, this game is marked with "no sexual content" but I think that's an understatement. This game really doesn't feature any real sexual themes. Even other games on f95 with the "no sexual content" tag have nudity, but this game doesn't have anything. It's a straight shooter. You can change the lead's clothes and even put them in their underwear, but you can do that in a lot of games like Elder Scrolls or Saints Row 2 or something, so that's not really a big sexual theme. There is also this one scene where the lead takes a shower, but it's on the same sexual level as the first Tomb Raider game, nothing but poking cheeky fun. You do get chased by a big monster afterward, but it's not sexual in any way.

    Honestly, this game feels like it's trying to be the next RE game and in a lot of ways it is and, in some other ways, it's even better. This game is a lot of fun, like a ton of fun, and I would 100% recommend you play this game. It kicks a whole fuck ton of ass. But it's not a porn game, so if you're looking for that, you may wanna pick something else. This game is fun, scary, action-packed, and maybe a little sexy at times, but it's not a good game to beat your meat to. But, to be fair, it's not trying to be. Honestly, this game is so on the level and feels like it's trying to be a "real" game, that I could see it getting an Xbox or PS5 release. And how many porn games do you see on consoles? None, right? So that should tell you something about this game. It kinda feels like a better Daymare 1992, if you know that game. Ya know, an indie RE clone-type game.

    That being said, I could maybe see a reason for this game to be here on f95. It could maybe be a neat game to mod, like Skyrim, into a semi-porn-type game. Like nude mods and such. And for that, I'm kinda glad to see it here on f95, even if I don't feel like it should be here. I mean, the only difference between this game and RE overall is this game is an indie game, so if RE isn't in here, I don't see why this game would be here. But I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to explain my thought processes. I love this game, so I'd wanna see it anywhere I can.

    So I'll list some pros and cons, but usually, I list pros and cons from a porn game perspective, but I can't really do that this time, so I'll just be listing pros and cons from a "game" perspective.

    -Fun gunplay

    -Some nice platforming (nice to see in a 3PS)

    -A lot of customization (one of the many things this game does better than RE)

    -Cool and varied monster design/enemy types (there's plenty to fight for a short demo)

    -I like Jodi (She's hot, she's badass, what more can I say)

    -nice puzzles

    -has exploration and rewards exploration

    -It's hard, I died a lot haha

    -some minor bugs with enemy sounds (you can sometimes hear them from way farther away than you should be able to and sometimes through walls

    -kind of a bad tutorial (you kinda have to figure out how to play on your own and that can really kill when the enemies are tough and the game doesn't tell you how to save) ( I didn't even find out how to save until I was 2-3 hours in and alt tab'd out to google it. It's the bed, by the way)

    -it's hard lol (I like that it's hard, but some of the bosses feel way too hard. The lady boss, in particular, I couldn't even beat without cheesing her movement pathing and getting her stuck on a doorway.

    -Also, and more of a minor thing, but explosions feel like their blast zone is too high. I'm an idiot, but even I feel like I killed myself too much with explosives for it to all be my fault.

    This game is awesome and you should definitely check it out. But until this game gets some sexy mods, you may wanna find something else to beat it to. Still, though, PLAY THIS GAME!!!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.4.9

    It's a mediocre game. I've played RE3R and RE4R with skimpy mods and this is pretty much it BUT lacking in finesse. I would have still rated this 4 stars for effort but I just cannot because......

    FORCED STEALTH SECTION. The stealth section sucks. Even old school stealth games are well thought out. Not this one. It's too linear and you have to be precise. If you fail, you go back to the last save which is quiet long but if you actually get past it you have to face....

    INFINITE ENEMIES AND UNFAIR SPAWNS. The continuation of the stealth section is an amateurishly scripted unavoidable event where 4 soldiers get ambushed by the infected and your meticulous effort of playing stealth perfectly was useless as the section is now on full alert. GUESS WHAT? You got nonstop soldiers coming at you aside from the infected. Spawning even as close as 5 meters. FUCKING HELL.

    Developers need to go back to dev school 101.

    So 0.5 stars for F95zone upload. And 0.5 stars for gameplay. And even that is average at best. No sex scene. Not even nudity. No S.T.A.R.S. on that.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent optimization regarding the visual and technological part, there are upscalers. Good action, in particular the impact of shooting. Locations are not gut-like ant labyrinths, but there are still problems with navigation. Cool physics of the character model and materials on it, you can change clothes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This title has immaculate game play. While there is no nudity, there are some really awesome costume options. Theres also mini games, multiple maps, difficulties, and a decently challenging puzzle story! Ive played through 3 or 4 times now just because its actually a decent game
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Now when reviewing a non porn game on this site the question "Is it worth your time" really does matter. And in this case this is really up to you.

    Do you want porn?
    Do you want a story that's more than a setup?
    Do you want a game with no mechanics that will leave you scatching your head as to why they are in the game? (lawndrylist at bottom)

    Then it's not for you right now. Not even for free.

    Do you want a short horror game with a sexy protagonist and a bunch of fan service? Good enough polish and graphics to make the time fly? Still not worth your time but it's worth a look. Not my thing usually but it passed the time well enough.

    Personally I'd like to ask the devs
    -why outfits are a random pickup, and why they allowed you to pick up duplicates. Killed any chance I had of playing more
    -why landmines? I died to them more than enemies ffs
    -why put so much effort to make the MC look fuckable if no fucking was ever intended? I now need a porn game to distract me from this porn game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The truth is that I don't understand the criticism and I won't understand it... It's the Residente's formula but taken to the extreme in the good sense of the word. The card system can be complicated at first, but playing it easily at first to understand the mechanics is the key to familiarizing yourself. If you want the same simple “kill and shoot” arcade approach as Resident, then you already have the legendary classic game, so I don’t see the point in the harsh “this isn’t Resident” style criticism. Well, of course not. But he is a worthy successor.

    The positive of this? They're a bit irrelevant as there are better skins that can be unlocked through events by simply playing the game, so I don't think most players will miss them.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a porn game, but has a beautiful woman as the protag. There is a character customization on the mirrors to change her body. There is also a vast collection of hairstyles and clothes that are unlocked progressively. I also installed a nude mod from Nexusmods which enables you to unequip underwear to go fully naked. This mod worked seamlessly with the game in multiple ways. I'm almost certain this game was meant to contain explicit nudity but was eventually censored under development, not to mention some lingerie equipment is practically see-through and is pretty much nudity already. There is even an option to allow naked zombies (only female zombies thankfully) in options, some of which even has visible pubic hair.

    The gameplay is actually enjoyable. Movement and shooting is smooth, bugfree and satisfying, although parkour is kinda tedious. Maps have countless secrets and puzzles in order to unlock some weapons, clothes or even save rooms (beds). All in all it functions great as a third person horror shooter with an extreme level of fan service.

    Very good game, not a porn game but as a game in general it works really well. It's enjoyable and the protag is great eye candy. Lots of satisfying secrets to unlock if you pay close attention. I would unironically buy this on steam for 20 bucks.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Beat a playthrough on Normal in about 3 hours. Died halfway a few times w/o saving, so I had to restart.

    What I like:
    • Guns/Melee feel crispy and brutal. Throwing melee weapons is really fun.
    • Puzzles made me brain good.
    • Woah, lady.

    Basically the gameplay is fun. Enough so I was willing to keep playing after losing 30 minutes of progress. The puzzles are plenty with some ranging from look at number on wall to using big brain. While the game has the "No sexual content" tag, the PC outfits are definitely erotic enough to get a pass.

    What I don't like:
    I got scared*

    Let me elaborate. I missed the two big guns and when that enemy shows up, my handguns weren't enough. I died screaming. *It's easy to miss the big guns. My advice is if you see them, you CAN get them at that moment.

    There's side content too and I definitely have my eyes on the full for this one.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright, for me the game is right there in the middle - kinda awful; kinda awesome. I went through all sorts of emotions playing this one, ranging from genuine fun and excitement in the beginning to absolute frustration and hate towards the end.

    I appreciate the gunplay, for it actually is fun and for a skimpy game that was kinda unexpected. The zombies react to your hits and it feels like there's a feedback and you don't just shoot air. gun.s I had triple A games where I got bored of the gun gameplay after a short period of time, partly because I often felt like I shot Dummys instead of humans. Anyways, throwing an axe in your enemy zombie will always be fun.
    The graphics are pretty and I had a couple of genuine moments of real immersion, where it actually felt a bit like a horror game. Flickering lights on the ceiling, getting jumped by a zombie from behind and being able to shoot it in the head in last second with the result of a new carpet and wall color - that sort of stuff. Granted not many moments, but they were there. And I don't mind if they took some assets, walls often look like walls, no matter the creator.
    Good weapon and zombie variety and the challenge was there. More to that in a second, though. Also, the puzzles were surprisingly difficult. That, or I'm an idiot. Which is impossible, of course.
    However, there's a problem I had with them personally. In the beginning you open a door with a number lock on it via a computer pretty far from that door away. So I though, aight, there's the possibility that the solution to the puzzle might not be in the exact room where the door with the number lock is located. So I didn't scan EVERY possibility, which is something the game expects you to do. In a sense, the game doesn't think you're stupid, which I think is some fresh air in today's gaming landscape. In another way, I felt like I wasted my time looking for really hard puzzles in this room, because it could also be in a different room. Okay, okay, maybe that's all my problem, but I hope you get the point: The game fails to tell you, that it actually CAN be something like THAT as a puzzle, which ends in a lot of wasted time and lost patience.
    Any who, I'm not gonna talk about the door switch you have to shoot through a small crack by backtracking a whole bunch in a very clusterfucked map in order to obtain a - in my opinion necessary - weapon. Oh I just did, sue me.

    Add a sort of personality disorder, where the game doesn't take itself serious enough to be a horror zombie game and not sexy enough to be a lewd game. Add the fact that you're an untrained investigator (?) mowing down hordes of zombies with a (besides the gun gameplay) klunkyness to the gameplay that makes three zombies in your immediate surround a guaranteed death sentence, yet in the right corner your ARE the goddamn walking killing machine. Add the fact the game decides to throw a bullet sponge in your way towards the end that throws your klunky ass to the ground and puts you on tomorrows newspaper death notice with a seond hit while.

    Add all this and the game is still alright. And then go ahead and add this mind boggling, soul crushing, stroke inducing STUPID main goal to the list and I lost my fucking shit. Waves and waves of zombies killed and mutilated that created waves and waves of blood, flooding the floors where even vampires would drown and lose their appetite; brains stomped so often you'd think it's part of the wallpaper and more gun powder shot the military would get jealous...
    And all that... for a fucking shower. A fucking shower? A FUCKING SHOWER!!

    And, you know, she stands there, as relaxed as a fat house cat, inner peace nay she reached zen under there - and BOOM a monster appears! Holy shit how could this happen? Aah gosh darn it, I put my military grade weapon arsenal down, silly me. Welp, better walk away in my sexy pace. At least I won't die dirty.

    That was my breaking point I didn't even hit with dark souls and I noped outta that game. I have rarely seen this amount of mind, time and reality twisting just to get a girl in a towel, my god.

    So, is it a good game? Na. Is it bad? Na. If you got an hour or two and some braincells to kill and actually wanna play with two hands for a change, give it a go. I for once am SO happy I'm done with it. Then again, I don't regret playing it. So maybe I'm just as conflicted about the game as the game itself of what sort of game it actually wants to be.
    Thanks for attending my Ted talk, now go play some Robox or what the kids paly these days.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I am surprised by how lowly people rate this game which is currently only in a free playtest version (v.04.8). To me this only makes sense that they didn't take the time to gather enough experience and learn the mechanics or just don't like the genre in general.

    In my opinion you will not find many other indie games in this quality even full releases on steam or dlsite.

    The graphics are very good although the game may use some premade bought assets. In any case they are well utilised (5/5).

    The sound system has some issues as the distance to enemies is not well indicated by sound volume and direction. However the sounds themselves are of good quality in terms atmosphere and immersion as well as technical quality. (3/5)

    The character handling in general movement, ranged combat and melee is very good. Nevertheless there is always room for improvement, for example more grab animations or additional hand to hand moves. (4/5)

    The story mode in the playtest version has way over 30 minutes of content if you are not already familiar with all the locations. Besides that the story is coherent and so far well scripted.
    Beside the story there are 5 additional game modes where you can unlock additional clothing for the main character. The modes have a lot of replaybility potential extending the playtime into tens of hours. (5/5)

    The heroine is sexy and can be customized to a degree. She is voiced cutely but only in chinese so far.
    There are a lot of sexy clothes that can be unlocked for her during the story and in the other game modes.
    The only downside in context of the content expected on F95 is that there is no sexual content in the base game. (3/5)

    In terms of game difficulty you can choose between easy/normal/hardcore in each of the game modes. And the differences can be felt. Some people dislike respawning enemies - choose easy.
    Some people like a real chellange - try the time pass mode on hardcore without using the respawn points. (5/5)

    The overall quality of the playtest version also deserves attention as the game is way less buggy than a lot of full release games. There are no game or story breaking bugs, very little jank. The issus that might come up can mostly be solved by saving and reloading the game. (5/5)
  13. 3.00 star(s)



    I'd call it great, but it is lacking in some aspects.

    The 'no sexual content' is okay, for a s long as the other sexy bits are polished, given how other similar games have 'lose to H' and awful animations, if what is and will be gets polished, i'd say its fine
    The fucking map- some could call it great, since it has both platforming (climbing, jumping) and maneuvering (sneaking under, through) mechanics with unlockable shortcuts,
    BUT the map is a fucking maze with locked rooms that can be unlocked with a code, a key, shooting, zombies on the other side and there's hardly a difference between them, so you end up wandering back and forth for the newly accessible single door that leads forward.
    Gameplay- you are way too strong for it to be tense, usually a single hit is needed to kill, making ranged weapons as an always available and reliable option, melee mechanics go under-used and 'Dead Island' type weapon throwing has wacky aiming.
    Other mechanics- I don't get it, some items save, some don't, when does it auto-save and why is there no manual save;
    one map is kind of a hub, that doesn't really matter;
    platforming- when holding no weapons, you run and jump farther would be okay if there was an actual use for it rather than a forced gimmick;
    there's a dodge, it's not needed;
    enemies have a cinematic grab attack with wierd range

    Good, but but kind of lacking tension, balance and convenience.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    OK, as a game this works pretty good for a lot of the mechanics, but fails in a lot of other ways.

    The graphics look good overall, but the developers are removing the sexy content due to being Chinese (China has been stepping up censorship of games).

    There is a wound and scar system in the game, which I personally don't care for, but whatever.

    The platforming is complete shit, in part because the area to teach you platforming isn't safe and lacks an infinite healing option. This is a thing I personally hate, since if you have to learn the timing, but are wasting your limited healing resources while learning the timing it's just annoying. This is especially so because if you have too little health, you literally cannot make the jump potentially causing a softlock.

    There's a bit too much backtracking, though that's a bit expected with a Resident Evil inspired game.

    The story, such that it is, is incredibly generic (what little there is). Corporation fucks around with things, causes zombie outbreak. MC is a reporter who snuck into their building to find out what happens, then zombies. The main thing that completely breaks it for me is towards the end of the demo version. The MC just decides she MUST shower, worried about the zombie blood / gunk on her. So you spend a while finding and getting the shower working. The MC then LEAVES her gear and weapons in one room while she showers. Naturally the first huge mutant shows up, queue the always annoying "you don't have your stuff so you can't fight" level. I'd be ok if it was something like MC grabbing her backpack and fleeing, only having time to get her gun out after the chase sequence ends, but no, have fun running around for a while.

    Then there's the damn challenge modes. On normal difficulty they're pretty much all BS. Also, if you want to see the outfits currently in the game you MUST play the challenge maps. Part of this is because you only get 1 reward (plus ones you get by random chance) for successfully beating the level, and they are either really long, annoying, or swarm you with 2-3 hit kill enemies. It's just not really worth it. It should give you a currency reward to get better starting gear or costumes, with major bonuses for succeeding in the challenge.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    really fluid third person gameplay, with melee combat that rewards learning your weapon's animations and hitboxes. everything feels super responsive and it's legitimately engaging as a more sandboxy version of the typical resident evil combat

    the levels, story and "content" are unfortunately pretty barebones; on this last part you get some sexy clothes every few rooms and put them on and wow! your guys clothes get dirty and ripped and stuff!

    it's worth a try and has the foundations of a solid re-like but it's nowhere near a nsfw game, even if you were into ryona or something since she just kinda flops over on gameovers - you'd 100% get more mileage out of re3make lol