I played this game over on Steam, but I'm gonna assume it's not different over here, so it shouldn't affect my review.
So, this game is awesome, but not for a game here on f95. To be fair, this game is marked with "no sexual content" but I think that's an understatement. This game really doesn't feature any real sexual themes. Even other games on f95 with the "no sexual content" tag have nudity, but this game doesn't have anything. It's a straight shooter. You can change the lead's clothes and even put them in their underwear, but you can do that in a lot of games like Elder Scrolls or Saints Row 2 or something, so that's not really a big sexual theme. There is also this one scene where the lead takes a shower, but it's on the same sexual level as the first Tomb Raider game, nothing but poking cheeky fun. You do get chased by a big monster afterward, but it's not sexual in any way.
Honestly, this game feels like it's trying to be the next RE game and in a lot of ways it is and, in some other ways, it's even better. This game is a lot of fun, like a ton of fun, and I would 100% recommend you play this game. It kicks a whole fuck ton of ass. But it's not a porn game, so if you're looking for that, you may wanna pick something else. This game is fun, scary, action-packed, and maybe a little sexy at times, but it's not a good game to beat your meat to. But, to be fair, it's not trying to be. Honestly, this game is so on the level and feels like it's trying to be a "real" game, that I could see it getting an Xbox or PS5 release. And how many porn games do you see on consoles? None, right? So that should tell you something about this game. It kinda feels like a better Daymare 1992, if you know that game. Ya know, an indie RE clone-type game.
That being said, I could maybe see a reason for this game to be here on f95. It could maybe be a neat game to mod, like Skyrim, into a semi-porn-type game. Like nude mods and such. And for that, I'm kinda glad to see it here on f95, even if I don't feel like it should be here. I mean, the only difference between this game and RE overall is this game is an indie game, so if RE isn't in here, I don't see why this game would be here. But I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to explain my thought processes. I love this game, so I'd wanna see it anywhere I can.
So I'll list some pros and cons, but usually, I list pros and cons from a porn game perspective, but I can't really do that this time, so I'll just be listing pros and cons from a "game" perspective.
-Fun gunplay
-Some nice platforming (nice to see in a 3PS)
-A lot of customization (one of the many things this game does better than RE)
-Cool and varied monster design/enemy types (there's plenty to fight for a short demo)
-I like Jodi (She's hot, she's badass, what more can I say)
-nice puzzles
-has exploration and rewards exploration
-It's hard, I died a lot haha
-some minor bugs with enemy sounds (you can sometimes hear them from way farther away than you should be able to and sometimes through walls
-kind of a bad tutorial (you kinda have to figure out how to play on your own and that can really kill when the enemies are tough and the game doesn't tell you how to save) ( I didn't even find out how to save until I was 2-3 hours in and alt tab'd out to google it. It's the bed, by the way)
-it's hard lol (I like that it's hard, but some of the bosses feel way too hard. The lady boss, in particular, I couldn't even beat without cheesing her movement pathing and getting her stuck on a doorway.
-Also, and more of a minor thing, but explosions feel like their blast zone is too high. I'm an idiot, but even I feel like I killed myself too much with explosives for it to all be my fault.
This game is awesome and you should definitely check it out. But until this game gets some sexy mods, you may wanna find something else to beat it to. Still, though, PLAY THIS GAME!!!