It's an NTR game, but with a very unique perspective, where you in theory play as the "MC", but are often in the eyes of Kendo, his uncle who goes off on weird and wonderful horny adventures that may or may not also involve MC's gf and the other characters - the levelling is all done through Kendo, though parts of the story are explored as "MC", so it gives a nice bounce to the situation - there are also side characters that can have stuff done with them and it explores some great themes, and overall its NTR, but it doesn't feel the same as most games? Here, while very horny of course, there is a calmer more connecting side and the characters like the MC's GF are explored more, which I like, it explores themes like seduction, cheating, willful and unwilling NTR and so on, but it does it in a way where you can still enjoy it.
The characters look very nice, I like that they don't all have "clone face syndrome" that sometimes happens in other games on here involving anime characters where it feels like everyone has come out of a character maker slightly tweaked rather than looking like invididual characters. The personalities of the girls are a tad tropey, but also pleasant, there is no immediate dick diving, and each girl has their own problems that are explored through the story, which is nice, it gives a genuine interest to "what will happen next?" rather than "ok, this girl has nice boobs, lets spam skip so I can see the scenes"
For feedback, there are some writing mistakes and bugs, misspellings here and there, and sometimes either the label showing the wrong character speaking, or the wrong character name being mentioned, but its not too bad and the writing overall is good, so just something to neaten up.
A little more clothing / bikini / lingerie variety would be nice, where the girls don't just wear the same outfit in each and every scene to give it a little bit more variety and keep it from feeling slightly samey, and that can probably feature as a story piece with the girls to make it feel less of an add-on.
I like the flow of the game at the moment, but it would be nice to have a thing to say "you have reached the end of the current version, please save here, and click continue to replay scenes, etc.", rather than what it is now where you only realise that you have reached the end of the current content by having no more new scenes.
Overall, I can definitely recommend playing this game and would definitely say it should be a great play for any one who likes NTR (Netori and Netorare too!), cheating, seduction, cock worship, cum play and so on along with some wholesome moments thrown in and a nice story that adds to the sexual content and keeps you going without descending into skip hell.
For the future, I hope the dev has a good plan on when to hit the "apex" with each girl, how that happens and whether there is anything more, or whether the content pivots to scenes past that "apex" and explores more that way, maybe throwing in more fetishes and kinks that suit each girl, new experiences and so on, but keeping it fresh and varied so the content does not just skew towards one girl, or you hit the apex and then there is no further intrigue in the story that can very quickly just descend to "I want to finish the game, this is the character I like, oh that's a hot scene, next", so hopefully the game builds on the relatively strong foundations it has and ends up an excellent example on F95 of what a NTR type game should be like!