If you were referring to me with this (other than generally speaking), known that I've played countless games with more than 60+ hours. So it's not the hours that bothers me, again.
Like I said above, the simple cons of not naming the chars for me it's an important matter, that's all. I didn't talk about the gameplay, I didn't talk about the hours lenght, I didn't talk about the.. supposedly amazing story. I just talked about the fact that naming a char for me is important, that's all. And it's the main reason for not playing this game, simple as that.
Maybe two months or more from now, I'll probably download the game. Or maybe i'll do when it will be completed, but for now, it's a big "No." for me. Period.
If only naming our characters was in the game then you could name them Asagi, Oboro, Ingrid and other names joke aside.I don't really see naming characters such a big deal and for me it is better that there is not a thing like this and this are some of the reasons.
1.The game has a lot of main characters(F LOT) even the side characters are important so naming them all or some would make the code team spend more time on one thing the full team is what 3 to 5 people at most even less and why spend time on a little thing like naming when you can spend that time fixing bugs or improving the game.
2.Wiki problems-Wanting help
If we all had a different names on character finding something on wiki about him/her would be hard if we did not know the original name.Most porn games don't have wiki and this one only has because of the fans so bravo to them for doing something that i would never do and that is helping others or lets say there is no wiki for this game and you need to make a important choice about somebody (you will have them a lot) and you don't know the original name you have changed it to something else how will you try to get help by writing how the character looks because there are times when some side characters is looking as most npc but he has an important choice that can chance the story but then he looks the same as others so now you need to explain to others where you are, what chapter you are, how he/she looks and so much more. I don't know how much of this you will understand but for those who have played the game they will surely understand of what i am talking about.
For me the names are original and are much better for the story,character development and other things.Lest say there is a name change and you like a character so you name it as your own name but as the story goes on you understand that this character is evil and does bad stuff much better to not point them out believe me.Would you then continue to play the game or leave it be (naming characters one time can't redo it)
4. Many more other things but don't want to write more/
I really don't care if you play the game or not but my thinking is try it and try it now don't wait to be finished.I think you will love the characters even their name and what they stand for or even playing the game get to that part that is finished and then wait idk for me that is something interesting not knowing what the future updates hold and how the story will go making me take my actions in the game even more serious.
IN the end your choice but i don't think you will lose something if you try the game but i (hope) it will turn around and you will enjoy it