Didn't know you could ignore Qum's research if you missed Aka's cure. Info to keep in mind for the future!
Yes. Just checked the wiki, and you are correct. The alchemy happens in the first round of the trials. My bad.
Now if only I could figure out the correct order of research for the second round, with Riala. Seems like you only get 2 completed before Gawnfall, 2 matter for Gawnfall, but 1 seems to matter a lot for after the meeting in the holy section of the Tower
i don't think there is a "right" path in chapter 4.
for the synod you have 2 complete research and one underway.
- base defence: it's matter only if done in the first slot, the HQ stats are checked only in the erosia prelude section. it's mean you can spen less pron in hq defence or hit the best result with xertis. if you have the money for magic 20+ i think you can skip it.
- unpeople trasformation: do in the first slot (if you had done the first unpeople research in chapter three) allow dari to be cured and possibily join the harem, if dari join there is a +2 rp with ginasta and can matter in fucklord-dk confrontation. in the synod can help in the unpeople vote, the bonus with dari join is massivea and the research only started give you some motion score too. but it's not required if you have a optimized playthrough and follow the succubi accepted path. for my game it's fundamental for the best in the confrontation.
- orc diversification: if do in the first slot change a vote in the orc section of the conflict, and the increase of tak'kan score can give you another vote for the cee'kan region. easying hit 80% in that vote. in the synod grant a +1 hester score. this is my third research, i can achive all without complete it.
- sex-purity: in the erosia prelude grant +5 rp with ginasta (mutualy exclusive with dari gain because you can complete only one project for that point), in the synod grant a massive help if succubi are accepted from the church, a only started research still give a good bonus in that vote, if you go for the diverge/new religion research started or complete don't matter. it's my second project, that +5 motion score is realy important.