someone time ago noted the whole harem are made from lone wolf or people coming from a disastrous relationship. a bit to much convenient.
The little girl did ask simon how he felt about certain people being "pushed" into his way to gaining power, especially early on.
Yarra was searching for a good Incubus King to serve.
Qum, someone who can see tower magic instinctively, just happened to be in Feroholm.
Aka has a thing for older men and walked right into the curse, forcing Simon to use his magic on her.
Varia has her destiny meaning she can't die but that also helps in the Zirantia claw trial to get to an area nobody else could.
Altina is ultimatly up to Simon, she may have been collateral damage as she crossed Simon's path before the shard and a while later.
Robin of course wants to help her father and her knowledge on Simon's condition allows her to act as a proxy while expanding her magical knowledge, something she wouldn't get in the Academy.
Hilstara was an old companion that got caught up in Incubus gear and needed Simon's protection again.
Carina likewise managed to banish the Seed of Chaos but as a result got hit with the resulting energy. Little girl blonde hair, Ivala blonde hair, Carina blonde hair and affection in harem not locked in yet, it's always 99. Hmm.
Up to this point, I consider all these women, especially Yarra, Qum, Aka, Varia, Hilstara and Carina were pushed into Simon's path. Not only because their lives are improved by being with him but because their usefulness to his cause can't be understated.