Why do you keep going back to something no one, or at least not me, has said? Better yet, why are you equaling wanting more control to wanting to pick and choose every little detail?
Better better yet, do you truly believe stuff like the Impaler (one option - killing him - giving nothing but grief and no additional content) couldn't have been implemented better, and stinks of something thrown in there just to appease the rpg tag?
Fair. Not really what any description of this game says, but fair.
I do still think though that more meaningful choices, especially 'early on' (first three chapters), would have done a lot for this game. Hell, even just stuff like turning down Robin, telling Wynn to fuck, or, why not, sticking to the choice i made during the elf forest bit, to go to one elf or the other, and not forcing me to recruit both anyway (again, meaningful choices).