User Interface:.....7/10
User Experience:....6/10
Avg:.............5.43/10 [2.71/5]
I played the "pre-remake" immediately before this latest version to see the differences. From the initial release, I can confidently say that this game needed (or still might need) a full on rewrite, if not just scrapping it altogether. The pre rework was full of ambiguous NOTHINGS. Everyone makes sure to say out loud how cute MC is even though he looks like a cracked out lesbian mannequin named twinkus prime. To which I'll say, I don't mind playing a twink, but commit to the bit if you're doing it. Had a cameo from the pedophile Pediatrician Disrespect. Then hard cuts to another universe with completely different characters just as something happens for no discernable reason. Tell me, I don't like any of the characters from the first universe, have whiplash from jumping to the second and have no time to give a shit out the new people, what is the goal here? There's another game that tries to combine magic with cyberpunk and took 3 years too long to implement both. This one is like "Hmm lets not do that and make it so if you blink you'll miss everything." BOTH of these approaches are wrong. Now, I know full well what they're doing, they're making two contrasting MC's so they can appease everyone. But as literally everyone knows, a game for everyone is a game for no one. Which means they're afraid to commit to a theme, most likely due to the very toxic AVN fandom, which I can sympathize with, but it's still stupid. I have no hope for this so I'm just gonna review it early and be done with it.
The game opens to Veluxa, whoever that is, asking MC and his alter-ego's name, whether you're a dom or sub, and if you want to see Futa content. Because we need a questionairre before every damn game nowadays. And to people like me, that don't have a preference, I have to make a choice on something that isn't even in the game yet for something I know nothing about. Awesome. Then it cuts to people somewhere in a desert fighting about something. No proper nouns. No names. Just "this is an important thing and two nameless groups fought over an underwater statue." A fight with poor choreography, by the way. LT, or whoever(Zara Steele, as I got to her introduction later), because I don't remember her name from later, blocks a stab and somehow twists the attackers wrist in the opposite direction to stab her. Crazy. Followed by MORE nameless people that find the dead body saying more ambiguous nothings to hard cut to MC Twinkus being cradled by his [INSERT MOTHER FIGURE HERE] that looks younger than him somehow. The dialogue has been slightly expanded and edited, from what little I retained, but it's still not saying anything. Like MC talking to Dr. Kim, for no known reason, just to spout more technobabble that cuts away again with no direction or tell as to where or why MC is going somewhere. He just walks around campus to meet Nyxi because she is the first sexual encounter for the player to experience. She's just a Futa with an impossibly large penis and an even tinier miniskirt and underwear, if you didn't click the futa option, THAT'S why the scene is cut short. To abruptly jump to mystery merc headquarters. MC did something that made them interested and now he's here. Notice how I haven't said ONE Proper Noun or Verb yet? Notice how you know nothing? We don't even have a sense of the world we're in yet but they want to make all this "mystery." But the mystery is literally just withholding the information from the player until they decide to enlighten you.
When Major addresses them, again there's some more words added to the dialogue. Like Jax asking about specific guns instead of just guns to fire, but this isn't adding anything for the player to be interested in. Just more "If you couldn't tell by the robot at the start of the game and the android at reception this is a cyberpunk styled story." Then they finally say SOMETHING about the theme of this story. Grace made some presentation you'll never actually see about some sort of opposites that exist somewhere? I guess? No real information, just "please don't get whiplash when we cut to the other story this time." But they decided to keep the line "I miss our old gym teacher" which makes them seem younger and is an out of place line that adds nothing. Shocker. And somehow they Still kept the "Technology isn't perfect double line. Why? Not only did they keep it, but instead of the period being added the "t" is added as well. Meaning they actively did SOMETHING to the line, but didn't fix it. Great job. They also skipped over whatever "wireframe mode" is in context of the story. Suddenly they're in a tunnel with glowing faces for "anonymity." You can tell so many of these choices are just made to look "cyberpunk-y." And they kept the pedophile in the game. Wow. Can't commit to a theme but can commit to having him in the game. Ugh. His scene is to introduce unobtanium-- I mean Impenetratium. A mystery material that's harder than diamond. Hard cut to the platform scene where MC and Grace are attacked for unkown reasons by unknown people only for it to cut to the story about magic and opposite world. The only note I have on this scene is it's not made apparent that Grace is on the phone so it just seems like she's talking to nothing. While I'm glad I don't have to see the pose where the model is holding onto a phone without actually holding it, there has to be a better way to telegraph what she's doing.
In the new world, they establish a new language for some reason and only half translate it. Again, why? Everyone here speak the language so it's not like there's a barrier for anyone involved. It's also another planet so it would be assumed by anyone above a second grade level that they speak another language. Immediately they establish that there's magic here and that's about it. Something about half-breeds, the antagonist walks up just to be a dick about nothing and the fight ends as if they're kids fighting on a playground. Then MC2 is taken to a princess to get healed. They throw in these squiggles as if showing you the other language, but also show you the roman alphabet version of the text so I ask AGAIN, WHY? We won't see anything but dialogue, we can't read it, and it can confuse readers. This, at best, should be an option. Suddenly, The queen is MC2's mom, he hallucinated a dancing rat, and they skipped over both MC being healed and whatever conversation he had with the queen. Because if you came here to learn about characters and setting, fuck you, you idiot. Enter a sex scene with Mina after disregarding another character that MC goes home to see, just to leave. CAN WE NOT TELL WHY THIS IS BAD YET? "Hello character, goodbye" You could have just not introduced her. You could have improved your game by doing LESS work. There's also the fact that this otherworld story changed the narrator to be overly descriptive and flowery now? Just make two different stories, my god. And do you remember how they introduced the romance between MC and Mina? NO? Oh, that's right, there wasn't any. They even went out of their way to illustrate that she was a virgin here, so it's their first time. But no buildup, payoff, or anything in between. This is not how you start a story. Don't worry, they're accosted by nameless bandits, the same way MC1 was 10 minutes ago.
The following fight scene is, again, poorly choreographed. The motions are harsh, the narrator's interjections are too verbose to make for an action scene. And trying to build Mina's character mid-fight with her not wanting to hurt the horses is not the time to do it. I screams "Look how caring she is BE IN LOVE WITH HER." Cut to another scene with a character spouting foreboding nothings and... Hard cut back to MC1 in a coma, immediately being breastfed by some bimbo nurse..? There clearly WANTS to be a story, but then you jangle keys for the player. Why? Then a ... Hilarious.. Trump reference. You learn Grace is alive and in a hospital, traumatized. Suddenly MC1 is a battle-hardened alcoholic that demands mommy listens to him? This feels like an overcorrection which makes the theme of opposites null and void. You destroyed the premise of the story probably because a bunch of idiots online pissed and moaned because MC1 "isn't alpha like them." It's so jarring. Why is every plot point and story beat meant to change everything? Suddenly dream invading bimbos that are super spies are here. Dreams that the player wasn't privy to, mind you. Time skips and skipped conversations later, MC is searching for the people that assaulted him. How? No one knows. He's suddenly a cringelord cyberpunk vigilante. I'm so checked out by this point. I can't take anything seriously. No two sections of the story have been connected by anything more than the fact they're in the same renpy project. The characters from the intro? Dust in the wind. MC's earlier life? Completely irrelevant. Otherworld? Complete non sequitur story that has nothing to do with anything. Any connecting threads? No. Why MC1 suddenly got a robotic arm? Don't ask question you stupid gooner, just consume this shit.
This feels like a bunch of disconnected nothings slapped together. Wow, lighting gradients and DOF in the renders. That doesn't fix the fact that the writing is trash. At no point did I get to a scene and think it was in any way connected to the last one. The world itself felt like it changed every scene. Zero consistency, and I don't care. The English was good. The UI is heavily edited, but they changed it so you can't right-click back to the game and you can't access other menus from each other, so I docked a point in UX. The Art looks nice, most of the time, but there's no cohesion. The dialogue tells you nothing except MC wants revenge because of a crush he had for 13 seconds. Oh and there's another world that also exists somehow. The story is absent. As much as the writer wants you to think there's a story, there isn't. I really do not want to play this again, plain and simple. If Cyborg bimbos are your thing, you'll like half of this. If magical mommies are your thing, you'll like the other half. But I doubt you'll like both clashing like this. Unless you've never read something like this before and think this is amazing. I envy that straw man.