Unity - Completed - The Legend of the Oslo Sea [v1.5] [Canonda]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I have had a negative predisposition on games that have a translation app running behind the game. To me, it seems lazy and quite antagonistic when a poster does this. More games posted, more fame. I would love to see the translation be done correctly in the game files, although I know how tedious it is. Having to wait another couple seconds for the translator to load the untranslated paragraph, then to process it for triple that kills the flow of any game. I'd love to remove this if the translation is done better.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I myself think the gameplay is good, I love the artstyle, but like some others were saying. It a bit grindy and not a lot of "adultish" actions.

    Even tho I myself play adult games just for fun and to prove that not all adult games are "sex only" but the BIGGEST problem with this game is, THE TRANSLATION!

    I have no clue whats going on, and I hope a fan made translation is done for the game.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    • Has alright battle
    • Has some form of story going on
    • Long grind as mentioned in another review
    • Not really any porn scenes so not really great for a quick fap either
    • Pretty difficult enemies and you need a strat going in
    • Lots of RNG waiting for items in the shop
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is basically pretty fun for the frist few rounds when figuring things out, then it's just praying to RNGesus that you get good rolls on shop items plus a slow grindfest.

    Passable gameplay but not good enough if that's the focus.

    Pretty decent H animation, except there's so little of it that for the 2 hours gameplay it takes to beat the game you spend maybe 5 minutes being reminded that this is supposed to be a porn game.

    Passable porn content but its locked behind so much gameplay that it's not suitable for a quick fap either.

    All in all feels like a waste of time.