RPGM - Completed - The Legendary Cumblade of PRINCESS REINA [v1.02] [dieselmine]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    At first glance, it seems like just a simple hero princess corrupt game (which it actually is), but it turns out to be a much better RPG than expected.
    The story, gameplay, and many elements might be a bit cliché, but the game is really well-designed and fun. The characters are well-designed, the art style is beautiful, and even though the story isn't the most standout feature and the pacing can be a bit slow, the characters have strong personalities and the dialogue is fun, making it easy to keep following the story without getting bored. The game is easy to understand, with clear directions on where to go and what to do. The map and exploration are done well, not too empty, with rewards to discover, but not overly complicated like a maze, making it easy to move on to the next story point. The RPG system and combat are well-designed too; you need to pay attention to equipment and skills to fight bosses. But there are also options to offer youself to skip fights and still win against bosses, so you don't have even to fight bosses the entire game.
    On the downside, the encounters while traveling on the map happen too often, which can be annoying. Boss fights can be unfairly hard, but it makes sense because it adds meaning to the option of skipping the fight. If it's too hard and you're lazy to fight, you can skip it, but it feels frustrating and like a loss if you don't win the fight directly. If you do want to fight and win, you'll need to grind a lot. Plus, money in the game is really inflated. Fighting monsters on the side takes forever and gives very little money compared to the expensive items, so fighting bosses directly can feel like a hassle and a waste of time.
    I admit that I initially thought this was going to be just a cheap H game, it might not perfect but it's actually a pretty decent H-RPG game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is very good. Combat is not too tedious with the right gear.
    I played in normal mode and the prostitution grinding wasn’t too much.
    Story is well developped, with multiple side H-quest.
    Strongly recommended for fantasy RPG fans.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    So the first issue is that you have to run this game with a locale emulator, which isn't a terrible issue since they include one in the download itself if you don't already have one.

    The second issue is the really awful dialogue, which is a combination of the existing writing they were going for and the MTL level translation.

    The third issue is that the gameplay itself is tedious and boring with the first real challenge coming from a number riddle where your only hint is a bunch of gibberish that makes no sense. If you can't figure out the riddle, the game is over because you cannot progress until you get the right number which involves removing letters from a phrase, converting them to numbers, and then adding them together?

    Overall, a terrible experience, I would just find someone with a full save with the gallery unlocked, jack off to that, and then avoid the actual gameplay itself.

    Also, most of the content such as preg stuff is only as a bad ending.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game forced me to restart my pc 4 times. RPGM games rarely crash so hard.

    The story is cliche, but the translation makes, what could have been a non issue, pretty annoying. No attempt has been made to translate most of the puns or at least alter/remove conversations based on them.
    The story starts with a punny misunderstanding, which might have been funny in the original, so you will notice that laziness.
    The translation is also bad in general.

    The game features the by now incredibly boring trope of super pure female characters, that are suddenly fine with everything, when they are actually fucked. Even if you are desperately starved for corruption games, i would not recommend this.

    Combat is random, very easy and does not even serve to make the heroines seem powerful.

    Mapping is forgettable at best.

  5. 4.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    the game was pretty good for me. the character design, the set, the scenes, and the story all were pretty good. I enjoyed the game very much. there were some bugs but the community helped me warm-heartedly. overall a good. good job developers.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The game was a disappointment to me, to be perfectly honest. While the artstyle is almost perfect for my taste, corruption system is fun and the length of the game is well suited to the style of the game, it fails on some important issues.

    It is obvious (from the weapon's perspective part of the game) that the creator could make visible enemies but instead decided to to fully randomized encounters that hit in a way too high a frequency. That just feels unnecessary and annoying. The language in the translation feels off so often I ended up skipping large chunks of the dialogue because of that. On top of that, in spite of me using a locale emulator, runtime errors hit me every so often making reach an ending other that the pregnancy at the castle bad end impossible.

    I would have liked to love the game much more but the issues are too glaring to ignore.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good 2-3 hours MRPG with decent corruption mechanic.

    Story: just like 80% of JRPG, you're a princess having to save the kingdom by yourself from an evil demon lord. You made a contact with a lewd tentacle sword. On your journey, you will get new friends and explore your true self.... yeah nothing new,... 6/10

    Gameplay: 8/10 Quite decent, some rare item are locked behind a puzzle, some can be easily found around the maps. There are multiple endings so that you can choose to corrupt your characters or let them pure. Before each milestone of the story, you can choose to defeat the boss through battle on land or on the bed, your choice will affect each character and their corruption scale. The only drawback is the random spawn enemies, which is quite annoying and time consuming. Other than that, everything is perfect

    H-scenes: 9/10 the art style is so good and beautiful. All of them has voice over so it's even more flawless. There's 1 scat scene and you can easily avoid by (spoiler) not talking to the hypno guy in your castle. Because this is only a 2-3 hours game so there aren't many scenes. However, all of them are really well-made and enjoyable.

    Overall, this is a really good 2-3 hours game with good enough gameplay and corruption mechanic. Even though the game doesn't have many scenes due to its length, this is still a really enjoyable game and worth a try