Ren'Py - The Lewd House: Helping Hand [v0.2.1] [Amazoness Enterprise]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the crazy, abstract art of the game, it clearly knows what it wants to achieve. And the idea of a chaotic harem of girls, each with their own minigame to solve. I hope it continues to grow in a lot of content.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Art is good, gameplay is very basic but functional, story and dialogues are too simple. 3/5

    I don't think it's really fair to rate a game at such an early stage of development (v0.1.1), but I'm gonna do it anyway in case the dev wanna take my observations in consideration to improve his game. For this review, I wanna talk about some elements of the game: The gameplay, the visuals and the story.

    The game is a sandbox type of game where you walk around the house and complete objectives to unlock new dialogues and scenes in any order you want. You can interact with girls and objects around the map to progress the story. The first thing I noticed is that the game is well structured and I couldn't find any major bugs. The navigation around the house is simple and clean. You can open the map and click on the sisters' icons to teleport to their locations or you can just click on the arrows to move to the adjacent rooms. You have a notebook that lists all of your current objectives and some stats for the characters, which is a plus considering I've played lots of games that don't really tell what you have to/can do next. You also have a backpack, which shows you the key items you've collected. One criticism I'd like to point out is that there isn't much variety when it comes to the objectives. They are either:

    [Talk to girl] -> [Fetch items] -> [Return to girl] -> [Scene!]
    [Talk to girl] -> [Meet girl at certain place] -> [Scene!] -> [Repeat for variation of scene]
    [Talk to girl] -> [Talk to another girl] -> [Return to first girl] -> [Scene!]

    The fact that the dialogues are not that engaging or interesting either doesn't help making the gameplay feel less dull and boring, but I'll talk more about the dialogues later. What I can say about the gameplay aspect is that I think the dev should add a bit more complexity into the quests, for example the player has to get an item, but that item is out of reach/locked inside somewhere so the player has to get another item (from someone or somewhere else) to unlock the first item. Or maybe add some more mechanics, like puzzles or quizzes or small minigames (something like a lockpicking minigame, I dunno) so the game doesn't feel like the same thing over and over. Of course these are just some ideas that I came up with. I believe the dev is perfectly capable of making the quests more interesting while keeping them simple.

    Another thing I forgot to mention is that the game also has a "Dress up" mechanic where you can strip the girls to their underwear or nude and also change their pose and facial expression. I don't really care about this mechanic, but if it's your thing, then you might like it.

    As for bugs, there are some objectives that require the girl and Lincoln to be alone in a room so he can get his reward, so if Lincoln is in the room with the girl, but there's another girl in the same room, she will warn you that you need privacy and the scene won't happen. But as for Luna's "private concert" for Lincoln in her room, the scene will play out even if Luan is in the same room, despite Luna stating you both need to be alone in her room. Maybe the dev forgot to implement this condition for this scene to play. This is the only "bug" I could find in my playthrough. The rest played out just as intended.

    I think this is the strongest point of the game. The game's artstyle is very accurate to the show's, but is also capable of making the girls curvier and sexier enough to fit into a porn game. You might notice that the girls' sprites are slightly different from the CGs. That's because they are not drawn by the same artist (You can find the names of the artists involved in this game by clicking on the "About" section on the main menu). Some people think it's better to keep the artwork consistent, but I personally don't mind. I'm glad the girls in the CGs are thicker and sexier than in the sprites.

    There's only one thing that I don't like when it comes to the visuals of this game: the lack of visuals for the MC. Lincoln doesn't have any sprites and also doesn't appear in any of the scenes in the game so far, and that can be a problem, especially during scenes that show a lot of physical contact between the MC and the girl. Take for example Lynn's scene where she is pushing back against his crotch while he helps her stretch. The game only shows Lynn moving side to side, but doesn't show Lincoln's crotch or boner being pushed against, which leaves much to the player's imagination how the scene is playing out. I don't think it's really necessary to make Lincoln sprites for the dialogues (although that would be nice!), only draw his body when he's being touched/touching the girls and his penis when he's fucking them/getting a blowjob, etc.

    The story of the game is simple. TOO simple! It feels like the dev didn't put much care into writing an interesting story or dialogues. It feels kinda dull and (for the lack of a better term) like a placeholder for the actual story, providing the bare minimum context for the lewd scenes to happen, when it was supposed to be an enjoyable reading that gets the player more invested into the characters and what's gonna happen next. Since the gameplay is simple, it's important to have an interesting and fun enough story to balance it out (hot scenes too, of course!).

    The dialogues are not that bad. The little introduction Lincoln makes of his sisters and the way he describes each of them is nice, but I've noticed a few typos along the way, like "Though luck" instead of "Tough luck" right at the start, and "summor" instead of "summer". Even though these are all easy to spot and fix, it kinda ruins your experience if they happen too often (for some reason, there's quite a few of them during Lola's dialogue at the beginning of her route).

    Like another user mentioned, I also think the dev should get a writer to help him with the story and dialogues of the game. I'm not saying he should strive for a deep and complex story (this is a parody porn game of a Nickelodeon cartoon, after all), but at least try to make it more engaging and fun to follow along, not just something the player has to endure to get to the lewd scenes.

    All in all, I think this game is very promising. Actually, maybe I'm being a bit too harsh with a game that's basically the bare bones for now, but I really do want to see this game get better and succeed. If the dev actually tackles some of the issues I've mentioned (which I think he will do, at least some of them), I might give it a higher rating, but for now, it's a solid 3.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not sure what the goal is here. The story and dialog are just... dumb. I don't believe it to be a translation issue. It appears to just be, "whatever I can think of to get to a lewd scene."
    The artwork is well done and consistent. Until said "lewd" scenes for Lola and Lucy get fetishized. Those are terrible, and don't fit with the rest of the artwork at all. Including the rest of the scenes in their underwear. Lori, Lynn, and Luna stay consistent. Rita is believable. So far.
    To save this and improve the rating, 2 things need to happen:
    1. Get a writer. Someone that can tell a coherent story. Or remove the dialogue altogether.
    2. Redo the scenes. Make the artwork consistent. Either stick with the source, or do them completely to your fetish throughout. Clothed and nude. The mashup is terrible.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The content is not much but I love the art, it stays like the actual casrtoon art in most instances but the girls get a little thicker in the scenes, loved it so far.

    Let's just hope this game gets updates every now an then, I have high hopes.