Ok, ok, I got it. I've added those files that you required in
the same message.
(5 mins later) I've also added Player.log files (reload it, now it calls stamina50_strength30_agility10_PupularityNational_
v3.zip) , maybe it'll help...
The only thing that you will miss after loading (instead of walking through by yourself) - it's a 2-3 sentences "dialogs" like "would you like to fuck a little more?" and yes\no answers. After that you will be able to repeat the same scenes in the same locations in the same way... in never ending loop (look on 3 buttons in right down corner in Boss room, when he gets what
MC he wants). And there was no content between growing levels of Popularity, just some 3 phrases "news" maybe.
About battles. If you'll get the Agility more than 10, like 15 or 20 - it'll add some damage power just to few of your hits\cards, BUT then the enemies will almost always miss their hits aside from very tricky MC, so you'll not have a chance to loose and watch a 3 frames "sex videos" ^_^. You'll have enough power to kill'em all just with hits\cards that reqired strength and a lot of energy and stuning cards will make
you MC an unstapable death machine. ^_^ Actually the enemies don't dies... they just vanish in the air, like ghosts, then they will return to the streets in the same appearance... but maybe they are not ghosts, but clones with selfdestructing nano-bots in their veins... who cares, there is no story, just some mechanics ^_^
And sorry, I was saying that loaded player will start from the new event point in appartment 0.27. It is quite so, but somehow when I loaded it again, after quiting the game - the same guy offered MC just to pay for a room, just like he 1st time seeing MC, I guess it's a bug of saving system, so you'll have to return to him after 10 days.