Finally played through this demo version. First impressions are good, like the main character and the story seems interesting. Some things need to be translated, and the translations a bit meh at points but nothing overly bad I felt. Combat was good and interesting, like'd how it's handled in a Slay the Spire manner, definitely a cool idea to borrow. Sex scenes are honestly the part I feel needs the most work. Kinda sucks to have to mash between the keys only to then have to stop once I've maxed the bar out to click the finish button, which also stops the animations if I stop spamming the keys. Best idea for this would probably be to have to just press the button once to get the animations going, then have to switch between them as the hearts drop, instead of spamming it, but that's just one suggestion. Also some kind of small tutorial telling you how it works would definitely help. Finally, only other problem is movement. Holding shift to move faster side to side works fine, but you can't move up or down while holding shift, I found anyway, which is kinda annoying. Overall though, really looking forward to this game. Also, hope the ending's don't turn out as... depressing as some of the one's in My Little Angel did.