4.70 star(s) 64 Votes


Jun 14, 2018
> - All users in the discord got a 24h mute and an horrible badge on their profiles with something like "this user was in a server dangerous to children" or some crap like that.

I didn't get this badge, just the mute for a day, I was worried this could be the case but I checked with another account and a friend also checked for me, no badge


Sep 30, 2017
Sadly, Discord offers the "Did we make a mistake?" option and even if every person that got the mark says "Yes. The questionability was caused by slander." No one on the Discord staff would read it (if they even bother to check that kind of stuff).
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New Member
Sep 13, 2022
Settings, Privacy, Standing.

View attachment 4041446
I was only really using discord for you DMF. Sure i was in other servers. But you are the only one im REALLY active in. This is also my first post (i think) on f95. I don't know what will happen but i will do my best to stick around. I will follow you till the end. If you take a hit, i will take it with you. I will fight with you till I can't. You are the first and only community i have ever been active in. I loved the platform you provided. I loved the red door. Your art made me join and your kindness is why i stayed. Cats writing is amazing (and a VOICE actress wth!? Is that still happening!? Do you need more money!?) I will never forget the time i had in that server. I will follow whatever path you set. I'll learn whatever platform we end up on in the future. All great artists go through struggles and people trying to drag them down. But it seems like you will endure and continue being a AMAZING artist who can't be silenced easily.

Oh man I am ranting. Apologies I'm just frustrated as im sure i dont need to explain why. I hope that video gets you more money and that channel or the video gets taken down. Your are the first artist i talked and still the only one. But sometimes the worse things happen to the kindest of people.


Jun 15, 2022
I was only really using discord for you DMF. Sure i was in other servers. But you are the only one im REALLY active in. This is also my first post (i think) on f95. I don't know what will happen but i will do my best to stick around. I will follow you till the end. If you take a hit, i will take it with you. I will fight with you till I can't. You are the first and only community i have ever been active in. I loved the platform you provided. I loved the red door. Your art made me join and your kindness is why i stayed. Cats writing is amazing (and a VOICE actress wth!? Is that still happening!? Do you need more money!?) I will never forget the time i had in that server. I will follow whatever path you set. I'll learn whatever platform we end up on in the future. All great artists go through struggles and people trying to drag them down. But it seems like you will endure and continue being a AMAZING artist who can't be silenced easily.

Oh man I am ranting. Apologies I'm just frustrated as im sure i dont need to explain why. I hope that video gets you more money and that channel or the video gets taken down. Your are the first artist i talked and still the only one. But sometimes the worse things happen to the kindest of people.
Man really said, "If DMF has no fans, I am dead!" God bless Loud House and it's info-hazard levels of loyalty it provokes on people. Like that one fanfic, you know the one.
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Feb 4, 2022
The server got banned and my account got a strike :(
View attachment 4039011
Are you can get ban just because YOU WAS SUBSCRIBED to certain server, not owner, not staff? WUTAFUUUUUUUUK?!

DMFnsfw I believe you need private SFW telegram channel for supporters. Discord is over. OWARI DA. This platform even not banned in my country (Russia) because it literally immediately satisfies every official request.


Sep 1, 2022
Fuck I just watched the video for the first time, and it makes me so angry, even more when I read the comments, all of them are assholes.
The way No Text worded it made it seem EXTREMLEY out of context, while when you read the disclaimer in the files, and when you start the game for the first time, it explains everything you'd need to know and understand. Yet he didn't do either of those things, so he didn't relay it to the viewers. He didn't do full research, before making the video, so he just assumed what he thought was right and went with it.


New Member
May 13, 2020
Tis a shame. I'm only really active on discord with 1 other server of very close friends and The Lewdest House felt like it was becoming a new main. There were some good people there and good conversations going on often, even if I wasn't participating much it was entertaining to read. Really feel sad about the server being lost, but I still love the game itself and will keep checking regularly for anything from DMF. So fucking amazing, hooked to the end, keep shining on you crazy diamond.


Nov 1, 2017
> - All users in the discord got a 24h mute and an horrible badge on their profiles with something like "this user was in a server dangerous to children" or some crap like that.

Is this badge still a think, because i got striked too but don't see any badge or so.


Oct 31, 2020
Hello dev, staff and all others. Good day/night to you. I understand everyone (especially the developer) is going through a rough patch right now due to current events. First of all, I want to say that I am sorry for anyone and everyone who was affected. I rarely ever choose to speak up or post on this site (I’ve only ever done so on one other forum), but due to current circumstances, I figured I could at least share a story here mainly to the developer, but anyone is of course free to peruse it. Just a warning though, when I am good and ready and have something, I feel is meaningful to say, I write A LOT. So, if reading long messages isn’t your thing then feel free to skip. I have a lot to say about this, but I feel I should start from the beginning.

About a year ago, there was a point in time where I was searching this site for games that interested me. I mainly was on this site for one game in particular which is Rick and Morty: Another Way Home. Which in my opinion is still one of the most well written visual novels I have ever read and still follow to this day. Anyway, one day I was looking through recommendations of games that were similar to that one, and eventually it led me to this game. Back then I decided to pass this one because at that point I was kind of just glancing around, and I have never seen an episode of The Loud House before. I’ve heard of it, but by the time it was playing on TV I was already over cartoons like that, so I never bothered to watch it. I figured you probably need to watch the show and/or be a fan to get any of the source material, so I gave it a pass and moved on.

Fast forward to a few days ago. I am a subscriber to the NTTS channel, and I get a notification that he posted a video called “this discord server is worse than you think”. So, I click and watch it thinking it’s probably another one of those cp servers he is trying to get removed again. Then your game is what gets brought up. At that point I had completely forgot the game existed but I remembered seeing the name somewhere, so I looked it up and then found the game again and I remembered. After watching all of NTTS’s video though, I remember thinking to myself a lot of what he was saying was actually pretty harsh and that he was going a little overboard. Anyway, I left it at that and just moved on.

Later on, I realized I couldn’t get the video out of my mind. Mainly because it was a game I saw a year ago and for something I saw a while ago to be featured on such a big platform so negatively, I just had to do my own investigation. I ended up finding out that NTTS was successful in banning the server and how it deeply affected everyone involved. I thought to myself that it was a shame because I really feel like he was being somewhat dramatic about the whole thing. But I guess that is what happens when you become the target of a large platform like that. But honestly this whole thing only served to make me even more curious about the whole thing. So I did the next logical step in sating my curiosity and tried the game myself.

And what I found was… Honestly more than I bargained for. There ended up being a lot more here than was revealed in NTTS’s video and what I had initially thought the year before. You see, I’m quite used to NSFW games having little to no story and basically trying to use every trick in the book to get the MC into bed with everyone and everything in the game’s world with little to no explanation or buildup because they think everyone who reads these is some kind of ape who just wants action. So, I usually assume that with most games I play. However, I am a man who loves a good plot to go with it. Only a few games I’ve ever read have pleasantly surprised me by having an amazing as hell plot. The aforementioned game Rick and Morty: Another Way Home is one of them. Another off the top of my head Is the Monster Girl Quest series which I am wildly a fan of. But also… This one too. I honestly thought it was just going to be another cut and dry plot where the MC just has every girl lust after him and he just beds them all one by one until he has his whole harem. But there is so much more here. There’s actually some conflict, rising action and a cause-and-effect relationship between events. There is actually a plot here and it’s actually pretty good. Not to mention the animation is great too.

And that is why I have come here today basically. To tell you that you have a new fan of your work. And you can thank NTTS for that. I just want you to know that despite all the negativity that has been going on lately, at least a little good came out of it. I took a second look at your work and found out that I’m actually very interested. I am very sorry that this happened to you. It seems that some people think others cannot differentiate 2D lines and colors from real people, so they just mush it all together and label it all as bad. It’s pretty much been done this way since time immemorial, so I am not surprised this happened. However, it’s just a shame when it does. As for me. Well like I said I’ve become a fan now thanks to that drama. Takes all kinds of publicity I guess. I hope my story at least makes you feel a little better about everything and I look forward hearing about what you do next. If you decide to stop though I also respect that decision. Things like this can be devastating to recover from. Regardless I’ll be keeping my eye on this forum from now on.
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New Member
Dec 14, 2023
Honestly this game has really solid writing I vaguely understand references to the show and it really goes to show the attention to detail the writers put into this, I also found out this entire game was delisted on every major platform except this one

I usually never comment but the writing quality of this game even given the content was pretty solid

I'd avoid trying to bring more attention to this again on discord though that platform has cracked down on everything ever since it went public
4.70 star(s) 64 Votes