VN - Ren'Py - The Libido Enigma [Ch. 5] [broiler_x]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Started out rough with episode 2. A lot of cringe worthy things that a lot of people didn't care for. BUT....with episode 2.5 the dev really turned it all around. He went back and corrected just about everything that people had an issue with. Redone some of one love interests lines, redone the whole backstory for another li. Really kicked it up a notch. Now in episode 3, he really shines. We are starting to be more involved with our li's, and the lewd scenes are well done (y) . He has went back and redone the old animations and the old renders that were noisy. Really great job polishing all the previous content. No issue here with any of the camera angles or camera work. Grammar has been fine, well done. So far since the redo, I have no issue with any of the content (y)

    If you have previously played the old episode 2 and it wasn't your cup of tea, I highly recommend trying the new .3. I can't wait to see what we have in store for us going forward....Try it, you won't be disappointed
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I really hate rating this so low. Creating one of these is hard, thankless work and creating one that is good is even harder. Speaking as a failed developer, I know this all too well. It is obvious the dev put a lot of effort and long hours into producing this and all I have to say about that is to stick with it and keep working and I wish you well.

    This AVN has all these weird zoom in effects and the characters all standing or communicating in strange, unnatural poses. There is even one scene were one of the LIs is walking down the hall and turns back and it looks like she is possessed and can turn her head around almost 180 degrees. And what is with all of this zoom in effect and all the odd camera angles? It's so distracting.

    And then there is the dialogue. It's not good. The grammar seems fine, but the sentences are simple and short and some of the breaks between conversations are just awkward.

    It's actually a decent concept and hurray for just a couple LIs. One of the harem games out there has 31 LIs and counting. This seems right and the story itself, is a solid idea, it just needs to be executed better.

    I would challenge the dev to stop trying to be too artsy and stick with the basic scene setups and focus on the story and the interactions with the LIs. And for the love of the porn gods, please stop with the zooming. It's not good. It's not artistic. It's just distracting and is only effective with certain scenes and occasional uses.

    UPDATE: The dev has gone back and reworked a few things and there is definite improvement. Adding another star.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Lan Lan

    One of the few games on this site with a plausible story. In fact, even an interesting one. The art and animations aren't the greatest, nor are they the worst. Dialogue sounds a bit unreal in places, where characters are reporting things for the player's benefit that would be already knoen to the character being addressed. Without a doubt, worth playing.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a very promising game, I like the concept and I gotta admit the main character looks fucking hilarious with his mullet, usually I don't like when the MC has bad hair, but he pulls it off so nothing more to say there.

    The plot choices are inconsistent. Sometimes you have choices in regards to sex with girls and sometimes you don't. For example, spoilers ahead, Isabella and Brooke have unavoidable sex scenes that just happen, and I don't mind them, I would definitely have done it anyway, but then you have the option to lean into Gisele's advances and to fuck the clinical trial girl. I think it would be best to add more choices to the game because in the future I want my options to be open. As for Miranda, your girlfriend at the start of the game, you break up with her off-screen and there is no resolution, I wish there was a way for us to decide if and how we'd do it.

    Promising game, but I would recommend going for more choices, I know it's more work so I understand if you can't, but right now you have a weird blend of visual novel and kinetic novel.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Get your Libido ready

    Review for v 1.1

    Mc works for a biotech company designing a new type of drug for women to increase their sex drive. Can he make the drug as it is? Will the drug accidently be added to some ladies? Will other companies want this new technology for their own?

    Story - A interesting premise. It will be interesting to see where this goes. Possible corporate espionage. Lab tests of the new drug on human patients. Mc figuring out his personal life and trying to create this miracle drug.

    Mc - A nice change of pace from usual Mc's. A regular man trying to work in this company. Not a horny teenage , a dork lacking charm, or super creepy horndog. (Nothing wrong with those but its nice when it's someone somewhat normal)

    Ladies - Emily - A cutie pattotie lab technician that helps the mc on the drug testing. Will their close proximity end in something more? I like her design as a young go getter that respects the mc. She's more normal beauty that hides something more. A definite young girlfriend material.
    Giselle - An unknown as of this chapter. Most likely the product of stuff going on behind the scenes. Always a sucker for the goth/punk look. Will have to see more of her personality in the next chapter.
    Isabella - God damn! :love: So far she's the top tier Li so far. Shes the ceo of the company making the drug. She's also close to the MC in more ways than one.
    I like how even though she's a corporate lady. She is nice and considerate to the MC. No girlboss here. (The bad kind I mean)
    There may be other ladies but these seem to be the important one's so far.

    Graphics - So far most things look good. There are a few video scenes that have some graininess in them. Hopefully these will be fixed later or touched up later on. Not a game breaker but it is noticeable. Also some of the eye tracing on characters in some scenes are a bit off. Seems like some characters are not looking at the character but away from them. Not terrible but I did notice it a few times.

    UI - It's fine. Nothing bad. All works great. Looks good. Maybe add a transparency bar for those that have a hard time reading white lettering on brighter scenes. As of this version the ctrl button is disabled for some reason. (Dev says he has fixes this for future releases) The music is on full blast when you start the game. (Dev says he will fix this on later releases)

    Looking forward to more releases. Keep up the good work dev.