Ren'Py - The Library Story [v0.97.5.75 SE] [Latissa & Xaljio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    After years still not fucking Belle. Just a scam. Very little progress after each update and between updates is at least a year. Basicly the first version has as much nudity as the last version. Tedious, boring and by the time the game is done your children are retired.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Really liked this game on v0.6 when I discovered it, instantly supported them with 5$ a month. That was 4 years ago, and the game is practically the same thing, no corruption no sex nothing. Eventual updates where okay, but pretty small.

    Forever postponed deadlines for over 1 year 3 months to release the same version with 3-4 scenes added, then proceed to fracture releases in god knows how many "v0.95 parts", like this is some kind of fascicle.

    They indeed have something in common: both are scams and u get what ur looking wherever u decide to look.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I was going to give it 2 stars for a few decent bits of art slightly above average and hoping maybe they'd go somewhere but then I was shocked to see how long it's been in development. It has no gameplay hinting at it even aiming to be more than average for games around here and if it's taken that long to reach this point, I can't give it a courtesy star to be hopeful. There's just better games now with similar and superior art that are further along in fraction of the time, maybe 5 years ago it was a 2 or a 3 but these days it's a 1.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I hate doing this to a game I once had high hopes for but honestly, this game is about as worth while as sucking pus from a septic limb in the vain hope that it will somehow heal. This game has been in development for four years now and it still feels more like a proof of concept than being even remotely close to completion. Four years and nothing of what was originally talked about or advertised has been added or fulfilled. It's like the game consistently edges you, and right as sweet release is about to occur, the game promptly slaps you in the back the head whilst laughing at your failed attempt to get off. This all could be made something akin to being even remotely bearable if the game wasn't so bloody grindy that it forces you to constantly grind just so you can get to the next objective to once again grind for a lite tease or a flash of skin. The story is a freaking mess at this point, multiple plot threads have been brought up without a hint of resolution being anywhere in sight, characters that should have a larger role to play are being pushed to the side in favor of background or developer created characters, which takes away from the original point of the game in the first place. Corrupting Belle, transforming her from a pure and innocent woman to one that revels in debauchery and lust driven escapades. Again this is a game that has been in development for roughly four years at this point. The game should be close to if not wholly completed by this point. It is simply beyond me to properly articulate the sheer levels of incompetence that this game has consistently shown in the entirety of it's development. And I hate saying this because I honestly did love the core concept of this game. It held so much promise and now all that's left is four years of consistent delays, excuses, and disappointment. All I can do at this point is offer a word of caution when looking into this game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This rating can change with time, and I honestly hope it does because I love trainer games and I loved the concept of this one, however, there are some problems.

    First and foremost, the grind.
    Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
    Please, dev. Let me love this game.
    If you're playing the game without cheats or the Patreon code, you're gonna have a really bad time. This game has everything I hate about grind: RNG items, RNG stat changes, RNG bad encounters, RNG money, RNG enemies, "get [amount] to unlock the next scene", but worst of all, you don't choose what you're gonna do next, the game chooses for you. If you want to increase a certain stat but that stat can only be increased every few days, you can't do anything about it. You'll have to wait until you get the encounter. You spend days doing literally nothing, and if you want to do something, you'll only repeat the same scenes you've seen dozens of times but with two lines of different dialogue. Sometimes not even that. Sometimes you need Belle to be in her bedroom but she's not. Sometimes you need to find a certain mushroom but you get a stat penalty instead. Sometimes you need to get inside Belle's bedroom at night but you can't because her father is working in the basement. Day after day, week after week. And I'm not talking about a one-time thing. If you manage to get a certain encounter after almost a week, you need to repeat the same process until you get the [amount] you need, but the RNG doesn't get any better.

    Another problem that only makes the grind worse is that the game sometimes is not clear on what you should do next. You have to fiddle around until you realize you were supposed to advance another storyline first.

    And the cherry on the top, all your grind is for nothing. The game has too many storylines but none of them are done. I spent almost 300 days in-game to discover that the main storyline only has a handjob scene and Belle still refuses to even kiss you. I said "oh, okay", and proceeded to advance the Betsy storyline. Also unfinished. I said "oh, okay" and proceeded to advance the Ariel storyline. Also unifinished. I said "oh, okay" and proceeded to unlock some other stuff in-game. Also mostly unfinished. That's when I realized I spent two days IRL repeating the same scenes over and over again, just to get three frames of a handjob scene with a character that hates me.

    Maybe I'm just retarded and I'm missing something, but when I finally gathered the ingredients for a potion and went to Tinker Bell, she said I didn't have enough ingredients. I opened my backpack and the ingredients were gone. I made sure to double check every time and confirmed that the ingredients were there, but when I tried to proceed she said I didn't have the ingredients and when I opened my backpack again they were gone. I repeated this for almost 10 times, spending almost 100 in-game days, and somehow I managed to complete the quest without doing anything different. The game simply decided to let me advance. And please don't forget that those ingredients are also RNG.

    Maybe I'm just retarded (again) but I couldn't get the tentacle tree to grow, even though I was doing what the quest asked for almost every single day for more than 100 in-game days. I poured cum inside the pot so many times that I don't know how the plant didn't drown. Again, that's what the quest told me to do, but even after 100 long in-game days fighting against the RNG that didn't let me get inside Belle's bedroom, the plant didn't grow anymore. That's when I gave up and mourned the time I spent.

    I'm only giving 2 stars because I liked the dog (also unfinished LMAO) and I don't want to be considered a troll review. This is an honest opinion based on my experience. I love trainer games and I was really interested in this one because I also love intelligent girls. I want this game to succeed but there's too many problems in the way. I don't know what happened with the development of the game, but apparently it's been two years and there's still barely any content, hidden behind a wall of grind and bugs that render your grind useless.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    What sells the game for me is the cartoon art that I really like. Gameplay is a bit grinding: basically clicking around the locations, looking out for different events that get triggered at different times of day, with the occasional RPG-like battle woven in.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game may not be complete but it offers a good storyline and a gameplay that still needs more work but hey it's still in the works and more storyline and batter gamplay is comming with each update for the game.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    You know what I hate? Bad games. The kind that after ten minutes playing, you know are a total waste of time.

    You know what I hate even more than that? Games like this. Where the front page description for the game makes it seem like a fantastic find. Like a hidden gem, like something wonderful that's slipped under radar. Where you keep playing and putting up with Grindy gameplay hoping it will pay off only to face a BUGGY, CRAPPY, DISORGANIZED, GARBAGE FIRE OF A GAME.

    You can disagree with every single one of my previous reviews but please, I beg you, listen to me now. PLEASE DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS GAME. You'll be left frustrated and upset.

    It looks like a corruption sexual trainer game. Take the innocent Belle and slowly turn her sexually voracious - but that's not the case at all. FALSE ADVERTISING ON A MASSIVE SCALE!!! PLEASE AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!

    I've played the 0.9 version of the game, and I SEVERLY doubt that 1.0 will be any better. We're going to needa call in the Navy Seals or something, to rescue this tragedy of a game. The art looks promising, the game itself is trash.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.92...

    This game/VN is basically a parody of Beauty and the Beast characters Belle and Gaston...

    The visuals are really good for all the characters and backgrounds... Looking very much like the Disney characters and drawing style, but with some unique flair...

    The script is really good as well, as I didn't run into any spelling/grammar errors, that I remember... The plot is obviously making fun of the Belle and Gaston characters from Disney's Beauty and the Beast... With Gaston as the protagonist, who lusts after Belle, and disguises himself as a bookstore owner, in order to trick/deceive/manipulate/corrupt/etc. Belle into being his sex bunny... Other characters are also present, such as a parody of Tinkerbell called Binkertell... And the list goes on...

    There are lots of stats for different characters that need to be grinded out, as well as different quests to accomplish (but be careful because failing some quests ends the game, a feature i'm never fond of), a time consuming combat system, and lots of other things that need to be grinded out and/or accomplished... There is a bit of humor now and then in some of the dialogue/monologue and character interactions that occur... Most of which is either tongue-in-cheek, some is toilet humor, and some is crass and rude... Be careful during interactions, because they may effect quests in a bad way if you push things too far, leading to a end game...

    Overall, this game is a bit of a grind and is intended to poke fun at the Disney characters... I didn't go all the way through it, mostly because the grind gets a bit crazy sometimes, and on occasion it's a bit hard to get all the things you need to complete a quest, in a timely manner... Plus too many ways to mess up if not careful and end the game early, or ruin a quest chain early and miss out on it's content... I am not a fan of the combat system, as it takes too long sometimes... The humor is funny a majority of the time, and not funny other times, but is creative... There do seem to be some random events, which on occasion breaks up the grind...

    It's not a bad game, but I'm just not a fan of how long it takes to get anywhere, and sometimes it's confusing on what to do next... It is very creative and has really good visuals... I will most likely not revisit this game, as it just took too long to play, for sometimes very little actual new content... It is a complex game, and I do applaud the author/s for the time invested and hard work it must of took to put this thing together...