A massive nonsense game, nothing makes any sense, things just happen for the sake of happening there's no sort of actual storytelling with any kind of pacing or cohesion whatsoever.
And the UI isn't actually good, it's just dressed up with "fancy" squiggles to look "detailed" and "futuristic", it's still a nightmare to navigate and you basically need to click all the buttons randomly sometimes just to find out what you're supposed to be doing.
On the subject, it's one of those games where you have to press "work for money" or "go to gym" a thousand times in a row just to grind up a stat FOR NO REASON. This game needs the sandbox tag because it absolutely is the most annoying kind of sandbox game.
And if the pointless grinding wasn't enough already, the game has hidden d20 rolls it does behind the scenes, again for absolutely no reason to benefit the player, literally all it achieves is waste your time, to see if certain actions succeed or not, just so you have to keep clicking more.
Oh and the models are decent but you don't even get to see them all that much in game, there's very few sex scenes and with no coherent story to set them up it all feels like nonsense.