Others - Completed - The Manager Serves All [Final] [Okeyutei]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoy manager games as a whole.

    Art 7/10

    The pixel art is decent with my only critic being that fact that the top stays on for half of the scenes, as a boob enjoyer this took down the score a bit for me.

    Story: 5/10

    Your job is to motivate a every growing [if you don't fail] baseball team.
    Barebones but works for the style of gameplay. I'd like it more if you could hire more girls to help .

    Gameplay 8/10

    You have to manage two bars, one for energy, a timer and points you use to buy different positions and improve your character's stamina/recovery.
    The only thing I kinda dislike is that the best way to play is focusing on a single ability and upgrading it, this makes it so you don't really use everything you have if you want to min max points.

    Amount of Content 9/10

    There are more than 25 different animations. From handjobs, titjobs, blowjobs, anal, vaginal, threesomes and foursomes to recruiting animations where she just jumps with her tits out.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much to add to previous comments.
    If you're into pixel art, baseball, japanese girl and "management" then you should be in.
    Everything is well done. You can try to max out all the skills if you want a real goal to achieve ^^
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a high quality pixel art gallery viewer hidden behind a shitty clicker game. So, to skip the boring grind drop a save and enjoy.

    You are some sort of sport club girl who sees that her sports team is demotivated, so she proceeds to motivate all of them by offering sex. There's not a single line of dialogue or a story. Nor does it need them. The H-scenes are animated and high quality pixel art, drop a save and enjoy.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty good quick game. Where as the title says "The Manager Serves All", where you are a manager of a highschool baseball team. Where you have actions and you use said actions to do 1 of two things, recruit more members or use them on the members inside of the club. Doing so will give you more members or will give you hearts where you spend them on new actions or upgrading old actions. A very simple game in its core that will take around and hour to complete. Good thing the game has some high quality H pixel art and pretty decent sound design. Would recommend to try, it will not be anyone's absolute favorite game but a quick high quality experience if you have an hour to blow.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun little diversion of a game, for what it is. Could've been great if it came as part of a larger offering with some additional skinner-box gameplay and a story.

    Even so, the Pixel art is good, but there isn't too much of it (as the download size reveals). The gameplay consists solely of grinding to earn skill points so you can unlock more H-skills. Once you unlock a skill at level 1, you have seen the animation and the only reason to level a skill to level 9 (max) is to increase its power (speed and skill earnings).

    There's no plot or dialog what so ever and there's no end game or cut scene, as far as I could determine. Once I had all skills at 9, nothing new happens, the game just keeps rolling.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    + Management game. You satisfy the needs of a sport team
    + collecting trash can give you good points, and food/medicine can heal you
    + You unlock sex positions by spending points you get from satisfying the team and collecting trash. The more you unlock, the more points certain positions give
    - At one point, auto-trash collecting would be not bad in late game. And also some kind of inventory for collected medicine/food for healing
    - many sex positions just for visual enjoment, but they are not the best for getting points

    Frequency of scenes
    + Very frequent and soon

    + No dialogues, which is good, because this game has 100% focus on management

    --> All in one: Nice litte game. The grind-reward balance is good. You need to grind a bit though, but it is not a negative-grind. You get properly rewarded and the game is not endless stretched. 6 of 10.

    Should I give it a try?
    If you are looking for quick material, this is the game to try. No story, some grind, and sex happens really fast. The game is not special, but for that, the gameplay, grind and rewards are surprisingly well balanced.
    Likes: BakaG
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Small short game with nice animations. There's no story, there's very little gameplay and the art is pixel art.

    I'd say it's pretty average because there's just not a lot going for it. But the small amount of gameplay there, it's alright.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Yeah. It's a gallery you play to unlock more things to see in a Japanese baseball manager theme.
    Once you unlock the coach, there is no other reason to pick the other options other than to see it once.
    The dev did their best to keep things in the theme, but it's not enough, and it's never enough since the theme is even more shallow than the Japanese summer break theme.
    If they didn't lock themselves and go beyond that
    Like just her and her open and free sex life in school, in the city, on her way home, in her home, on a mountain field trip, on the beach, in a convenient store, in a mall, on countryside etc.
    The game would be much more stand out and enough contents that people would pay for.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing Final Version of the game.

    Gameplay: Not too exciting, use your poses to generate points to unlock more poses. There's a little bit of management involved with your "stamina" bar but you quickly figure out the best way to make points without emptying your Stamina at the speed of light. That's basically all there is, you have some unlocks for environments at certain amount of club members but it doesn't really affect much.

    Artstyle is really solid for pixel art, many animated poses (close to like 30 or so) and the animation is solid, you can clearly see the poses and even get to zoom in with the phone button! I'm not an expert on Pixel Art but this was really solid to me.

    Other than that, there isn't a story beyond the female coach slowly corrupting herself to motivate her team through sexual acts to keep them in a good mood. You get that as your starting point and that's about it. That being said, in a game like this, you're not exactly here for a story anyways so I doubt that this take anything away from the experience of the game.

    All in all, pretty solid game, I recommend trying it as it's not exactly lengthy and can probably unlock all poses in very few hours if not one hour and the content is pretty nice especially for Pixel Art smut enjoyers!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A beautiful game about a young woman who has an idea to save the school baseball team, and goes on to make them the most successful team in the country, bringing them over 50 members, and even taking them to the major leagues. I don't know what the other reviews are talking about saying there's no story.

    Got gangbanged by the entire team, all fully displayed on the jumbotron: 11/10.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a particularly interesting pixel art game. What many of the reviewers see as major issues with the content is something that I, and apparently most of the other people that played this, seem to really enjoy.

    ART: 5/5
    As far as pixel art goes, this has perfectly passable art. What earned this a 5-star for me is the variety of scenes. Every upgrade has a unique scene attached to it, giving the player somewhere in the wheelhouse of 30 scenes to play at will. If I were pressured to write a complaint about the art, it would be that there are no alterations to the MC's costume aside from it being moved to the side or removed. Something like collectible outfits would have set this game above the rest.

    STORY: 3/5
    There isn't really a story, and I prefer it that way for such a simplistic experience as this. You need to recruit players to the baseball team and ensure they and the coach come to practice every day. You do this by getting screwed like a 2x4. I prefer the simpler approach for something as direct-to-smut as this. I don't need long monologues about how the heroine gets corrupted, just let me move from scene to scene.

    GAMEPLAY: 4/5
    The only gameplay present is resource management, if you could call it that. Keep the MC's energy up and she'll keep fucking the whole baseball team. You get money from completing scenes and that money and experience can be spent on buying more scenes or upgrading old ones.

    All in all, this game is a harmless and fun time sink and can be played with only the mouse, and contains a great variety of scenes. That earns it an easy 4/5 for me.
    Likes: ryxp
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    3 stars for idea and pixel art.

    The game lacks soul, the base is nice but there is no progression of character, no emotion, no ending or anything.

    Got everything maxed out, billions of points left with nothing to spend on and day 32, after a few days when you unlock coach sex there is no reason to use anything else unless there are not enough people left to fuck, usually last two guys when maxed out at 50.

    Likes: ob123
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game, you need to grind a little to get everything but its worth it.
    The pixel animations are really good made and the pixel art overall is really good. Though would have loved to see more gangbang stuff
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Very easy sim game.

    Your job as the baseball team manager is to get fucked everyday until you can't stand.

    The art and animation are both top notch for these sorts of games.

    The only real con about this game, is there is no ending. I dunno if I maybe just didn't play long enough, but I got the 4p scene's to level 9, and most others around 5. All in all, it's hard to complain since the animation and game play loop is just so satisfying.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The Manager Serves All [Final] [Okeyutei]
    Simple game, without too many pretensions, but nice.
    Let's say you will basically just have to look, you can't fail in any way.
    Despite this, the game kept me hooked for a few hours to 100% complete it.
    If your goal is simply to see all the animations of the scenes, then it is a very fast game, as the animations do not change with
    increasing the level.
    A very bad thing is that there is no kind of ending, it was really enough a one-second scene where they won / lost the tournament after all this, or where all the members are training or something.
    Such a shame, so the game seems incomplete.
    The lack of dialogue in this game is a positive thing, it is not useful for this type of games. The only thing you need is the intro, nice and that explains quickly, clearly, why the manager has decided
    to behave like this.
    I recommend the game but it's a pity for the lack of an ending and a bad ending to be able to better manage everything to the player.
    Likes: mc247
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Baseball more like Babeball. Babe ball. Babe. Ball. Manger Serves All is a Manger-tycoon type of game where you play as the most important thing in a team the support. You start out with basic cheering to the players to boost moral and high fives until you eventually make your character be in a foursome in order to cheer up the guys. This is a gallery viewer in the end of the day as not much gameplay is involved here but a point based system that leads to more scenes that look very impressive even with some similarities. This just cuts to the chase of a H-game which is the erotica. Its a Quickie.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game. I've played it for 100% and I find this game, as a hilarious and interesting management/clicker game. The is a lot of animations to unlock, and those are very detailed and simply cool. The only think I would change, or rather add is some kind of goal. I mean my goal for it was to unlock all animations and get 50 people, and I had huge fun while achiving this, but the game itselfs doesn't tell you what is the end game goal.

    Anyway, 5/5, very recommended
    Likes: mc247
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    There is no fat on this game. It's simple and straight to the point with just the right amount of grind.

    Honestly, weird that there are so few games of this particular genre, but this is a great game to fill that gap.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of Final version on 5/17/2022]

    A cute time/sex skill management game where you build momentum getting your baseball team's manager to become a complete slut. I think I finished fully sluttifying her in about 20 calendar days, but it could almost certainly be done faster by someone who really wants to try.

    There's no endgame, but the scenes themselves are very well animated, and I can dig a good little corruption game like this. There's no fail-state as far as I could tell, so feel free to take your own pace if you're just in it to get your rocks off.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Depressingly short. There are a lot of options in terms of sex, but the variation between them is pretty small. Which is fair, I suppose, since it's using an animated style, and therefore having as many options as it has already is quite great. Very good, rather fappable. Part of me wished that this game had an actual ending, like you get a team size of 100, and the team wins a championship and the female protag drinks semen out of a trophy after a 100 person gangbang, but that's a little too specific.