As there aren't a lot of review aside for people complaning about the lack of sex'
Here's my quick view on this game, don't forget it's only my personal opinion of it.
- well, the big + of this game, wich I supposed most of the funds went into, is the art. For a game that costs 5 bucks, it got way more than you'd expected if the majority of more expansive game.
- funny to read. I don't know how to say it, but it's the perfect game to show to someone what is "The Mythos" while not scaring him for life with horrideous drawing of weird stuffs. Well, it does have a lot of weird shit, but with the art style it's ingested way easier.
- linked to precedent point: it does a good job at casualing / vulgarizing the Mythos in a everyday society.
- Overal easy to read. This game is here to teach you abour weird stuff and wins at that point.
- well, other than its art, humor and lovecraftian stuff, it doesn't have much:
- game quite short, count less than a few hours to finish it if you take time to talk to everyone at each patrol section.
- the story itself is classic enough. The kind of thing you'd find in any starter sceario for Call of Cthulhy the tabletop rpg.
- might sounds confusing so just to be clear: it's not a "point and click game" as per usual. You follow a straight line from intro to ending with no real power over it. you just have to read, not to think about what to do.
- music can get quite repeatitive when it's on, ambiant music are ok I guess.
- for those that find it important, there's no dubbing at all (I don't mind but some people judge on that so...)
- some people complains about it, but don't forget we're in a school, with students. Of course it's going to looks like a university with student's like people in it. It being the Miskatonic doesn't change that fact.
- it being a kinetic novel, it doesn't have branching story. But it would be like complaining about a side-scrolling game where you can only go in one direction. A novel is still a novel as its source. It doesn't have to have branching story.
And here's my general opiniong: good enough to pass time. You don't have time to find it boring as it's short enough.