VN - Ren'Py - The Necromancer Arises [v0.05b] [Whiteleaf Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    sexy art, love the mother scenes..very big booba.
    it still needs adjustments naturally, but it's a good job, I really like the theme and that's why I'm always here
    9/10 i enjoyed it, only lacking music
    looking forward to future updates
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    God i wanted to love this game so bad. Your family is so damn hot expecally the mom and the older sister. But the necromancer stuff is so damn weird and not well written at all.

    It feels like the game creator wanted to make a fantasy game and a house incest game and just ended up with this weird combination of the two that never works.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The writing, save for some oddities which I assume are translating errors (which there aren't even many of) is really well written. Somehow it approaches generic tropes without feeling too generic itself, and managed to stand out in my mind as memorable.

    There's an overarching plot that the story starts to kick off multiple subplots which is the entire game's content so far. Which as of v 0.04 I would say there's about two hours of content if you read it slowly like a novel.

    In terms of scenes there are only a few compared to some similar games, but that's not really why you should play this game. They're nothing on their own without the writing between the scenes, as they are what makes it stand out. That said, the art in the scenes is consistently phenomenal, just like the character art.

    As of now the game is almost entirely kinetic with only one long lasting choice, and hardly any choices to begin with. Though I prefer this over fake choices without any changes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    So far, so good. I'm a big fan of the dev's other games, although admittedly, mostly for the art and not for the story or characters.

    The worldbuilding of this game is markedly more interesting than their previous games though, so I'm excited to see more.

    This is just a little nitpick, but does anyone else think it's weird that so many characters gush over the MC's "giant" cock and talk about how massive it is and how much it would hurt inside when it's like a perfectly average size? Like the art varies from scene to scene, and sometimes it's bigger, but there are several moments where my irl cock looks bigger than the MC's and the characters are acting like it's a horse cock. Just a weird reoccurring issue where the art doesn't match the dialogue. Maybe size up the cock in the artwork going forward if you want to talk about how big it is.

    But I highly recommend if for nothing but the beautiful 2d art alone. I'm hoping the story keeps going and stays as interesting as it has been
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything that's need. Pussy, anal, nice and simple story. Fucking harem and good looking dude. Everyone is pregnant and who fucking cares. Nice job to the team. Wish you luck with your next games. but please make more MILFS. WE NEED THEM
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The story and the bikini bikinis of mo... landlady are perfect. Too short game but very promising.

    Improving the art of gwen, the half japan girl and skye would make it barely perfect.

    Also, more sluttier outfits for all characters would be paradise (like for mo.. landlady)

    I'll keep my eyes on this game
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Jake the flake

    Still very much early days and not a lot of scenes but I'll be looking for the updates in the future. The 2d art is great and I like the love interests, though the writing could use a bit of work. I listen to a lot of litrpg audiobooks so this is a fun nsfw version of that. I don't think the story here will ever be very deep but the hook is good enough to make it interesting.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.02

    As mentioned in the overview, the game takes a lot of inspiration from Solo Leveling (A relatively popular webnovel/manhwa/anime if the name means nothing to you). It's quite the claim that this game is even more exciting, and after playing this, has to be a joke? This actually took the setting of Solo Leveling and somehow made it incredibly boring. There is nothing "exciting" about this game so far. More than anything, it feels like a subpar imitation.

    Honestly I don't even know where to start. The game creates all these situations that actuality could be interesting... and does fuck all with it. Everything is so quickly glossed over and just lacking in any sort of tension or intrigue. Not great. I can already feel myself cringing at the MC when the game inevitably tries to make him seem like an overpowered badass.

    What did I actually like about this game? That art isn't bad. That's it. In fact, the only reason I'd play this game again is to download a full save and see all of the art for the scenes.

    Maybe my expectations were a bit too high after reading this was based off something I really enjoyed, but this was a let down for me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    maaaaan this game was fucking amazing all through the story part i was thinking about how this is just all gate type manhwas and man i love it

    the art in my opinion is so fucking good i love this vintage feeling art and the girls are really hot
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Looks like whiteleaf studio drop a new banger. The plot is literally every hunting, portals, gate manhwa (solo leveling, etc) but in hentai vn form. Arts look good, everything look solid. Character design could be a bit better (from my taste, I suppose). I hope there's more fantasy clothing and armor later on. Cuz I'll be annoy af if the hunters gone into gates wearing regular ass outfit without any protection.

    Still this is good potential vn, I recommend you to come back and play this game in a few months because this game is still in its early phase.