eh just make the necrophilia optional like every other taboo kink (ie don't like loli content = then don't choose to groom or molest those characters, same deal with family members and incest kinks).
lol bruh... that shit's almost never optional in those games. Most of those sort of games are either pure loli content or are treated as the only "true" LI's.
Dawn of Malice was not abandoned, it was remade into a new game.
Same as Rise of the Outcast hero, it's being remade as "My Demon Family".
We don't abandon games. The only thing that matters is the final product, everything before that can be changed if needed.
Just bc you decide to reuse existing assets doesn't mean it's not abandoned. You're using those assets for a purpose which they were not created for, meaning the product they were initially created for has been abandoned.
"Look at this boat anchor I created. Yes, it started out as a gaming pc, but then I realized it wasn't going to turn out how I wanted it to, so I attached a cable to it. No, this is not what it was intended to be, but this is what we intended it to be... even though we could've just spent $5 at a garage sale instead of $800." That pc was not intended to be a boat anchor. It served my friend as one for a good while, but the sheer stupidity was immeasurable.
The final product may, in fact, be better than what was originally intended. Then again, we'll never know. We've seen it time and time again, a creatives most successful work is the one that they liked the least themselves. We've seen it in games, movies, tv shows... the original creator wants and is given the opportunity to improve the original work. 95% of the time, they end up destroying it. Or the fans get fed up and move on, especially in terms of AVN's, bc it means YEARS of wasted development just to rehash things in a slightly different way. No one benefits. Take your lumps, learn your lessons, move on.
it isnt a few stupid uses it is mostly used in a negative way by most people especially companies
Yes, it's the few bad examples that are the problem and not the thousands of examples you're too stupid to catch that should matter less. It's like raging against automation. Funny enough, automation didn't replace the work force either. It actually increased the median wage for the "same" position and required people from new fields that were not necessary in the past - growing the workforce in many industries. You and those like you will be raging against the Will Smith AI spaghetti meme for the next 20 years, thinking you won some battle, while not being able to realize the games you're playing, the movies and tv shows you're watching, were developed using AI and touched up by humans. That's the background art, that's the cgi, that's the voice acting, the music, EVERYTHING.
There will be things created using AI, that admit to it, that will be destroyed simply for using AI. And there will be those companies who find a way to rebrand their use of AI, who will be able to use it more effective and efficiently, and will destroy everyone else in the same space bc of it. Especially in gaming and CG where there are tools built that have been there for decades at this point that are now being called AI bc the software itself does it rather than requiring the worker trigger it. Back in 2008-2009 a lot of game engines could build a building specific to the intended region, build furniture from resources available in that region, etc with as few as 2-3 key strokes. That process now takes 1 and it's being called AI bc of it.
The things people always said AI would never be capable of replacing are the very first things people were able to make AI replace. Is it perfect? No. Neither is automation. Neither were the humans who have been doing the work before automation or AI. It's a fucking tool. You will either learn to use it for what it is or you will die in a cave, screaming at the clouds and laughing at old AI memes that reinforce your lack of understanding.