RPGM - Completed - The NPC Sex - Free to Fuck All, From Villager Girls to the Demon Queen [v1.0] [mezzo pumpkin]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This is actually a h gallery in a game setting.

    +clean good h contents: h pictures look clean and fappable. each female character has two scenes, which always include vaginal sex and i appreciate it.
    +NPC sex=interesting concept: I think the concept is like an unexplored territory where many interesting ideas can be made like playing the game like a sandbox mode, timestop, skyrim and so on. So, it's refreshing to bring the NPC sex game when there are few games that dare to venture this kind of concept.

    -gameplay is nonexistent: as i said before, this is more of a gallery than an actual game. there's no interesting interactions, no quests, whatsoever. if one brings an interesting concept like NPC sex, then maybe one should think of something that realize and further the idea but they didn't develop any of that and it's a bit disappointing.
    -got tricked in the shop: there's no use in items. then, why add it to the game? because it's NPC genre? it just feels like a sore thumb when clearly the items don't have any use in them. it just adds to the frustration, coming from the void of creativity in this game.

    I'm only giving 3 stars because of clean good images, it's probably 2 without them.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a dead world with nothing really much to do, you could finish exploring it in sub 3 minutes. It was designed that way and it is what it is, however... feels lacking. Some bunch of NPCs with two of H-Scenes for each, no development in any way, one H-Scene is ~2-3 almost identical CGs. NPC are more NPC then real NPC in games. Could be something interesting if there was a plot of some kind, maybe character development for... non-playable characters, it's a good trope. But there was nothing. And hentai was not that good anyway, thus 2/5 - Poor.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I actually really like this game. There's nothing to do besides going around and molesting the NPCs. Some people are complaining about the lack of gameplay and story but I think it works well.

    The whole story is that you are isekai'd to another world and you're surrounded by NPCs that just repeat the same lines. You can go around and molest them and they'll still repeat their lines. So the barebones nature of this game works with the story.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    In terms of NPC fuck games, this is probably the best one on the site. God tier level CGs, 16 characters to play with, all of which (except the dancers) comes with 2 different sex scenes, a gallery mode once you've reached the demon queen, and actual good English translation! My only gripe is the lack of gameplay outside of finding the NPCs and have sex, but I suppose I can't complain too much since this was an amazing game to fap to.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    As barebones as it can get for an RPGM game, but it does deliver what it says on the tin.
    • Extremely short
    • Next to no plot
    • Zero gameplay other than going around and raping girls who can’t consent
    • Zero variety in sound design and music
    • Stock pixel/ overworld graphics
    • You can “finish” (access all the CGs) in less than 30 mins
    Its only saving grace is that its CG Art is godly. Actual god-tier, I’d even argue it’s some of the best hentai games have to offer.

    3/5 from me, would rate it higher if it had more substance. Was a good fap regardless.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Short, proper English, girls look great
    I could only ask for more. There are also a lot of interactable objects, that don't do anything meaningful. Pretty great. Almost all girls have 2 h-scenes but the second one can only accessed through the gallery. Questionable choice but everything else is great
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is as advertised. You are the protagonists and you walk around a village busting nuts in women who can't respond appropriately because they're all NPCs in an isekai. Very short content, the CG is what this game has got going for it and that's about it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very good starting from the character design, map design, CG is also very good.
    But it's a shame this is just an npc fuck no story game.
    I give 5 stars hope that developers make games like this but not npc fuck, I hope games that have stories, goals, characterizations that can make the game feel more alive and fun to play

    DESIGN 10/10

    CG 8/10

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful art. Unironically ruined this type of genre for me due to the fact that no other game really compares. In terms of gameplay there really isn't any but I suppose that's the whole idea. Most games I have little small tweaks I'd like but for this I honestly just want more of it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, it is exactly what it says it is. You go in and pretty much fuck all the NPCs. The art is pretty good I can only say that if you consider that the only thing you do in this game is fuck NPCs which means that there isn't any need to put effort in actual RPG aspects then you could say that this game is clearly to short I believe there is only around 20 CGs in total basically 2 scenes each girl. So while the art is great it only takes 15 minutes to complete I feel like there just could have been more considering the workload must have been pretty tiny comparatively to other games.

    (And, this is assuming the only thing that needed effort was the art. I know how RPGM works so I know that creating the maps wasn't that difficult and everything else looks pretty stock. So the unique thing about this game should be the art.)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. Actually the art- it's more like an interactive slide show rather than a game, one can easily see through all the stuff in 15min.
    But don't let that put you off- just look at the screenshots- it's absolutely gorgeous and if u did like it, I highly highly highly recommend you to give it a try. The dev is also working on a new game so it's good to keep an eye on it too. Anyway, just give it a try- it won't take much of your time anyway.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Rainbow Rabbit

    As far as content goes these are all the same. But this one stands out because how much work went into the art of everything. Most of the others are very simple drawings with not much attention to detail but this one feels like an interactive anime. Very good and I hope many others enjoy it too.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Highest quality npc game of them all, especially involving the art.

    People don't seem to understand that this isn't a plot-focused game at all. As much as it has a linear direction it's goal is only h-scenes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I made a big mistake by playing this one as my first NPC rpg because now all the others look like donkey shit. The art is amazing, two sex scenes for each girl and the only thing that is missing is a sequel. Please, you mustn't think this as a game, but more like a fun way to read a hentai.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    NPC sex is a concept that I'm already a bit tired of, but regardless of the originality of this game, the art alone is more than enough reason to play it.

    The game itself is just a short and fun sandbox for you to fuck random girls while looking at gorgeous art. It didn't try to be more than that and that's a good thing.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd give this 3.5 stars, though that's being very generous.
    + The art is excellent
    + everything about this "game" is very simple

    - There's almost so little here it's almost not a game.
    - the dialogue is irreverent and adds nothing, but at least it's short and can be skipped effortlessly.
    - the whole thing is very short. You can see all the images in the game in less than 15 minutes.
    - The items appear to have no purpose. You can collect them, but they seem to have nothing to do with anything.

    In summary check this out if u want to see some good art. It won't waste your time because it'll take barely any time at all. Lots of potential, but it isn't really a game.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Well Overall this game might be 3 - 3.5 star. Might be 4 star or higher if you are a NPC sex game fan.

    Gameplay and story: There is no gameplay and story. All you need to do is going around, find someone you like and then *insert flapping scene*. So let's focus on CG.

    CG: Really good i must say. This game has about 10 scenes and most of them are quality. Not to mention this game might has one of the best CG (in this genre). Also the map is kinda small so you can find all the NPC easily.

    Time: 10-15 min. Just go around, find a random female NPC and sex. That's it, straight to the point.

    In the end, if you are a fan of emotionless sex, or a fan of NPC Sex games, then this is a really good game. It could be better if there was more but it's fine. Sorry i'm not a fan of this but it was a good experience.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great art and concept. But not that much of a "game".
    I would really love to see a few more puzzles that I could solve by fucking the NPCs or something like that, since the concept has a lot of potential.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Straight to the point. Good art, good fap.
    However, that's it. Expect no gameplay from this.
    Would have given this 1 out of 5, but it had 2 sex scenes for each females
    so, given this 2/5.
    Hope there'll be more creative npc concept games in the future.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    While the Art is Good, I wouldn't consider it the best out of the "genre"(lol).

    It would need some puzzles, secrets, or twists to make it a bit more interesting than just exactly what it says on the tin.