Cheat Mod Ren'Py The Null Hypothesis Cheat Injector [v2.1] [Sleepingkirby]


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Due to the new dynamic outfits feature in the game now. I’m wondering if it might be possible to cap off Love/Trust values to the actual in-game limit (1000) because since I’ve been playing with the mod primarily for the last few versions and have almost 2000 Love/1500 Trust with Rogue, I’ve been getting some weird dynamic outfits that aren’t being checked due to the shame threshold not being an issue since love/trust is so high.

To better explain, in non-mod saves with maxed out love/trust the shame limit is 500 for public outfits and 800 for private outfits, but due to high love/trust values which are intertwined the shame limit I have variations such as this outfit that just randomly appeared due to the higher shame limits, which wouldn’t really happen in the previous versions since the default outfits were always consistent.

View attachment 4174488

I’m not a big fan of the dynamic outfit feature anyway, but I thought it might be something to look into.
Yes, but no. One of the explicit features of the cheat mod is to "remove" the shame limit so you can have them walk around naked. What you're asking for is to remove this feature but to also have this feature, which is contradictory.

Basically, I can do this, but this is an explicit feature of this cheat mod since v1.1. You can't unlimit shame but also limit shame.

  • Fixed/removed extra slash on the windows version where cash is displayed
  • Requested by @leathermax , raised love and trust cap for each season from their previous levels to 99999
    • This allows for shame values to be exceptionally high even at the beginning of the game. Allowing them to be okay in things like taking off their all clothes prior to kissing or even dating them. WARNING: THIS MAY SEQUENCE BREAK THE GAME OR HAVE UNINTENDED EFFECTS.
There are other ways of tackling this. One being lowering the shame limit of things here instead of removing the caps:
define Rogue_Outfit_shame = {
    "bra_exposed": 0,
    "breasts_exposed": 900,
    "back_exposed": 0,
    "belly_exposed": 0,
    "thighs_exposed": 0,
    "underwear_exposed": 0,
    "ass_exposed": 400,
    "pussy_exposed": 1000,
    "anus_exposed": 1000,
    "feet_exposed": 0,

    "bra_visible": 0,
    "breasts_visible": 800,
    "back_visible": 0,
    "belly_visible": 0,
    "thighs_visible": 0,
    "underwear_visible": 0,
    "ass_visible": 200,
    "pussy_visible": 1000,
    "anus_visible": 1000,
    "feet_visible": 0,

    "not_wearing_bra": 200,
    "not_wearing_underwear": 100}
But that'd run into the exact same problem as what you're describing. But also, this would remove a feature that I, personally, wanted, (which, I'm pretty sure has had an influence on the game itself) in that the limits per season are too low and that any love/trust gained past that limit is lost. This is something I've posted about prior to me making this cheat and is one of the main motivators for the existence of this cheat. If you're going to cap a stat per season, you make the season dependent on the stats, not the other way around. (i.e. the seasons advance once you reach a certain stat number, not that the stats are capped until you go past a season.) In fact, in bringing this up, I was shat on by a lot of people, some of are probably happily using my cheats now. By removing this limit, you can mimic this kind of game progression.


Jul 4, 2017
Yes, but no. One of the explicit features of the cheat mod is to "remove" the shame limit so you can have them walk around naked. What you're asking for is to remove this feature but to also have this feature, which is contradictory.

Basically, I can do this, but this is an explicit feature of this cheat mod since v1.1. You can't unlimit shame but also limit shame.

There are other ways of tackling this. One being lowering the shame limit of things here instead of removing the caps:
define Rogue_Outfit_shame = {
    "bra_exposed": 0,
    "breasts_exposed": 900,
    "back_exposed": 0,
    "belly_exposed": 0,
    "thighs_exposed": 0,
    "underwear_exposed": 0,
    "ass_exposed": 400,
    "pussy_exposed": 1000,
    "anus_exposed": 1000,
    "feet_exposed": 0,

    "bra_visible": 0,
    "breasts_visible": 800,
    "back_visible": 0,
    "belly_visible": 0,
    "thighs_visible": 0,
    "underwear_visible": 0,
    "ass_visible": 200,
    "pussy_visible": 1000,
    "anus_visible": 1000,
    "feet_visible": 0,

    "not_wearing_bra": 200,
    "not_wearing_underwear": 100}
But that'd run into the exact same problem as what you're describing. But also, this would remove a feature that I, personally, wanted, (which, I'm pretty sure has had an influence on the game itself) in that the limits per season are too low and that any love/trust gained past that limit is lost. This is something I've posted about prior to me making this cheat and is one of the main motivators for the existence of this cheat. If you're going to cap a stat per season, you make the season dependent on the stats, not the other way around. (i.e. the seasons advance once you reach a certain stat number, not that the stats are capped until you go past a season.) In fact, in bringing this up, I was shat on by a lot of people, some of are probably happily using my cheats now. By removing this limit, you can mimic this kind of game progression.
I understand your reasoning, as I had similar thoughts midway through typing my comment regarding those who may not want any value limit so they can have the girls walk around naked. I just wanted to throw my two cents regarding the issue to see if there is any potential workaround but I guess not regarding this feature.
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Reactions: sleepingkirby


New Member
Apr 26, 2021
bro i get this error constantly, couldn't find why anyone got any idea?:

No backup's found. Safe to progress.
Creating rpatool...
'powershell.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Searching for RPA packages
+ Unpacking "archive.rpa" - 488289356 bytes
E:\Game Libraries\VNs\TheNullHypothesis\lib\py3-windows-x86_64\python.exe: can't open file 'E:\\Game Libraries\\VNs\\TheNullHypothesis\\game\\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Cleaning up temporary files...
Could Not Find E:\Game Libraries\VNs\TheNullHypothesis\game\

Creating cheat...
'powershell.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
E:\Game Libraries\VNs\TheNullHypothesis\lib\py3-windows-x86_64\python.exe: can't open file 'E:\\Game Libraries\\VNs\\TheNullHypothesis\\game\\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Cleaning up temporary files...
Could Not Find E:\Game Libraries\VNs\TheNullHypothesis\game\


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
bro i get this error constantly, couldn't find why anyone got any idea?:

No backup's found. Safe to progress.
Creating rpatool...
'powershell.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Searching for RPA packages
+ Unpacking "archive.rpa" - 488289356 bytes
E:\Game Libraries\VNs\TheNullHypothesis\lib\py3-windows-x86_64\python.exe: can't open file 'E:\\Game Libraries\\VNs\\TheNullHypothesis\\game\\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Cleaning up temporary files...
Could Not Find E:\Game Libraries\VNs\TheNullHypothesis\game\

Creating cheat...
'powershell.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
E:\Game Libraries\VNs\TheNullHypothesis\lib\py3-windows-x86_64\python.exe: can't open file 'E:\\Game Libraries\\VNs\\TheNullHypothesis\\game\\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Cleaning up temporary files...
Could Not Find E:\Game Libraries\VNs\TheNullHypothesis\game\
Powershell isn't enabled or available for some reason.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
but i use powershell on a daily basis htf is that happenin :((((
This is what the .bat is doing for the powershell check:
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM We need powershell for later, make sure it exists
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if not exist "%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" (
    echo    ! Error: Powershell is required, unable to continue.
    echo             This is included in Windows 7, 8, 10. XP/Vista users can
    echo             download it here:
    pause>nul|set/p=.            Press any key to exit...
It is looking in that path for powershell. Is powershell.exe there? Is your SystemRoot environment variable somewhere were powershell doesn't exist?


New Member
Apr 26, 2021
This is what the .bat is doing for the powershell check:
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM We need powershell for later, make sure it exists
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if not exist "%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" (
    echo    ! Error: Powershell is required, unable to continue.
    echo             This is included in Windows 7, 8, 10. XP/Vista users can
    echo             download it here:
    pause>nul|set/p=.            Press any key to exit...
It is looking in that path for powershell. Is powershell.exe there? Is your SystemRoot environment variable somewhere were powershell doesn't exist?
its in the right folder i guess "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0"


New Member
Apr 26, 2021
This is what the .bat is doing for the powershell check:
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM We need powershell for later, make sure it exists
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if not exist "%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" (
    echo    ! Error: Powershell is required, unable to continue.
    echo             This is included in Windows 7, 8, 10. XP/Vista users can
    echo             download it here:
    pause>nul|set/p=.            Press any key to exit...
It is looking in that path for powershell. Is powershell.exe there? Is your SystemRoot environment variable somewhere were powershell doesn't exist?
okey i fixed it i think. i runned echo %path% and saw that powershell was running from somewhere else then so i edited the path... thx for help bro
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Reactions: sleepingkirby


New Member
Jun 10, 2018
No backup's found. Safe to progress.
Creating rpatool...

Searching for RPA packages
+ Unpacking "archive.rpa" - 502834887 bytes
Could not extract file from archive: [Errno 2] the requested file . does not exist in the given Ren'Py archive

Cleaning up temporary files...

Creating cheat...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Acer\Downloads\Games\TheNullHypothesis-0.6b-pc\game\", line 23, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Acer\Downloads\Games\TheNullHypothesis-0.6b-pc\game\", line 10, in main_menu
with open(fn, "r") as file:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './scripts/interface/main_menu.rpy'

Cleaning up temporary files...



No Idea why I can't access the cheat in game after this


New Member
Feb 24, 2019
No backup's found. Safe to progress.
Creating rpatool...

Searching for RPA packages
+ Unpacking "archive.rpa" - 502834887 bytes
Could not extract file from archive: [Errno 2] the requested file . does not exist in the given Ren'Py archive

Cleaning up temporary files...

Creating cheat...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Acer\Downloads\Games\TheNullHypothesis-0.6b-pc\game\", line 23, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Acer\Downloads\Games\TheNullHypothesis-0.6b-pc\game\", line 10, in main_menu
with open(fn, "r") as file:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './scripts/interface/main_menu.rpy'

Cleaning up temporary files...



No Idea why I can't access the cheat in game after this
Did a quick look into the issue. The file structure between 0.6a and 0.6b is different, so it's unable to actually install the mod.

The "interface" folder from 0.6a is renamed to "interfaces" in 0.6b.
Tried removing the "s" so the folder names match. Now it's unable to find a "quick_menu.rpy" which is missing entirely.
The scope is now beyond my paygrade to finagle with, so I'd say that the current cheat mod version isn't compatible with the new game version and to wait for the mod author (or some other charitable soul) to release a new version of the mod.
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Reactions: sleepingkirby


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
In the batch file?
Sadly, no. In the .sh file, you could just edit it directly. In the .bat file, the file that actually edits things are in the .py file, which is base64 encoded because windows. So you'd need to edit the file, base64 encode it, paste that INTO the batch file, then run it.

If you're thinking, "That's stupidly complicated." blame windows. And if you think I'm being dramatic, I'm at work right now and I just spent a week mitigating a windows product that everyone uses to stop it from, essentially, DDOS'ing one of our servers because an user just wanted a report and it doesn't like how we're responding to its API request (and by "how we're responding", I mean succinctly and just once). I've just built an api server with the capability to handle 1000+ request flood (I'm literally stress testing this right now as I'm typing.) just because m$ can't fix their own damn code.
Last edited:
  • Haha
Reactions: Asr127

Sheepy Cloud

Active Member
Apr 22, 2020
Sadly, no. In the .sh file, you could just edit it directly. In the .bat file, the file that actually edits things are in the .py file, which is base64 encoded because windows. So you'd need to edit the file, base64 encode it, paste that INTO the batch file, then run it.

If you're thinking, "That's stupidly complicated." blame windows. And if you think I'm being dramatic, I'm at work right now and I just spent a week mitigating a windows product that everyone uses to stop it from, essentially, DDOS'ing one of our servers because an user just wanted a report and it doesn't like how we're responding to its API request. I've just built an api server with the capability to handle 1000+ request flood (I'm literally stress testing this right now as I'm typing.) just because m$ can't fix their own damn code.
Spaghetti code goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Spaghetti code goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Yeah, no. That's the worse part. It's not even spaghetti code. It's just bad logic. The thing we're coding against, when being sent a reply of "you're hitting this server too many times", responds by sending a ton more requests quicker and at a faster rate. This, so far, only happens with messages like "this server's not available" or "this server's overloaded" and not with messages like "you're at the wrong place". As per microsoft, this is by design and not a bug. And no, they won't change it, fix it or even tell us why this is the logic.

This was intentional. Borderline malicious.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Announcement to all.

Looking at the main thread. 0.6b IS NOT STABLE as per the devs. As such, I will make a fix, but it will ONLY be 0.6b until a stable version is out.

Looks like it is an official public release. But also, looking into the game files, some files were moved around. I'll need to find those files and confirm the code is in the right place.

Edit: Yeah, Ron changed significant amounts of code. We're talking local variables reference/instantiation that runs into variable scope problems on async functions. For those that are going "WTF is he talking about?" that's the simplest explanation I can give without giving a small course on programming and then another lecture about asynchronous code.
Last edited:


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Thanks for the update, hope you can solve it!
Thank you. With that said. I've uploaded the linux version. I'm translating that to windows now. Ronchon changed how orgasm work renamed a good amount of variables, paths, files and/or functions and split some logic off so it'll take some time. I'll update the front pages version and change log once the windows version is up.


Aug 16, 2023
Thank you. With that said. I've uploaded the linux version. I'm translating that to windows now. Ronchon changed how orgasm work renamed a good amount of variables, paths, files and/or functions and split some logic off so it'll take some time. I'll update the front pages version and change log once the windows version is up.
Nice one