
Jul 20, 2020
The damage from radiation poisoning comes from mutated DNA or damaged proteins (prions), which should make caner 10x worse.
Also, healing factors always assume it's only healthy cells that are being created, cancer cells are rapidly dividing cells whose division rate could be compared to a low level healing factor. Anything that accelerates the rate of cell division in healthy cells should have a similar effect on cancer cells.
The thing with DP is that eventually one or other should overtake, he should either be cancer free or die of it after enough time. The real reason is that writers just wanted to make him funny looking for comedic effect, DP is as close as you can get to a toonforce character without it actually being one. The healing factor is just an excuse for being able blow his nuts off for laughs.
Fascinating insight, however might you not get some sort of evolutionary effect whereby, if your healing factor made all cells, good and bad go into overdrive, then you would be almost immediately destroyed by damaging cancer cells, thus that particular mutant line would be cut from the gene pool (no relative of Deadpool :p ), thus making "positive" mutations much more prevalent?
May 5, 2022
Aside from the obligatory mention that comics rarely fully make consistent and logical sense: to my understanding there was a time where it was 'toxic' to Wolverine and other earlier subjects to the Adamantium bonding process due to it being more of a proto adamantium and the bonding process itself.

That being said my knowledge is woefully lacking and until very recently i had nothing more than a cursory interest in most comics. I mostly just drew some influence from some shows and books with superpowers for my own settings.


Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2017
Is the wardrobe not working? I tried saving an outfit, but it did not appear on the upper right. No way to modify existing outfits either?


Oct 30, 2019
stuck on get to know the southern goth belle where i needed to run into her in the danger room to go jogging then over hear her phone call i cant get it to trigger and ive already studied with her


Active Member
Apr 7, 2020
I then decided it wasn't worth it and "I don't want to be on Discord anyway."
I DMed a direct link.

Sadly we can't really offer the nice things we have Discord for on F95. The website already refuses us the ability to use tags for our game and to link stuff in the OP.

except for Kurt
There's a bit where he explains that he does that intentionally to fuck with people.

have you guys given any thought to what extent Magneto can manipulate adamantium within your universe?
Not really but we just assumed completely going off the comics. Might be worth discussing later.

Laura wakes up feeling very ill.
I just had a morning sickness joke pass through my head and it gave me a chuckle.

Null can turn his nullification on or off at will.
Unless it will end in death.

The scene with Rogue probably made his auto defenses stronger.

As an English as a 4rth language person let me offer some advice. Don't try to read it first, skim it then imagine someone actually talking like that.
Most people don't notice it but when we read our brains "autocomplete" a lot of things, people will read part of a word or even part of sentence and the brain assumes the rest; it's why sometimes when people read aloud they will say something that has the same meaning but will be a word or two different than whats written without noticing it.
As the psychology guy... this is 100% true. It's a blessing and a curse.

Watch a bit of the old X-men tv show (you should do it anyway, since it was pretty good).
Once you can hear it in your mind reading it on paper is as easy as formal English.
This is the basis of most of our accent usage but we do have language consultants on board to help us.

Wait, did they really make adamantium toxic
It's been toxic since we got Wolverine's backstory ages ago.

I always imagined it involved pouring or injecting molten metal directly onto the bones.
This was indeed part of the process.

if it became canon after the point in which the game is set, and the creators are willing to ignore canon events that occur later in the storyline, it is possible to just ignore adamantium toxicity. As I mentioned, I never liked the idea anyway.
Our approach to ignoring canon starts with a simple question.

"Was this done for the natural creative process, or did someone come along and fuck it up?"

List of things that we're ignoring.

1. Anything proven to be a corporate mandate.
(Batman not going down on Cat Woman kinda stuff)

2. Things done for the sake of shaking up the status quo more than the rational next step in story telling.

3. Anything that was done for the shock factor alone.
(Like people actually died in the Sentinel attack but we didn't get gratuitous. If a scene calls for severity, we're willing to commit, but if it doesn't then that's just pandering)

4. Retconning rape into people's backstories for little to no reason.

5. Shit like Kitty's love square.

6. Time-traveling clone impregnation.

I believe it is called Apoptosis
It is indeed.

If they add Gambit they'll also be trying to write a Cajun accent along with the others. Being born and raised in the American south myself I've grown used to hearing our speech get completely slaughtered by actors in movies and TV shows giving us Hollywood's poor rendition of our dialects, so I've let their little faux pas with Rogue pass. They're just minor compared to the butchering Hollywood does.
I have a Cajun on hand to proofread our potential future Gambit lines.

With Rogue, I provided the writers with a list of dos and don'ts. As someone who grew up in the South, I can agree that there's no such thing as a "Southern Accent."

The whole "Ah" instead of "I" was kept solely because it's become iconic to her character. While yeah we can blame Hollywood, every voice-acted role has included this pronunciation.

Bonding a metal like adamantium to a skeleton would probably drastically the body's ability to produce blood or plasma.
Yes. Basically anything bone marrow-related is cut off.

I have the same problem with Slavic accents.
We have a multi-lingual Slavic language consultant. He's written a guide to both Russian and Ukraine and will go over our scripts.

We have a Scottish person for Wolfsbane and an Irishman for Banshee and Siryn.

We actually have an entire group chat filled with Germans to work on Kurt now.


Jul 24, 2019
Can't wait until some madman tries to amplify that power to cover the entire globe or something.

Note, this is just a random villain idea I pulled out of my ass. This is not a spoiler for the game. Made you look. :p
Isn't there an arc where the high evolutionary depowers all mutants? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Depends on the substance and the dosage. Arsenic poisoning can kill in less than a day, and toxic dosages are usually expressed in micrograms, not kilograms. Given the extremely toxic nature described for adamantium and that it takes the majority of Logan's healing factor to counter it, we should probably compare it with the worst examples.
A verbose basic bitch AND a buzzkill that overthinks everything, maybe Discord refused your entry to protect us.
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Jul 7, 2017
Fascinating insight, however might you not get some sort of evolutionary effect whereby, if your healing factor made all cells, good and bad go into overdrive, then you would be almost immediately destroyed by damaging cancer cells, thus that particular mutant line would be cut from the gene pool (no relative of Deadpool :p ), thus making "positive" mutations much more prevalent?
Theoretically yes but mutant powers don't seem to have direct heritability like normal human traits and there is a degree of mutual exclusivity. Also, the bulk of mutants we see are first gen, there hasn't been any time for there to be an evolutionary pressure to remove the defectives from the genepool. The only trait selection that occurs is at the time of mutation so it's a sink or swim kind of thing.

Take Cable or Night Crawler for example for example, they only inherited the mutations of one of their parents and not in exactly the same way. The X-gene is a form of rapid response evolution similar to what we see in bacterial colonies just applied to mult-cell eukaryotic organisms. The X-gene is triggered by a combination of cortisol (physiological stress response) combined mental trauma, that means every mutation has a degree of randomness to it as it's targeted at an individual rather than on a tribal/species level.

Though, the real reason is that no one wants to read about a mutant who died of cancer 10 minutes after their x-gene kicked in.
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Jul 7, 2017
A verbose basic bitch AND a buzzkill that overthinks everything, maybe Discord refused your entry to protect us.
Bro, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?

Discussing science fiction comic book biology is completely silly, everyone knows that. Thats why we do it, it's just for fun; no different to talking about what you would do if you won the lottery.
We are trying to apply hard science to a comic book charater in a porn game thread based on a 90's cartoon, if this causing you to get mad you need to take a break from the internet.


Jul 24, 2019
Bro, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?

Discussing science fiction comic book biology is completely silly, everyone knows that. Thats why we do it, it's just for fun; no different to talking about what you would do if you won the lottery.
We are trying to apply hard science to a comic book charater in a porn game thread based on a 90's cartoon, if this causing you to get mad you need to take a break from the internet.
This is on me, I was intending to make a joke about a previous interaction I've had with Augustus but it came out too harsh, my bad.

Take Cable or Night Crawler for example for example, they only inherited the mutations of one of their parents and not in exactly the same way. The X-gene is a form of rapid response evolution similar to what we see in bacterial colonies just applied to mult-cell eukaryotic organisms. The X-gene is triggered by a combination of cortisol (physiological stress response) combined mental trauma, that means every mutation has a degree of randomness to it as it's targeted at an individual rather than on a tribal/species level.
Nightcrawler is a very weird case, while Azazel may no longer be his direct father your logic still applies... with a certain caveat, Azazel is a mutant demon which is why Kurt gets his mutation from birth, so it's a problem to take into consideration. That said, another example could be the Summers brothers, who all have energy conversion powers and are inmune between them (except Vulcan, but he is a very special case).
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Feb 24, 2021
Even oxygen and water are toxic to humans in high enough concentrations.
When you run into the people going on about "EVIL CHEMICALS" (i.e. all chemicals are inherently bad) start talking about the most insidious of silent killers, dihydrogen-monoxide.

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Stuff is everywhere, and inhaling relatively small amounts can kill! People die because of the stuff on a regular basis. It's even destructive when not inhaled: it corrodes metal, erodes rock and concrete, and can even turn into a dangerous solid with relative ease!


Jul 20, 2020
When you run into the people going on about "EVIL CHEMICALS" (i.e. all chemicals are inherently bad) start talking about the most insidious of silent killers, dihydrogen-monoxide.

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Stuff is everywhere, and inhaling relatively small amounts can kill! People die because of the stuff on a regular basis. It's even destructive when not inhaled: it corrodes metal, erodes rock and concrete, and can even turn into a dangerous solid with relative ease!
Personally I would call it Hydrogen Hydroxide. You can also add that it's gaseous form can cause severe burns, and currently factories regularly dump tons into the atmosphere, and no government regulate it. ;)
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Feb 24, 2021
As the Doctor said in The Waters of Mars, "water always wins!"

Personally I would call it Hydrogen Hydroxide
Wikipedia has a list of 12 alternative names including hydorgen hydroxide (HOH), but dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) had a full blown parody/ hoax attached to it, so I went with that one. I personally tend to dihydrogen oxide.

My favourite has to be the April Fools newspaper story reporting DHMO in the city's water pipes, and listing its dangers.
Last edited:
Aug 15, 2017
I think they made Adamantium toxic so when Wolvie had it removed he didn't suffer a huge nerf to his powers for only having bone claws rather than his signature metal ones.
To be honest, that is one of the first thoughts to occur to me when it happened, and it might be the real explanation, but nerds are gonna nerd.
A verbose basic bitch AND a buzzkill that overthinks everything, maybe Discord refused your entry to protect us.
Them's fighting words.
Which is why I prefaced it with "occurs in the bones, joints, ligaments or soft tissue that contacts those". There are tons of reactions that occur in major organs (especially the digestive tract) that could result in a lethal imbalance but the biggest thing I could see when it comes to bones would be something related to T cells given the functions bone marrow serves, since Logan doesn't die from a common cold means that his bones must still be porous or at least not be completely encased (assuming adamatium itself isn't porous) so there is still a fluid exchange of some kind going on. I was just trying to imagine what it might be.
The first thing I think about when I hear bone marrow is the production of red blood sells. As you mentioned, it is also involved in the production of T cells and anything leukocyte derived meaning a direct impact on both the circulatory and immune systems and thus the lymphatic system. Also, hormones regulate everything in the body; therefore any catalytic reaction causing a hormone imbalance could have an impact on any system in the body. For example, if it caused an increase in cortisol levels, it would result in Cushing syndrome.
fair point, unless we know the catalytic effects of adamatium we can't diagnose it... still fun to talk about it though.
*Sigh* You're right, and it isn't like I didn't lay in bed thinking way too much about this because my stupid brain wouldn't shut off.
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I DMed a direct link.
Thank you. I'll look into once my nerd-induced brain mushdom subsides.
There's a bit where he explains that he does that intentionally to fuck with people.
Hence my "properly lampshaded" comment.
Not really but we just assumed completely going off the comics. Might be worth discussing later.
I set you up for a perfect vague response to drive the fans crazy, and you blew it. It was an easy layup, man!

Joking aside, thank you for answering. I can't say it's my favorite meme in the Marvel universe, and I definitely feel it fits into the overused category, but it tends to be one of those things I shrug at and go, "Oh well, it's canon." Of course, I'm a hypocrite; I can be perfectly happy ignoring canon I feel is "bad" or "stupid," but I can also be the pedantic asshole on occasion arguing how the canon I feel is "good" or "important," i.e. that I like, must be included simply due to the fact that it is canon.
I just had a morning sickness joke pass through my head and it gave me a chuckle.
Yeah . . . that was totally intention, since I'm a comedic genius and all.
This is the basis of most of our accent usage but we do have language consultants on board to help us.
I, for one, appreciate the effort. It can be very difficult. At the most basic level, it is extremely easy to fall into stereotypes. It is also difficult to convey things from one language into another where it simply doesn't exist. For example, many Slavic languages have a close mid-vowel that simply doesn't exist in English, and there isn't any good way to represent that phoneme in English. There is also the fact that language is constantly undergoing lexiconic, phonetic, and semantic shifts. In the mid-twentieth century, the use of semi-modals experienced are marked increase in use at the expense of modals. Older characters such as Logan should almost never use semi-modals. Also, try reading an early edition of Sherlock Holmes. You'll find a surprising number of instances of the verb ejaculate in places where later editions have words like shout or exclaim.

Crowd of People: Crying in horror.
Crowd of People: Laughing uncontrollably.
It's been toxic since we got Wolverine's backstory ages ago.
I stand corrected.
Our approach to ignoring canon starts with a simple question.

"Was this done for the natural creative process, or did someone come along and fuck it up?"

List of things that we're ignoring.

1. Anything proven to be a corporate mandate.
(Batman not going down on Cat Woman kinda stuff)

2. Things done for the sake of shaking up the status quo more than the rational next step in story telling.

3. Anything that was done for the shock factor alone.
(Like people actually died in the Sentinel attack but we didn't get gratuitous. If a scene calls for severity, we're willing to commit, but if it doesn't then that's just pandering)

4. Retconning rape into people's backstories for little to no reason.

5. Shit like Kitty's love square.

6. Time-traveling clone impregnation.
Good to know, and that all sounds reasonable.
Bro, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?

Discussing science fiction comic book biology is completely silly, everyone knows that. Thats why we do it, it's just for fun; no different to talking about what you would do if you won the lottery.
We are trying to apply hard science to a comic book charater in a porn game thread based on a 90's cartoon, if this causing you to get mad you need to take a break from the internet.
Sort of an inside joke. Much of my humor is self-deprecating; something Dazzier picked up on pretty quickly and ran with.

Thanks for having my back, though. It's appreciated.
This is on me, I was intending to make a joke about a previous interaction I've had with Augustus but it came out too harsh, my bad.
No harm done. No offense taken. I understand what you were going for.
When you run into the people going on about "EVIL CHEMICALS" (i.e. all chemicals are inherently bad) start talking about the most insidious of silent killers, dihydrogen-monoxide.

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Stuff is everywhere, and inhaling relatively small amounts can kill! People die because of the stuff on a regular basis. It's even destructive when not inhaled: it corrodes metal, erodes rock and concrete, and can even turn into a dangerous solid with relative ease!
Not to mention it's excellent properties of energy retention. The have been multiple documented instances of burns and even explosions caused by this dangerous substance. Many a locomotive or ship has been destroyed as a result.

Okay, last silly scenario my mind created under the influence of recent discussions:

Null enters a dorm to find all three girls gathered together and drinking. Laura is grumpy, complaining about how the drinks taste horrible and wondering if it is some form of hazing ritual she's heard about. An hour later, Laura has lost all inhibitions, has removed the majority of her clothes, is trying to make out with everyone, and is praising alcohol as the best thing ever.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
As the Doctor said in The Waters of Mars, "water always wins!"

Wikipedia has a list of 12 alternative names including hydorgen hydroxide (HOH), but dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) had a full blown parody/ hoax attached to it, so I went with that one. I personally tend to dihydrogen oxide.
what you are referring to is called Zonerism which was due to a science project a student once did where he asked others how dangerous Di-hydrogen Monoxide is


Jul 24, 2019
To be honest, that is one of the first thoughts to occur to me when it happened, and it might be the real explanation, but nerds are gonna nerd.
Funnily enough, it did represent a nerf when he lost it but not for the reasons you might think.

With his healing factor used to working overtime to stop the adamantium, once the metal was gone his regenration was so good it healed his brain... and then kept on healing, basically the healing factor made Logan go back to monke.


Feb 24, 2021
what you are referring to is called Zonerism which was due to a science project a student once did where he asked others how dangerous Di-hydrogen Monoxide is
Nathan Zohner did garner widespread attention for this with his report "How Gullible Are We?" in 1997, but the origins of the entire thing go back further than that, at least 1983 (April Fools article in Durand Express - they called it Dihydrogen Oxide). It is likely even older than that as the chemical terminology is fairly obvious, and chemistry nerds are still nerds. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
Nathan Zohner did garner widespread attention for this with his report "How Gullible Are We?" in 1997, but the origins of the entire thing go back further than that, at least 1983 (April Fools article in Durand Express - they called it Dihydrogen Oxide). It is likely even older than that as the chemical terminology is fairly obvious, and chemistry nerds are still nerds. ;)
ty for telling me that. I forgot his name and honestly was struggling to remember it and I wasn't sure if I spelled that right. but the whole thing about it going further back than that makes sense. there was the whole War of The Worlds radio broadcast back in the day and a lot of people thought it was real
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Jun 18, 2017
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/scripts/mechanics/phone.rpy", line 61, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Texts'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "scripts/mechanics/phone.rpyc", line 60, in script
  File "TheNullHypothesis-0.3d-pc\renpy\", line 823, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
  File "TheNullHypothesis-0.3d-pc\renpy\", line 1178, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/scripts/mechanics/phone.rpy", line 61, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Texts'

Windows-10-10.0.19044 AMD64
The Null Hypothesis 0.3d
Mon Mar 25 14:19:50 2024
Got this the first time Jean texts the MC.
4.60 star(s) 152 Votes