Ren'Py - The Null Hypothesis [v0.5b] [Ron Chon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of if not my favorite game in its area. The art is phenomenal. The story is engaging, persuasive, and makes you consider the consequences of your actions while also allowing you to throw caution to the wind should you choose to. The sheer amount of content and detail is staggering. There is more content in the first release of this game than there is in other completed games. 10/10
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The DREAM X-Men fan game. Ultimate fantasy fulfilment, gorgeous art, incredible presentation. Everything I have ever dreamed of in an X-Men dating sim with such incredible promise and potential. Cannot wait for the full release and cannot contain my excitement. Shaping up to be the greatest game I've ever encountered on this site. <3
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    an unofficial remake to rogue like evolution, but in a more capable engine that takes full advantage of making the game look more polished and shiny. this game is as mentioned, essentially an unofficial Fan remake, and a great one at that. Its incredibly early days with no NSFW elements as of yet. hence the three stars, as theres not yet much to judge, and i dont tend to hand out high marks flimsily.. however, this is definately something ill like to keep my eye on as a player of its direct inspiration..

    i however will say, do things that sets you on your own path too, cool copy the entire game, do what you wish. but make sure to copy how much of the sexual acts you can do, the poses, the actual deeds themselves, from licking, fingering, using toys, fucking etc. but expand and adapt on it. add different customisation features, allow us to choose pube options for characters etc. make sure the animations blow it out of the water too. make this the version folks want to play! also, add different characters, jesus even add male partners too, trans etc, so it gives the player an OPTIONAL choice of chasing who they want. rather than copying everything, copy everything you want, but add more choice, be more open to critique and suggestions, and better yet open up modding so it eases your load and allows the players to directly control what kind of experience they want too.

    open a discord so youre able to directly communicate with your audience, as if you did that youd already have the developer of rogue beat, as theyre none responsive...

    this demo is exactly that, a demo. A VERY VERY long way to go to catch up to rogue like. however, if youre gonna have EVERYTHING content wise in this, and not miss a beat with the sexual options and gameplay options the other one has, and also add better stuff and more stuff too.. then you'll likely get alot of their players coming here instead.. as already writing wise you're further on, its more enjoyable..

    wishlist: have EVERYTHING the other game has, as if you miss even the basics, folks arent gonna choose this over that, in order to succeed this needs to have everything feature and gameplay wise, but BETTER and more expanded upon. Bi sexual content, so id love to have the optional choice of also having male characters, trans characters etc. pube options, cause x-23 definately seems the type to be full on ape hairy, pits, ass, pussy etc.. she doesnt seem like the "imma garden scape and maintain this" type... more sexual options, more characters.. smooth animations with decent SFX. sleeping events, if a character can suck us off or fuck us when we sleep, we should be able to do the same.. and much more.

    summary: this is a very early concept, but if the mentioned above comes to fruition, i can see this being better than the original.. but if you even miss the slight bits and bobs, then youre automatically gonna put yourself against the original and likely lose, as thats further along content wise. but this is on my radar!


    Theres a story!? thats different from rogue like, and sure ive not been paying attention to the story much yet.. however it SEEMS you have the ability to be good or evil, with your choices during key moments, which is interesting to think of where it could lead and branch off into the story progressing, and the general gameplay loop.

    animations: the sex animations REALLY need some work, meaning MOSTLY the recieving character models during things like fingering and penertrative sex.. the details arent there of the hole expanding around your member, instead its a low rez morphing into their body, rather than it interacting with it.. the general partners body reaction details and animations are lacking, and need refined and more details added, as its way below Rogue like for its reactive animations.

    sex: it has a good few options tbh, most of whats in rogue like, and a few extra ones. however it lacks the positions, lay back, missionary and doggy is the only ones. no standing sex, no ontop positions? no options to change specifics of how the animations work during scenes, how they were in rogue like. aka standing sex, *look at me or away*, etc etc. it seems like rogue like evolution has most of the QOL features that are sorley lacking from Null, which sucks. as the sex is more enjoyable on that game, as you feel in total control in your dom based relationships in rogue, and also your sub based relationships where your partner basically uses you, thats nowhere to be seen here. i see the frame work is there in terms of dialogue, but x-23 and jean being the two where you can be the sub, other than dialogue, the sex doesnt reflect that. also, its lacking your partners craving your touch, coming to your room and demanding or pleading for sex, or just taking it from you, or you having the option to be kind and give them their fix, or manipulating them into sexual intercourse to get them their fix. its missing alot of the core elements that made rogue like evolution great, and overall the main arc of the characters abilities fun and relevant, its all missing from Null.

    characters: so far from my playthrough the partners are rogue, jean, x-23.. you have a male character there that has femboy qualities, but is wasted as souly just being a wingman, GIVE US THE OPTION to have him as a partner too, aka something to further diffrentiate you from rogue like, give us BISEXUAL options, trans/futa. or gender bender options as this is clearly an alternate universe, so why not give us options to gender bend the existing cast? aside from that, alot of the vanilla based characters of rogue are missing so far. the character remain true to their personalities from rogue, however due to the lack of the core fundamental gameplay elements missing in Null, they're merely just a gimick, that has no change to the sex side of gameplay, other than dialogue before sex takes place. we need more characters, bonus if giving us gender bended, or just male xmen students to bang too if WE WANT.

    gameplay: the gameplay element is mostly the same, and so is the cycle, however whats different here is not the horrible grind which still exists and has been designed intentionally that way, but in rogue you could alter your save file and enjoy the game, rather than the annoyingly tedious gameplay loop youre stuck in. building relationships in this game is straight forward, with having an easy to access journal, however the grind is repetitive after a while, and makes it boring.. as you often unlock the sex actions before you get to the relationships with the said characters.. so most of the time youll be stuck getting handjobs for an age and a half.. and ontop of that, your partners dont seem to initiate sex with you that much, which makes zero sense as your characters ability is supposed to act almost as an addiction to others once theyve touched you.. however i notice its mostly me doing the chasing or asking.. the grind needs tweaked, or add cheats, or allow us to alter our save files.. add the core missing elements to the gameplay, as it feels like the mc's powers are redundant and has no effect.. im level 5, i should be having them coming to me by now, but im always chasing them, even if its been a week in game time before our last encounter.

    summary: this shows progress, however lacks any unique differences that sets it apart from its inspiration (rogue like evolution), and very much at this present moment feels like a direct RIP off, rather than it being a clone, but with an abundance of fan service in relation to features, characters and systems.. this game plays it way too safely, and seems to be directly on the rails, slowly following rogue likes development, rather than building and expanding upon what makes that game great.. rogue like is still the better game so far, as Null lacks all the charm, and core elements that makes rogue addictive to play.. this game can copy its core fundamentals sure, but the hopes was, that it would do that, but also carve a path different enough to make this stand out as its own unique take, rather than an underwhelmingly under detailed fan remake. i have hope though, providing the dev actually works on the game and improves the animations, character model details, and features.. and adds and expands upon the existing rogue like forumla enough to make this game the better version, or atleast different enough to warrant playing them both, then great. but at this current moment, rogue like is still the better game. this lacks the basic core gameplay elements that made rogue like evolution a fun game to play, and takes away the player control with tailoring their personal experiences through save file alteration, so youre stuck grinding horribly to get access to basic features that was immedietely made available pretty soon into rogues loop.


    its fun, but its nowhere near ready. its got a good ass way to go, however from the limited time this has been available to the public, its added ALOT. but just not enough to drop rogue for this, or play both at the same time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Loving the Art.
    the game play concepts are more developed than the original inspiration.
    everything so far seems to have its own personal touch. Has its own unique art style. So far, the plot has a lot of mystery behind it and is quite intriguing. This has a lot of promise.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.1a review. A solid foundation to build on. If future releases contain this level of quality, TNH will surely become one of most popular games on this site!

    Also, fair warning, before starting the game, make sure you set the volume to low, or you'll be deafened by the opening theme.

    Edit- I played the windows version and haven't encountered any bugs yet, apparently the android version is slightly more buggy.

    Add Cassandra Nova as a secret character you cowards!!!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The team is building something amazing with lots of potencial and it's really clear that everyone is putting a lot of love and care in each corner of the game. From the art, to the music, to the wrtiting, to the system of the game and even the way they have build a community with the fan base, they are making something really special in here
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, is this game promising. The art (characters, ui and backgrounds), the animations, the oc music, the interactions between characters. It has some rough edges (various bugs and crashes, just rolling back and trying again seems to overcome the problem), but keep in mind it is currently a preview so these problems are quite acceptable in my opinion. Can't wait to see this game bloom!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic story teaser! The art style is amazing and really catches your eye. Rogue's outfits look great and add to her character. X-23 is cute and interesting!
    Can't wait for the next release and to have access to the sandbox!
    In short, this game is a lot of fun and definitely worth playing. Don't miss out!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    On 05/09/23, We finally get our first release! May I just say its fantastic. its short of course, but the amount of work and polish that has gone into making the game is honestly beyond all expectations. Great feel, solid dialogue, interesting characters, everything is shining bright right now. I am excited for the next release that will hopefully have more content.

    On 01/23/23, game name changed from Project Redacted 0.3 to Null Hypothesis 0.1, weird name, but no new public playable version yet.

    I will be changing my rating based on additional releases. As of 0.3, 11/25/22 it's essentially unplayable.

    Here's some background information. This game started as a mod for Rogue Like Evolution, which is why there are so many negative reviews stating that this is unoriginal or a ripoff. The main reasons that were circulated as to why the mod needed to exist was because RLE development was moving slow and barely any features were being added over the years.

    However, any modder of that game will plainly attest that the code for RLE is insanely difficult to work with. So, despite attempting to work with RLE for quite a while, the small group of developers decided to create a new game. Now there was some controversy here and the projected ended up failing, but without any evidence it would just end up hearsay, as in 'he said, she said'.

    A little while later this thread appears. The lead 'modder' releasing this game. A standalone remake of Rogue Like Evolution. Featuring new art, ui, mechanics, etcetera.

    As of 0.3, this is still 'unplayable'. It's a proof of concept more than it is a ready product. As of 0.3 there are still a LOT of similarities to RLE which is why you see a lot of responses still saying this is ripoff. The developer so far does have pretty lofty goals on how to change the story and introduce mechanics. That remains to be seen, but I'm excited.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Understandably with some controversial things going on with the bugs and player complaints, the art is where it is at. It might blossom into something better, which we'll see eventually. I might even change my review in time when there's vast improvement.

    Again, if the dev when they say it's unplayable, don't risk it unless you really want to.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Used to be a mod for a Rogue-Like Evolution, now it's a standalone game. For now (november 2022) it's more a tech demo, than a game. If you played the original game, you not gonna find anything new but art and bugs.

    Art is outstanding. It's pure gold. Now it is FLOODED with bugs and CTDs.

    Looks promising. Gonna give it a few months and then check it again
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

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    Looks like the bugs are fixed.
    I like the game as of right now. There are some grinds, but that is all the problem I have with this. Other than that everything else is very good.
    The art is very good. The girls look very sexy and like how each of them are represented.