-sex being a minigame, cuz that means I'm spending more time playing it to win than I'm spending enjoying the scene.
There is an auto feature and the only downside is that you don't get bonus points and maybe an achievement. The girls won't even accuse you of being mid at sex.
It won't be removed as we've already had an unofficial competitive scene grow.
I'm assuming people who thought it was too difficult changed opinions or lost interest but somewhere in the 300s pages there's all kinds of talk about "skill issue."
To make sex more appealing we're commissioning more positions but with less actions.
-touching any of the color sliders causes the game to crash, I assume that's a wip area tho.
Yep. Unfortunately bugged right now.
The only thing I'd really ask of the game would just be "more."
We are adding all of this. If things work out right, you'll be able to hang out with Nightcrawler in Chapter 1. You'll definitely be able to have bro nights with Nightcrawler and Colossus in Chapter 2.
Sorry for stupid questions
I'm codifying that people don't need to apologize for stupid questions as long as they're funny.
Same scene colorized
P.S. Yes, I am committed to this stupid meme.
I'm throwing this in the fanart channel in the discord.
I primarily meant situations like “I’m too lazy to do makeup and put on this stupid costume for a performance, so there will be a hologram on top of my pajamas”
The only character who I know canonically does this is Emma Frost. I have plans of holding our writers at gunpoint for this to be the way Emma realizes her powers don't work on you
IF we get around to featuring her that heavily.