All girls will have equal plot development. There will be post game content for girls who have less screen time.
It's on the to do list.
To an extent. Sex in public places? Sure. That already happens on dates.
Having other people watch you and the girl going at it? No. You got Oni's game for that loveliness.
I... swore we had this. I know we have docs of dialogue referencing it. Hell the docs have dialogue for cumming on socks specifically. I'm sure
sleepingkirby can check the code for it.
Must have been cut for time. Don't worry though, we'll get back to it.
She reappears in the comics my dude. She'll likely reappear here.
I learned long ago to never click on external links you post.
I actually suggested Blue. I forget who but one of the other devs said red and we kept green to round it out.
One of my proposed ideas has been Null turning off his power at the height of a girl's orgasm for a brief moment with fun stuff happening. Storm setting a tree on fire with a lightning bolt is my favorite example.
I read a nice fanfiction that sounded somewhat like this.
For those wondering. I'm still depressed but I'll be getting more active as I get over my grief.