RPGM - Completed - The Orcs Strike Back [Final] [Peperochino]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The Orcs Strike Back [Final] [Peperochino]
    2/5 Thanks solely to the art style. I liked the graphics of the girls, their scenes are promoted too. But the rest of the game is horrible.
    Boring and badly managed fights, bugs, elf that keeps appearing and does not give the opportunity to explore the maps (you can eliminate the encounter with a character in the party), you can only play by destroying the eyes on a reduced screen.
    I honestly recommend using a save editor to improve the stats as the gameplay is just boring, so you can enjoy the scenes that are very beautiful.
    Overall I don't recommend the game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Whenever you play an RPG maker game it is LIKELY to have these issues.

    Combat that doesn't belong.
    Combat that is to difficult for a small reward.
    The map is larger then the story compensates (i.e there is so much open area that does not get used).

    This suffers the second one and it is honestly by far my most hated one. The combat takes to long to get through and you just sit there pounding at the enemy until they die to get really small H-Scene rewards with a really poor story.

    Not worth the effort to play.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Downloaded it, Opened it, 5 minutes later closed it and deleted it. could be a good game if it was 1995. the engine and graphics are terrible. the dialogues were not even understandable. I liked the Idea of the game but everything else I hated.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Fire and Brimstone

    Basic team rpg mechanics, good and responsive environment (I found it very entertaining to be able to set houses on fire when raiding), gameplay is little a bit too grindy for the 3 different cg scenes with the each girl. CG scenes are noting too exciting.

    Overall it is an average 5-6 year old game. Try it if it satisfies your fetishes.