Unity - The Outcast Tribe [v0.1.6] [WegildDev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has potential to be a top seller on steam. If the development continues and more focus on gameplay fun mechanics and little forced story, I could very well enjoy this and would happily pay for it.

    Things I would enjoy a LOT as a Goblin would be cute tribal dancing around fires and seducing mechanics to attempt to attract certain mates, consequences of failing could be getting a unintended mate.
    Activates like gardening while unable to adventure due to pregnancy.
    Cute petty squabbles with other tribeswomen when competing for mates.
    Male tribe members also attempting to attract the main player, failure could result desperation tactic like bonk-head, drag to cave.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Church the Cat

    Fun (albeit currently minimal) gameplay loop, but the 10-15 seconds devoted to the QTE sex scenes while in gameplay are disappointing, hardly enough time for "entertainment". Pregnancy is interesting, even in its early state.

    TLDR Gameplay is okay, but the QTE sex during gameplay is over in a flash.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So far it seems to be on its way to be an excellent game. It's a little on the oven, with many features still missing, but with each update it gets every time a little better. I really hope the game ends up being as good as it can be.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Normally I would give 3 stars, but I give it 4 because the game has a lot of potential. I'll start with the pluses: Nice sex animations, nice pixel art, interesting pregnancy system and that's all I remember about the pluses xD
    Now the minuses:
    - The game is buggy, during my first playthrough the game was so buggy that I could clone items in the chest and use them infinity.

    - The first boss, after being killed, came back to life in a second and killed me, which made the game even more buggy and my character resurrected with zero hearts, and I had to defeat the boss again.

    - Having zero hearts, my character was vulnerable after every hit from the enemy.

    - the mission was probably bugged because after talking about the stone with Fizwiz, I couldn't complete the mission.

    - I found a blockade in one of the caves and when I approached it, Fizwiz said that I would only go through when I found a merchant, but I didn't have a mission to find a merchant, so I couldn't find him anywhere.

    - When we jump on the opponent's head, the character freezes in the jump animation.

    - Enemies may hit us when entering a hut, which interrupts the loading process and either the character enters the hut or not.

    - Spiders have no sex animation so they only kill the character.

    - After dying on the boss, when my character was reborn with zero hearts, all the chests in the game became empty and some of them could not be opened at all, even after loading a save game the bug remained.

    - The character moves too fast.

    - After clicking on the teleportation ball, we can leave the Fizwiz hut and go to sleep, and after sleep, the game will teleport us.

    This is a very early version of the game 0.1.1 so I forgive many bugs :)
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd normally give it 3 stars, but since this is the first version of the game and it's already got all this quality, it's a bit interesting. The game does have a few bugs, obviously, but there aren't that many:
    - When you fall, sometimes the scene may not happen
    - When you fall, you can move after the time is up, but as soon as an enemy touches you, the H-Scene will happen.
    - Sometimes, when you jump, your animation will glitch in the jump animation, but just jump again and it's fixed, pretty ignorable.
    - Sometimes, when you attack the enemy, your character will move forward, and with the game's strangely high speed, it's very easy to fall into traps.

    And with that said, one thing that bothered me a bit is that the speed is VERY HIGH, so you have to keep pressing the buttons quickly to avoid falling into a trap. Apart from that, everything else is very good, the story seems interesting to say the least, the animations are very nice, the art style is very nice too, and so is the music. A solid 4 stars. Excited to see more updates on the game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're an impregnation enjoyer, it's a solid work. While a work in progress, the system is simple, the artstyle is good to look at, and it's a green gal being the one impregnated for a change. The lore isn't half bad either, hopefully we see more of the humans.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Has some bugs as expected for a 0.1 release, however the fluidity of the animations, sprite and art quality are really good. Looking forward how this game evolves. I wish it had more music/audio however in the world and in the inventory/shop (likely planned).

    For the dev, the bugs I experienced are as followed:

    If you die 3x to the tentacles in the 2nd level you get transported to the tutorial level of the game (progress is still kept).

    Jumping to a ladder makes the character sprite stay in the mid air sprite (returns to normal once you jump again).

    If your character faints/dies you can still move it while its laying on the floor.

    Was unable to replicate but after some sexual animations in certain places (mostly beastman shortcut cave) the enemies may fall from the playable area and get stuck inside the walls (able to move inside the walls but unable to return to the playable area).

    After some sexual animations some enemies will get stuck facing and walking in a single direction exclusively and unable to attack.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Giving it 4 stars to even the ratings out. (for now)

    First off, yes, there are a lot of bugs that lock progress and there is barely any content.
    Movement is to quick while the camera does not compensate for it. Very easy to just jump in to a trap.
    However! This is a extremely early stage of the game and a fist release, so crushing it with a one star is not fair. (not yet)

    There are already some positives. The art looks great. Both, drawn and pixel art. The level design is somewhat interesting and the writing is not dog-water.

    I will keep an eye out for it, but so far I will stay optimistic for its future.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Game 's buggy from the start. "E" key is not working when in-game. It works only in menus. Tried to re-install, changed keyboard settings but no solution. You need to press "E" to advance dialogue but since it doesn't work your only option is to press esc->save->back to main menu->continue and that bypasses the dialogue. But you come across a chest very early and since the interact key is "E" you can't open that either. So right now it's basically unplayable.

    Edit: Appearently the bug is resolved. Still think the game has a bit too much dialogue. Main character is cute and game has nice pixel art plus decent animations. Definetely worth a try if you like sidecrollers.