VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Outlaw [v3.0] [Sinccubus]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's short and sweet. Graphics are unique; not my absolute favorite but I like still like the style. I'm a big fan on the interracial black on white content and this game fits the bill. Hard to find games with enough interracial Content. No long grinds either. Maybe just make it longer and add more characters.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v2.0

    Back when v1.0 came out I ignored it knowing what to expect.
    With 2.0 I thought I'd have a laugh and did indeed.
    The description is close to being correct, but really should be "The Bad, The Bad and The Bad".

    Most of it is atrocious like all this dev's previous games.
    Story is simplistic, dialogues are poor, english is abysmal. Clearly translated word for word because any online translator these days can do better.
    Gameplay is non existent and consists of 3 quick press events. Although during the 3rd one, even if you win, you still lose (one of those 'need to lose to see the sex scene' thing I guess).

    A couple of good things though still, so one could say the dev is progressing in the right direction:
    The western setting is a good pick as not many games do it, and the music is well chosen and appropriate.
    The MC is not badly designed although not looking very realistic either.

    All in all, give this a pass. Regardless of whether you are here for the story or the smut, in both cases, there is nothing to see.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Edited for v2.0

    As others say, there's definitely a hint of greatness here, mostly the FMC design, the idea of a revenge story very typical of Westerns (think True Grit) vs a baddie that killed the FMC parents, as well as the setting.

    I understand completely it's a demo, which is why the author basically just wrote 2 choices (lose to Baddie or shoot him), both leading to h-scenes.

    But the grammar is atrocious. The beginning of the game, when the author actually tries to write decently, is not bad. I appreciate the effort in narrating the setting like a book-level amount of details.

    But the rest of the dialog is full of bad grammar, poor construction of sentences, as well as idiotic dialog and outcomes itself. Clearly not a native English speaker, but consumer of American TV given the number of American English phrases.

    I hope the plot structure is fixed (especially with the defeat scenes where FMC gets "OMG BIG COCK" and becomes a retard after her parent's killer fucks her for a few minutes).

    I don't have high hopes for this game given the number of challenges it has to overcome, but it's a decent demo for its rendering and initial set up for plot.

    The author isn't here, but I would support him on Patreon if he has a $1 or $3 option instead of $8 only. :)

    V2 thoughts:
    Similar theme as v1.0. Shallow plot. Poor dialog.

    Very bland writing where characters do things that makes no sense.

    For example, Michelle captures the man that killed her father & raped her mother and locks him up in town. He laughs at her saying "my boys will come rescue me". She makes an illogical decision to go to another town to do an job with knowledge of this threat AND leaving her literal ARCHENEMY with this loser poser sheriff. Even when he was going to be executed the next day. His gang comes to rescue him and kills everyone. *shock pikachu*

    The only reason why this happened is because the author needed it to happen. Because this would not actually happen with a competent and capable person. Like Game of Thrones Season 8. What job could possibly be so important than to see through the execution yourself? Stupid.

    Sex scenes reads like it's from a guy that's either a) never had rough sex or b) never watched real rough sex in porn.

    I am a connoisseur of rough sex to the point that I've read scholarly papers on female rape and rape fantasy. Women (and men) do not behave in such a "big cock OMG!" way in real life.

    When you put anything to a woman's cervix (like they do here), it hurts. It doesn't feel good. When you forcefully enter her vaginally or orally it hurts and there's no pleasure. Fucking a woman harder won't make it feel good, clearly a virgin.

    Especially true if the guy fucking her holes is her literal arch enemy. She'll never feel good during the encounter. She'll never submit. There are instances of women orgasming during rape, but they won't enjoy it and become mentally retarded from it. This game is just the creation of someone with poor skills and poor life experiences.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    + western setting
    + female protag
    + sexy mc with nice tits
    + animations

    - short content
    - no choices
    - only tall trained black guy sex

    quite dissapointed with the outcome at the moment. the girl and the setting idea are nice and all but its VN, i don't get the ntr tag, you can't at least chose who to have sex with, the only guy you can have sex with is tall, trained black guy which nearly dissappears in some shots cause of the dark shadow... meh