VN - Unity - Abandoned - The Overlord Isn't Another Isekai Protagonist, Is He? [v0.5 Alpha] [PinkChinChin]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is in the early stages of its development but it's still very fun and show a ton of promise. The characters are all very interesting and the romances are well written. The setting is very cool, almost a cyberpunk set in hell. The story has been intriguing and the choices all felt meaningful. Looking forward to more.
    Likes: mc247
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This novel looks quite promising. The first thing that catches your eye is the really gorgeous art. The stylistics of this game really make you look at the smallest details. Secondly, the voice acting of the characters. I just fell in love with the way the actors' voices sound. It's stunning. Thirdly, this is a game where you have a choice of who to romance: men or women.
    For me, I chose blue goddess and would love to see more content with her as well as other characters.
    Authors, I want a second chapter. When should I expect it?