2.5/5 Run of the mill debt collecting, scene hunting game with corruption elements. It has the potential to be a decent game, but unfortunately it’s far too short. And whatever potential it does have is half baked and simply absent completely. If you like corruption games, then this is for you, It’s worth a try. If you really like corruption games like I do, you might find yourself less than enthused. At the very least, the gallery is free to open with zero consequences.
The Passion of Sister Cristina Is your bog standard debt collecting game. If you played anything like this before, then you know exactly what the story is and what you need to do. Unfortunately, this game really lacks in content story and most importantly, erotic content. Story in a hentai game is not usually important, but it feels like more of an excuse here than ever before. In fact, I didn’t even look at the intro this time. Gameplay is the same cookie cutter scene hunting stuff, only with a corruption requirement behind several of it. Do lewd stuff to get more lewd stuff. And the corruption itself is half baked, It’s there and it serves Its purpose. But it’s severely lacking and underwhelming in my opinion. I can tell that there are certain situations that could have been expanded upon more. A good example is there’s a soldier who claims that an orc is wandering the outskirts of town, Christina says she needs to warn her little sister. And it doesn’t lead to anything at all, what gives?
Story 1/5 Do I even really need to cover the story? The overview on the first post basically already describes anything that I could and anything past that is easy to figure out on your own. It would be a waste of time to just cover it here. So I’ll just summarize a summary. Stepdad goes missing, that collector man comes in with that holy grail plot device of 1 million G. And Christina must find a way to quickly gain the money in one months time. During which she will absolutely get into raunchy and lewd situations to which townsfolk will conveniently pay for her services. Once you do get that 1 million G, that’s pretty much it. The plot ends. There’s not even a grand showing or anything, daddy comes back and beats up the debt collectors goons and there you go. There’s not even a variation of your corruption level, you get the sudden good ending with no final lewd scene. Really, the bad ending seems to be the more optimal choice here.
Gameplay 1/5 Even for debt collector game standards, this really doesn’t have much to it. You find scenes doing the various odd jobs around the town standard scene hunting shenanigans. As your lewdness progresses so does the money you earn, Christina will eventually level up in corruption by three stages. Stage 0 is shy unwillingness, stage 1 is reluctant embarrassment, and stage 2 is full on slut. Almost every interaction in the town is based on these three levels and the outfit is required. There are smaller scenes out and about that are different between the various outfits, but those are far and few between. There is a second character you can play as, Christina's sister, but she doesn’t really do much. She only has two scenes worth anything and one lolicon pervert who doesn’t even do anything but leer at her. If you do want to play it legitimately, just get your corruption level up to 2 fast and spam the prostitution job.
Art 4/5 For all the games faults and underperformance. The art isn’t bad at all. I dare say it’s actually pretty good in certain scenes. Christina has a hot bod and it definitely shows, and men are faceless and generic. There are quite a bit of unique situations where the art really shines. But this game is also guilty of reusing generic poses in cut in boxes, very noticeable in the nighttime, bar, and hot spring interactions. The different costumes does change with certain minor situations like the cut in boxes and small time events, and these are okay too. Unfortunately, Christina’s sister doesn’t have much in the way of art herself.
Hentai 2/5 It’s there. It’s definitely decent. Is it worth playing through all the game for? I don’t think so. Corruption is name of the game here, and this game does what I hate about many corruption games in that the corruption is sudden, abrupt, and only happens within a certain threshold. I still appreciate it for what it is, but I feel like there's definitely could have been more work behind it. Since major scenes are dependent on what level of corruption Christina is in, you’re going to see a lot of reused poses. With only minimal differences depending on the context and level of corruption. As for the content itself, it’s very tame. Exhibitionism, generic male domination, few instances of prostitution, a minor case of water sports. I’m not even sure if there was a single one scene with anal. Christina’s sister only got two foot job scenes to her name. And that’s pretty much it. Overall, I really think there should have been more, like a lot more with greater variations. At the very least, three more major scenes and more content for the sister. The absolute worst thing about this is the fact that there is no payoff to the corruption. All that slutting you’d have to do to get the 1 million G doesn’t have an effect on the good or bad endings. There is honestly no point to playing the game in earnest if there are no consequences to the corruption if that’s your thing. Do yourself a favor and just go to the gallery immediately.
Translations 4/5 Barring the occasional pronoun mistake from machine translation, it’s perfectly fine, readable and serviceable. The lines written down may be a bit generic, and the dialog of the descending corruption is middling for the most part. With little in the way of story to translate. This high rating doesn’t really mean much in the end. So long as the sex dialog and the menus are readable, that’s all the matters. A very good translation nonetheless.