I was a bit hesitant to give this a try, since I put a lot of time into Mass Effect back when it was new, and was worried this would be some low-effort porn that doesn't capture the feel of it. 100% wrong on my part, this is the real deal. Some shortcomings for sure - 'combat' is kind of extraneous, there's repetition where there doesn't need to be - but on a fan game, nothing even worth losing a 5-star rating. It's hot and horny, but more than that it's obviously made by folks who get Mass Effect and put real effort into making a Mass Effect porn game, not just a porn game with Mass Effect CG models in it. Pour more story and characters in and I could easily get properly invested in this as an RPG, as it is it's still a ton of fun, and I'd highly recommend anyone who likes the sound of Tali getting her inhibitions thoroughly ruined in a fun and very varied series of escapades give this a try.