I've been seeing this game for a while in the forums and never tried it, let's say for "judging a book by its cover", until finally deciding to give it a try and it gave me several great surprises.
The premise is simple, alien humanoid gets lost in a spaceship full of savage aliens, so you won't be involved into a complex drama but you get what you come for. As any story involving aliens, you will, mostly, be put in danger of being attacked by mindless creatures that are bigger and stronger than you and every other human is.
The renders look, and that is why it took me even years to notice the game, pretty old, and that is because of the amount of polygons used in the models, but don't get me wrong, the character design is excellent, since it looks it is designed from zero just for this game and the animations are just mind-blowing, the movements are fluid and rhythmically correct.
The thing I like the most is the idea of the main character recovering from every encounter she has, why? Normally games with a FMC follow the path of corruption, and that falling is proportionally inverse to the cut of the skirt. With 'ThePilgrimage' the corruption is in her words and what she does and what she lets the monsters do to her, but since you see her all the time in her armor, the corruption is less obvious, hence better.
In all accounts, a GREAT game with a beautiful MC (taking in account I'm not that much into the alien/humanoid stuff) , awesome beasts, great animation and most importantly, very professionally made.
Five stars.